Join us in France
Exploring France
In a country like France, where tradition reigns supreme, even a suggestion of change or newness has long been met with skepticism by the locals. This is no longer the case, Lindsay will argue in her podcast. With an assortment of other local experts, Lindsay takes a closer look at the people, places and ideas that are changing the fabric of the storied French capital.
Latest Episode
- This month is my 18th December living in Paris, and as I reflect on that time, I’m struck by how much the city still enchants and surprises me. It might be a buzzy neighborhood, a refurbished historical marvel like Notre Dame, a dining experience, or something more unexpected. Someone in the business of sussing out[...]
- In times of turmoil, we naturally seek sources of calm. And in Paris, perhaps nothing that recenters Parisians more than the Seine. The city’s most iconic waterway has shaped its mythology long before there were tourist boats and selfie-taking travelers. Today, the significance of the Seine is front and center again, thanks to the Olympics[...]
- Did you know that Arabic is the second most spoken language in France? However, the way it is perceived and taught has led many Arabic speakers in France to either abandon the language or not pass it down to their children. It’s this particular experience that the journalist Nabil Wakim sought to investigate in his[...]
- It’s been several months since the President threw us into a mess by calling a snap election and in early September, months overdue, Macron finally named a prime minister. What does his choice mean for the country, and what does it signal to voters who cast their ballots for the left coalition? I speak with[...]
- After enduring nearly a year of pandemic-related isolation and a punishing lack of human touch, author Glynnis MacNicol boarded a plane for Paris in August, 2021 to sublet a friend’s apartment for the month. She was 47 years old and on a mission—100% enjoyment. An exploration of pleasure. Close contact. Her memoir about this time,[...]
- It’s the end of summer holidays, the city is slowly filling up again and that means, novelty is upon us. I associate this time with new restaurant openings, events, and even pop-ups that will carry us to the end of the year. It’s a return to life. One person who is full of life, with[...]
- After years of planning and a solid 7 months of Parisian complaining, the Olympics are here! Over their history, they have put some tourist destinations on the map, attempted to build unity, and accelerated social and infrastructural change in host cities. Of course, not everyone benefits, and the legacy of the Olympics, including the impact[...]
- In the last episode, you heard me talk to Katy Lee about the snap elections in France. Why they happened, what they mean, and what party was predicted to perform well in the first round. Now, the day before the second round and not only has everything we discussed come to pass, but the stakes[...]
- (This episode was recorded on June 14) There's a lot to unpack following President Macron’s decision to dissolve the lower house of parliament and call snap elections for the end of June and there is no one better to dive in with me than journalist and podcaster Katy Lee. We discuss the role of these[...]
- There’s something about leaving Paris, even briefly, and returning that makes all of its idiosyncrasies and charms all the more compelling and obvious. And sometimes, it takes talking with someone who is a particularly keen observer of daily life to highlight these elements even further. Seb Emina, today’s guest, is one such example. The writer[...]
- As much as the Paris food scene has grown increasingly international and casual, fine dining establishments continue to soar. They’ve had to modernize their menus and their approaches to service to stay relevant, but the tasting menu and Michelin-starred experience continues to thrive. However, the way to do that while also opening up the experience[...]
- When it comes to artistic endeavors, Paris shines bright as a historically welcome place to pursue them. The city that gave us the Louvre and some of the finest galleries in the world is full of creative talent or, at the very least, creative inspiration. But how it feels living and working as an artist[...]
- Running a business in Paris is a dream for some, a hardship for others. But for today’s guest, Jane Bertch, it has been a variety of things including life changing. 15 years ago she confounded La Cuisine Paris, a French cooking school that is still going strong. She talks about the journey to Paris and[...]
- There’s nothing like leaving Paris for a short time to reset perspectives. I’ve recently returned from 10 days in New York and the Philadelphia region and I was struck by how worn and behind both destinations felt. Part of that is lingering socio-economic impact of the pandemic, and part of it may be insufficient funds[...]
- Paris has always been a refuge for foreigners. For a lifetime for some, for a chapter of their lives for others. One of my very best friends in Paris was drawn to many of the qualities that I’ve described on the show over the years (and in The New Paris book) and falls into one[...]
- Welcome to the end of 2023! Let's take a look back at the challenging, protest-heavy, crisis-generating year in Paris and beyond, with a few thoughts for 2024. Bonnes fêtes et bonne année! Season 8 will begin in the second half of January. Buy my book: The New Paris Buy my book: The New Parisienne Follow[...]
- Paris has a long legacy not merely as a world capital of culture but as a literary capital. Some of the world’s greatest writers and thinkers have created some of their best work in or about Paris and found homes for it in bookstores, to be sure, but also libraries. Two years ago I interviewed[...]
- It’s the week of thanksgiving and that seems like an appropriate time to bring back an American friend. Amanda Bankert is a previous guest of this show (episode 8!) and the owner and pastry chef behind Boneshaker, the only donut shop in Paris worth your time, money, and sweet tooth. She’s also just released her[...]
- I have been waiting to talk about the new book by today’s guest for years. Actually, since I met him some 7 years ago when he was already hard at work researching it. Jon Bonné has worked as a journalist for three decades and currently serves as the managing editor at RESY. He is, particularly[...]
- If you spend any amount of time on social media, chances are good you’ve come across the very viral videos of today’s guest. Cécilia Jourdan is a language teacher, content creator and entrepreneur who started Hello French in 2020 with an Instagram account that has since become a full blown business. She joins me today[...]
- In the previous episode, you heard from four incredibly smart people invested in both raising awareness and pushing for change when it comes to the fashion industry as a whole. But what practical steps are needed? In this episode, I'm joined again by Aja Barber, Khémäis Ben Lakhdar, and Esha Chhabra to talk about accountability,[...]
- (Special two-part episode!) Every season, all eyes are on the Parisian runways as onlookers try to get a peak at what big and disruptive trends await for the following year. But few know about the history of how this industry came to be, the role of colonialism in its development, and how the industry upholds[...]
- It’s la rentrée! I’m back to my usual home studio and routine which means I’m ready to kick off the fall, and the end of season 7, with some fresh conversations. Let’s kick off September with a friend, entrepreneur and previous guest of this show, Jay Swanson. We’re going to talk about his new project, Paris[...]
- Of all the cuisines that have had a presence in Paris but always deserved to be more prominent, Lebanese cooking ranks high among them. France is home to the largest Lebanese diaspora in Europe so it’s no surprise that key dishes and ingredients are familiar to many diners. But most establishments hew to classics— that[...]
- We are quickly approaching three years since my second book The New Parisienne was released. The year 2020, as you may remember, was not an ideal time to release art into the world. Later that year, we would see that the best thing you could have offered people sheltering at home was food and cookbooks, [...]
- Aside from the last episode of last season, which was more about the President than the World Cup, I’ve almost never talked about sports on this show. And that’s strange given the role it plays in local culture. When I learned about the work of today’s guest, I knew it was time to record a[...]
- Of all the cooking essentials we buy and consume, few are as taken for granted or even misrepresented as extra virgin olive oil. Imagine you’re in France scanning the shelves in your local market for a new bottle. The labels might lead you to believe the oil is 100% French, Italian or Greek but inspect[...]
- If you like art or are even mildly interested in art, Paris has both an abundant and intimidating level of choice. The exact number of museums varies according to how you might define a museum but it’s been estimated that there are over 130 museums in Paris, including marquee destinations and smaller museums that showcase[...]
- The work to live vs live to work ideology was among the earliest characteristics of French life that appealed to me as a student. I didn’t know the extent to which that would bear out until I had lived in Paris for a number of years and discovered it firsthand. For Ajiri Aki, the Nigerian-American[...]
- Much like fashion, Paris is a global reference for design. There are the iconic interiors one might imagine when thinking of Paris but then there are the more sceney or concepty places that seem to have big design firms and big investors behind them. In the last 8 or so years, it feels like every[...]
- The music you’ve just been listening to was performed by today’s guest, Bonnie Brown, a concert pianist and piano instructor who works out of her home in Paris. She joins me to talk about her connection to France, working as a musician, and the places she loves most to listen to music in Paris. PS.[...]
- If you were to walk the streets of Paris today, you’d see about 7,000 tons of garbage piling up on sidewalks. The stench after a week of no garbage collection is, you might say, ungodly. Some residents have seen an uptick in rat socialising. And according to reports, this could go on until at least[...]
- If I think about some of the women that have defined Parisian and French history, I instantly think of Marie Antoinette. The long maligned figure of French royalty and one of many unfortunate symbols of the French Revolution, the former queen has rarely been painted in a positive light. But what if that is an[...]
- If you were to scan a Parisian city block, you’ll land on at least one caviste or wine seller. But while there are a lot of them, they’re not all created equal. Alison Eastaway, an Australian who has lived in Paris for 12 years and today’s guest, saw an opportunity to offer something different. She[...]
- I wasn’t going to publish another episode this year but then the World Cup Final happened, and President Macron went cringe and inspired a whole new conversation I simply had to have before the new year. There’s no better person to discuss Macron with than Rym Momtaz, the former France Correspondent for Politico who spent[...]
- Of all the incredible foods in Paris, which do you think gets consumed the most? If your instincts led you to say pizza you’d be correct. By some estimates, the French as a whole are the world’s second biggest consumers of pizza after the United States. As the capital, Paris is understandably swarming with pizza[...]
- It started with gâteau and continues with, well, more cake. And pastry, and Chocolate! For part two of my focus on sweets, I’m joined once again but an old friend of the show whose first book, Sweet Paris, was released earlier this year. My conversation with Frank Adrian Barron took place in my apartment so[...]
- t’s that time of year: gift giving, baking, holiday planning. Which means it couldn’t hurt to draw your attention to France for some inspiration. This will be a two-part episode all about sweets featuring two authors whose books you absolutely should be picking up for yourself or offering as gifts. To start, I’m joined today[...]
- Turn on the nightly news, listen to the radio, or speak with most Europeans these days and the topic on heavy rotation is the energy crisis. This is partly an outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war as Moscow has suspended natural gas supplies in response to economic sanctions imposed by the West. As reported by Fortune[...]
- One of the incredible aspects of living in Europe is the access to rich bread and baking traditions. They may vary between France, Poland, Germany, and Portugal, let’s say, but what they share is the ongoing movement to protect them. It’s also the theme of the new cookbook by my fellow American friend based in[...]
- 2022 will be forever be etched in my mind as the year travel and tourism rebounded from the pandemic in a massive way. Essentially, since June 1 or whenever the remaining travel restrictions lifted, visitors haven’t stopped trickling into the city. I also know this from experiencing a major uptick in requests for my own[...]
- Since the last episode of this show, I can report two positive things: First, I did indeed spend less time doom scrolling and therefore alleviate much of the anxiety and stress I had been feeling for months. And second, I finished a number of excellent books, many of which you can find on my[...]
- There’s no guest for today’s episode. Instead, I wanted to talk about a topic I was recently asked to write about for Elle magazine in France. And that’s the subject of tipping and tip culture. Given that tourism across France is back in a big way and the French themselves are back to traveling beyond[...]
- I was reared on stand up comedians. Growing up, I was exposed to the greats: George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock. My near religious weeknight ritual with my father was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and being permitted to watch The Chapelle Show even though the subject matter[...]
- I’m back after a little break to visit family in the states and return to Paris just in time to get knocked out with covid for a week. I’m sounding more like myself and ready to record new interviews for the remainder of season 5! So thanks for your patience. To kick things back off,[...]
- This episode was recorded April 25, the day after the conclusion of the 2022 French presidential election. That means, the first day of knowing Macron will continue to govern France after his first term officially ends on May 13. To some, this feels like a bandaid on a gaping wound. To others, a sign that[...]
- Understanding life in France and the foundation on which identity is based, requires an understanding of certain words, themes, and ideas. Words like terroir, laïcité, entrepreneur, and travail, among countless others. Grasping their complexity is not only important to cultural integration but to being able to navigate daily life. It’s also the focus of a[...]
- One of the first English-language journalists in Paris covering women’s issues both in France and abroad that I first connected with online was today’s guest, Megan Clement. Her reporting has appeared in The Guardian, Bloomberg, The Sydney Morning Herald, Al Jazeera, The New Humanitarian and many other publications. She is now editing Impact, a bilingual[...]
- One of my goals with The New Parisienne was to highlight the richness of talent coming from women in and around the capital. There’s tremendous creativity, knowledge, innovation, and inspiration and it’s these women and so many others who fuel my own work and thinking. Rahaf Harfoush, one of the women in the book and[...]
- Running a restaurant in Paris is fraught in the best of times but the last several years have presented additional challenges. Some have closed as a result but I’m happy to report that many of the city’s best independently run establishments spanning street food to fine dining have held on and even grown stronger. I[...]
- With less than three months to the French presidential election, 59 days to the first round to be exact, there are a number of worrying discussions taking place online and in the media that risk distracting from the most pressing issues for French citizens but have taken up considerable airtime. In 2020, that was the[...]
- At the very end of 2021, one of the highlights was getting to meet a whole new batch of readers when I did a book signing for The New Parisienne at the home goods store Landline which I discovered during the lowest moments of Covid. This is in the 11th arrondissement which is an area[...]
- If you’ve followed the news out of France in recent weeks, you know a couple of things. One, France has entered campaign season, with the Presidential election awaiting us in April 2022. Two, among the many disconcerting absurdities in said campaign, we have a far right, antisemitic, misogynistic pundit whose message at his first public[...]
- A recent New York Times story had a lot of us Parisians up in arms. It’s mayhem on rue de Rivoli and streets across Paris, we’re told, as bikes take over and the mayor pursues an ambitious goal of making the city a European cycling capital by 2024. The journalist includes comments such as “it’s[...]
- First, some real talk. I know little to nothing about French cinema but I do know that when the actor Jean-Paul Belmondo died in September, it came as a massive loss to a great many French people. As it happens, talking about Belmondo online, and what little I knew about him, connected me to someone[...]
- Which country has the best healthcare system? It’s a question that is regularly tossed around, particularly as America’s healthcare system looks more and more broken with every passing year. The stories of Americans putting off doctor’s visits due to fees and the fear that a costly ailment will be discovered are so common they seem[...]
- I didn’t grow up with much exposure to Vietnamese cooking so it wasn’t until I arrived in France 15 years ago that I actually discovered the nuances in the cuisine. That’s not all that surprising: France is home to the oldest Vietnamese diaspora, which pre-dated the fall of Saigon. The first waves of Vietnamese immigration[...]
- Making sense of your identity when you live abroad can be a fraught endeavour. For third culture kids, identity is even more complex. My friend and fellow creative who goes simply by the name Pushan, understands this especially well. He’s French, Basque, Indian, and American and has lived even further afield for his work as[...]
- Without question, Paris and the arts go hand in hand. The density of public museums and galeries small and large make Paris one of the most enriching artistic capitals to visit. In recent years, that has expanded to include private collections in shiny, multi-million euro spaces that have the potential to change the French art[...]
- When I think of women in the food media, I instantly think of Victoire Loup, a French-born writer and consultant who goes between Paris and Los Angeles. For a time she was the communication director for Le Fooding and has written for a number of international magazines and newspapers. More recently, she has published two[...]
- It’s been a while since I’ve done a France news update but there are so many pressing issues facing the country now besides Covid that it was time to jump back in. And this time, I’m joined by Yasser Louati, a human rights and civil liberties activist, a community organiser, and political analyst. He also[...]
- Talking to strangers is a part of my job. I interview people for work, most of whom I don’t know personally in advance, but is generally arranged. I know what I’m about to do and so does the person I’ll be speaking with. But approaching strangers on the street to learn bits of their story[...]
- Have you ever found yourself endlessly fascinated by something, to the point of obsession? For me, that’s probably coffee and chocolate but for others deeply passionate about food and the way it is made, that might be bread, cheese, or even wine. Those are the three loves explored by my friend Katie Quinn in her[...]
- Mastering a language is a lifelong endeavour, one that can be complicated by the very fluidity and ever-evolving nature of language itself. Slang and idiomatic expressions change with each generation but require an education all the same. Understanding conversational and street French, for example, is a way into understanding who the French are today and[...]
- What does it take to open and run a restaurant in Paris? What about building a brand that not only reaches a wider audience but that that may be protected from the unexpected and very disruptive obstacles, from protests to health crises? Ali Terry and Isabelle Cote have taken Sunday in Soho from a canteen[...]
- If there’s one thing that springs to mind when it comes to French lifestyle, it’s the importance of farmer’s markets. Few places in the world can claim to rival the multitude of marchés that are both destinations and fixtures of everyday life across France. And for many, they are a source of tremendous inspiration. That[...]
- How important is travel in our lifelong education? For Kévi Donat, founder of Le Paris Noir walking tours, it’s a crucial element to understanding a place, a culture, a past, and a present and above all, builds empathy. He chronicles chronicles the city’s connection to Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States, covering critical themes[...]
- "The Paris Library", the New York Times Bestselling book by novelist Janet Skeslien Charles, is based on the true story of the heroic librarians at The American Library in Paris during WWII who not only kept the library alive but continued making books available to soldiers and Jewish members in hiding. The story follows Odile,[...]
- Many of us can recall moments from childhood when there was nothing more appealing than being anywhere but at home. Someplace more dazzling, someplace where every day life takes on a more special sheen; someplace like Paris. That moment is captured perfectly in Paris by Phone, the new rhyming picture book for kids by today’s[...]
- This is the final episode of this train wreck year. But to recap in a way that goes beyond the specifically wrenching horror of Covid, I’m joined by my friends and regular guests Lauren Collins and Aida Alami. We’re going to chat about some of the OTHER big stories that shaped France in 2020. MENTIONED[...]
- For many people around the world, 2020 has contributed to more than just personal upheaval but a professional uprooting as well. Lost jobs, cancelled opportunities, disrupted projects, and in some cases, it’s the realization that now is as good a time as any to bring about changes. To navigate all that, there are experts like[...]
- Of all the conversations I’ve had on and offline since the show Emily in Paris first aired in October, perhaps my favorite (and least heated) has been the one you’re about to hear with Sutanya Dacres, a friend of the show and the host of the podcast Dinner for One. In this episode, we talk[...]
- On April 15, 2019, the world watched in horror as the Notre Dame cathedral became engulfed in a fiery inferno and the city came dangerously close to losing its 850-year-old treasure. Now, a new documentary called "Saving Notre Dame", airing on the PBS science series NOVA, tells the story of the fire and the race[...]
- Some of my favorite reporting assignments have involved spending time in the Champagne region, getting to know its producers and uncovering the stories behind the bottles. Among the most memorable discoveries over the years has been AR Lenoble, a 4th generation family-run and independent operation that is heavily involved in making the industry more inclusive[...]
- Women and Champagne have a long history together. In fact, If Champagne became shorthand for luxury and celebration, it’s entirely thanks to the business acumen of Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, commonly referred to as “La Veuve (widow) Clicquot.” Not only did she invent the riddling table, but she also turned the small, fledgling business she took[...]
- Cocktails in Paris have evolved radically in the last ten years and certainly rival what you can get in any of the big cocktail hubs, such as New York and London. So it’s only natural that from a more sophisticated scene we would see more sophisticated and inventive concepts emerge. Allison Kave is involved in[...]
- There are a million different reasons people move to Paris. In many cases, the move is meant to be temporary and invariably becomes more permanent. Even more often, the person finds themselves in an entirely different line of work or ends up pursuing a passion project once they’ve settled in. Tanisha Townsend had a radically[...]
- This episode is the first in what I hope to be a monthly series picking up apart one news story impacting France. And each time, I’ll be joined by my two friends Lauren Collins and Aida Alami. Lauren is a reporter for The New Yorker and the author of When in French: Love in a[...]
- Cathleen Clarity, a chef, cookbook author, and culinary teacher, has called Greater Paris home for 30 years and has championed both French and American cuisine through her work. Her daughter, Cécilia, has been living away from the French capital for seven years but returned home to reconnect with Paris and family. One day, she’ll return[...]
- There are many different ways to be an advocate and support causes you believe in. For Liz Warner, an American in Paris, her advocacy goes hand in hand with her passion for running. She’s the founder of Run to Reach, a fundraising campaign that involved running marathons around the world to raise money for women’s[...]
- I’ve been doing a lot of reading this summer and was delighted to discover the work of Sanaë Lemoine, a first-time novelist. Her book, “The Margot Affair”, was an editor’s choice by The New York Times shortly after it was released in June for its “lush, lyrical prose that perfectly captures the heightened emotion and[...]
- I met today's guest 3 years ago this month, in Washington DC. I was in town to give a talk about The New Paris for Pineapple DC, a culinary-centric collective for women; women who work in food and beverage, are passionate about it, or have hopes of working in the industry. That’s where I met[...]
- On July 7, my second book, The New Parisienne, was finally released into the world. I’ve been delighted to participate in a number of virtual talks, including the hour with author Thomas Chatterton Williams as part of The American Library in Paris’s author program. That’s the conversation you’ll discover in this episode-- I hope both[...]
- The last several weeks have felt like a sea change for much of the world. The fight for social and racial justice in America has awakened minds across the world, including in France where antiracist activists are being heard in a new way. What happens in Minneapolis, New York City, Atlanta, and towns big and[...]
- France considers itself the birthplace of human rights and yet many of the country's policies when it comes to the disabled population are severely lacking. This is one of the themes discussed with today's guest, Marina Carlos, a 31 year-old French-Portuguese disability rights' advocate. For the last several years, she's been creating French and English[...]
- Pregnancy is an emotional, physically demanding, and life-changing experience in normal times. In a pandemic? Amplify those feelings. There are more questions than answers and a whole new set of protocols that an expectant mother hadn't anticipated. For Ariane Chang, an artist in Paris, the pandemic hit just as she was reaching the end of her pregnancy. When[...]
- If seven weeks in confinement has illustrated anything, it's just how much collateral damage a pandemic leaves in its wake. the fragile become more fragile. The disenfranchised are pushed down even further. But it isn't only human life that takes a hit. Animals, and in this case I'm referring primarily to domestic animals, are also heavily[...]
- At the end of 2019, the pension reform strikes dealt a nasty blow to businesses in Paris. I reported a story for Fortune magazine about the economic impact for a handful of food and wine establishments, including those run by Josh Fontaine. He is the co-owner of Quixotic Projects, the group that created Candelaria, among[...]
- Today's episode is more of a discussion than a one-sided interview. I'm joined by Jacqueline Ngo Mpii, the founder of Little Africa, a cultural and tourism agency in Paris that connects individuals, companies, and organizations with the best of African spirit in Paris (and beyond). She invited me to discuss the impact of the pandemic[...]
- It's week five of confinement in Paris. I have been reporting stories about the virus and how the lockdown has severely impacted businesses and was slowly thinking about recording the podcast from home (vs in a studio). After a number of listeners reached out saying they'd love to know a little bit about how Paris[...]
- In the time I have run this show and published my book, "The New Paris", specialty coffee has become a far less exotic and unfamiliar commodity in the city and across France. The city's leading coffee roasters have helped that along and continue to demonstrate the importance of transparency in the industry. To talk about[...]
- (Recorded March 12, before Covid-19 confinement) One of the earliest travel aficionados I met in Paris was Anne Ditmeyer. Her design work, her blog aptly called Prêt à Voyager, and her leisure time all revolved around travel and the way it expands our minds and teaches us about other cultures and ways of life. As[...]
- In February 2017, a young entrepreneurial Swede living in Paris took her design business to the next level. Deuxième Studios, a shoe label created by Lina Nordin Gee, brought fun fabrics and silhouettes, quality craftsmanship, and artisanal production to the fashion scene where more and more young talents are emerging online. Lina joins the show[...]
- When I think of the contemporary American writers that have marked the canon of documenting the French experience, I instantly think of David Lebovitz. The prolific author and blogger gave us personal stories about navigating life in Paris, about cooking, about buying and renovating an apartment and now he brings us a primer on drinking,[...]
- The tale of how and why Americans come to settle in Paris is generations deep but it doesn’t stop being compelling. I learned about Jay Swanson, and American from the Pacific Northwest who has lived in Paris a number of years, through his video work. For the better part of three years, he was posting[...]
- Given the troubled nature of this beginning to 2020, I thought it would be a nice idea to start the year by talking about love. L’amour and its multitudes. Specifically, I wanted to talk about "Amour: How the French Talk about Love", the new book by Stefania Rousselle, an award-winning French-American photo journalist and filmmaker[...]
- An update about The New Paris podcast and the forthcoming book from the show's host, Lindsey Tramuta.
- Closing out the third season and the year with a look back on some of the major stories that dominated the newsfeed throughout 2019 in Paris , from the Notre Dame fire to Mayor Hidalgo's war on cars and the pension reform strikes that, at the time of publishing this, have continued for four weeks.[...]
- What does it mean to be a citizen of a given place? How do our origins, beliefs, and race compose our identities? Should they be part of understanding our senses of self at all? This is arguably one of the prevailing issues of our time but one that looks very different in the United States[...]
- Six years ago, I entered a new café that was aiming to do something that, at the time, was unique: to bring together good food AND excellent coffee. I had eagerly anticipated it’s opening and was sure it would become my regular hangout. But very quickly, word got out that this place called Hollybelly was[...]
- It’s been nearly a year since the start of the gilets jaunes or yellow vest movement and when I think back on the moments that will forever remain ingrained in my mind, it’s those of intense violence. Violence not only at the hands of the anarchists who latched on to the social demonstrations but violence[...]
- If anything earns near religious devotion in France it’s bread. And in Paris, the marquee name in artisanal bread making has been Poilâne since 1932. Apollonia Poilâne, my guest today, represents the third generation of her family‘s business, one that revolutionized the role of bread in its beginnings and continues to innovate, remaining a beloved[...]
- What defines the Parisian landscape? The mind instantly goes to a city with its tower, with its Haussmannian uniformity and its wide boulevards. But what really makes Paris, it's true lifeblood, is the Seine river, as much a protagonist in the city's story as its streets or landmarks. That's the conceit of a new book[...]
- There's the New Paris and ten there's Another Paris, a book that could and perhaps should be paired automatically with mine when it comes to looking at the transforming landscape of Paris and Greater Paris. I met the author Nicolas le Goff several years ago when his incredibly clever and timely book was first released[...]
- Is France progressive? What are some of the hot-button issues in France in recent months? Will we ever stop talking about the headscarf? I'm joined by journalist and research fellow Karina Piser of the Institute for Current World Affairs to talk about these and other topics along with her important reporting from her time in[...]
- Among the most pervasive stereotypes about Paris is that it is the capital of love. Watch a few movies and you'd assume that romance and passion abound. I never believed those tropes but I was genuinely surprised to have met the man who became my husband only three days after I arrived in the city.[...]
- When you think about camping out on a café terrace with a drink, chances are you don't think of craft beer. This is a wine country after all, right? The history is a bit more complicated than that. According to the Brewers Association of France, beer consumption has grown about 3% annually each of the[...]
- This episode is a recording from the June 12th panel discussion at The American Library in Paris about French feminism -- what defines it, what are its challenges, how does it differ from the American movement, and where it's heading. I was joined by journalists Rokhaya Diallo, Alice Pfeiffer, and Lauren Collins, who moderated the[...]
- If you’ve been reading the news or simply living as a human on earth, you’re aware of our world’s greatest crisis: the climate. The evidence is undeniable, we’re destroying our planet and not acting fast enough, if In the right ways at all, to slow its demise. Joining me to dig into the climate calamity[...]
- For generations, musicians of all stripes have flocked to Paris to pursue their craft and perform for curious and engaged audiences. Today’s guests have been working in music and performing all over the country (and beyond) for over twelve years and together they form Signing Earth Divine, a 100 member gospel-inspired choir. As a part[...]
- What does safety and security mean in the context of the French state? How does it relate to issues of immigration and national identity? Joining me back on the show is Andrew Aguilar (from episode 24), a PhD candidate in political science at Sciences Po and a fellow at the French Migrations Convergence Institute. On this[...]
- How easy is it, really, to move to France and find work if you’re a foreigner? What about if English is your dominant language and French is a very distant second (or third, or fourth)? France24 journalist Charli James moved to Paris nearly two years ago and has talked at length about navigating life in[...]
- In a time when award-winning chefs are giving up their Michelin stars and more and more diners use their everyday tools like Instagram to plan where to eat, what’s the value of the guidebook? Has Le Fooding’s merger with Michelin impact the direction of lists and rankings? I talk about this with guests Lina Caschetto,[...]
- Welcome to season 3! A block from the studio sits the 25Hours Hotel Terminus Nord, a new property that celebrates the real people who shape the day to day life of the wider Gare du Nord neighborhood. It’s also the latest project for today’s guest — Alex Toledano, co-founder of the art consultancy Visto Images.[...]
- The end of season 2 and, perhaps more importantly, the end of 2018, merits a special discussion. Joining me back in the studio for a chat about some of the events that have defined the year in Paris and France is author and staff writer for The New Yorker, Lauren Collins. We talked about France’s[...]
- #Metoo, body shaming, fatphobia, feminism, PMA, representation. These are among the words, movements and themes that have gone from niche or seldom addressed to the forefront of conversation across nearly all social stratums. In season 1, I invited Lauren Bastide of the feminist podcast La Poudre to discuss the outcome of #MeToo in France and[...]
- It’s 5:30 pm on a Monday evening and that means, it’s time for a drink and a nibble or two. That drink in France would be part of the beloved tradition of l’aperitif or apero as we so commonly refer to it. It’s a shared moment before dinner, usually among friends and with a few[...]
- Ah, Gay Paree. It’s an expression firmly anchored into the collective imagination that speaks to the fin-de-siecle period wherein Paris became known as the capital of pleasure. Today, say Gay Paree and it almost certainly refers to and evokes a more modern understanding. Joining me today to talk about gay culture, history and the continuing[...]
- Think it’s only French food that dominates the dining scene in Paris? You’d be mistaken. And some of the best food is cooked by foreign chefs who came to the city to train, learn, handle some of the world’s highest quality products and give back. Some bring their cultures to the dining landscape while other[...]
- I met today’s guest 3 years ago at a café. He was conducting research on French Islam, I was writing my book on Paris. That café was a source of comfort for both of us after the Nov 13th attacks which killed and injured hundreds. These attacks, carried out by French or other European nationals[...]
- Some 23 million travelers from around the world descended on Paris last year. And if they’re like locals, they know there is more than one way to get around the city. But it is by foot that Paris is best experienced. Today’s guest is author and illustrator Jessie Kanelos Weiner, co-creator of the new book[...]
- For Frenchman David Santori, Paris has largely been a place to visit. For nearly 20 years, he has lived in the United States, returning each year to his hometown only to visit family. What changes in Paris are most obvious to him, I wondered? Is « The New Paris » part of a subtle shift or something[...]
- The literary and artistic ties to Paris run deep. From Hemingway to Stein, Davis to Coates, the city’s appeal is everlasting. Today’s guest continues that legacy. Cody Delistraty, named a young writer of the year by British Vogue, is a cultural critic who talks to Lindsey today about working in Paris, the state of art,[...]
- The latest trend in Paris? Leaving Paris! There’s been an influx of Parisians decamping to the countryside or smaller French cities like Montpellier or Bordeaux. Driven by a desire to return to the land, step away from the frenetic urban pace, lower cost of living or simply explore parts unknown, this exodus is on the[...]
- Baron Haussmann, celebrated as one of the greatest urban planners in European history, is credited with having transformed Paris from an overcrowded, dirty and disease-riddled city in the 1840s to a breathable, walkable city with wide, well-lit avenues, cobbled streets, and ashlar buildings with wrought-iron balconies. But there’s more to the Parisian urban landscape than[...]
- Do you know what's in the food you're ordering at restaurants? Where the meat from the supermarket comes from? How the animals you eat were treated on the farms they were reared on? Do you think about the livelihoods of the food artisans producing the goods you regularly consume? These questions are abiding preoccupations today[...]
- The last time we spoke about innovation in Paris was last year in the run up to the presidential election. Now that Emmanuel Macron has been in office for nine months, we revisit the discussion and look at the state of start-up culture, the creative scene and business development in the capital. Bringing their deep[...]
- Artists of all walks of life are a venerated group in Paris and that is especially true for filmmakers. Based in Paris for the last year, American filmmaker, actor and writer, Dan Sickles joins me to kick off season 2 of The New Paris with a discussion on filmmaking in France, following(or not following) the[...]
- For the finale of season 1 of The New Paris, we're joined by journalist and fellow podcaster Oliver Gee (The Earful Tower) to chat about what drew him to Paris nearly three years ago, what he finds inspiring about the city, and what exactly makes this 'New' Paris so special. Mentioned in this episode: The[...]
- How many times a week do you have a glass of wine? How often do you talk about wine? If you're Parisian, probably quite frequently. For me, it wasn't something I indulged with any regularity until I was researching and writing my book and finally discovered what I enjoyed drinking and knew what sorts of[...]
- Following the Harvey Weinstein allegations, stories of sexual harassment and misconduct have been pouring out and saturating our news feeds, and not only in the United States. On this week’s episode, we’ll be tackling the timely subject of systemic harassment, gender equality and feminism in France with Lauren Bastide, the journalist and feminist podcaster behind[...]
- Paris certainly has no shortage of green spaces, from parks to beautiful squares, but it's only recently that a plant life movement has emerged in the city. To talk about this green and floral boom, Lindsey is joined by Elodie Love, creator of the blog Madame Love, and Judith de Graaf, co-author of the popular[...]
- Coffee in Paris has gone from maligned to revered in a relatively short time but the movement is still taking shape. Joining the discussion today are two individuals contributing to shaping and nurturing the Parisian java scene, Mihaela Jordache, head roaster at Belleville Brûlerie, and Daniel Warburton, co-founder of Honor Café and Neighbours. Mentioned in[...]
- How does language shape or challenge our identities? Lauren Collins, staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of "When in French" (now in paperback!) joins us to discuss linguistics, the French language police, and navigating life in Paris as an Anglophone working to master a second language. Mentioned in this episode: "When in[...]
- How much of our image and understanding of Paris is shaped by what we see in the media? Or even more relevant to a younger generation, how much is shaped by social media? Do locals have a responsibility to present all sides of the city? To discuss the old vs new and the cliché vs[...]
- What does the typical French breakfast look like? Coffee, juice, toast with butter or jam, maybe a soft boiled egg or just a simple croissant are customary. There are sweet mainstays at 4pm too when the French take their goûter (their afternoon snack). But there are more options and perspectives on mealtime in Paris today[...]
- Thomas Abramowiscz and Usha Bora run successful businesses in Paris but only after spending much of their careers on a traditional corporate track, a path that's long been considered highly coveted with security in France. But things are changing and career shifts which were once considered too risky are more common with passion as the[...]
- Paris has long held the title as the fashion capital of the world but a landscape dominated by big brands like Dior and Louis Vuitton has made it tougher for emerging brands. In recent years this has all changed thanks to an influx of young talent, like Glenn Martens of Paris-based brand Y-Project who is[...]
- In this episode, we talk about some of the very physical changes happening in the city, namely a flurry of hotel renovations and openings that have seen the Paris hotel scene step up its game in both design and experience. We welcome designer and interior architect Raphael Navot, the man behind one of city’s most[...]
- What makes Parisian sweets, from pastry to chocolate, so singular? In this episode, Lindsey Tramuta speaks with two self-proclaimed gourmands -- Frank Barron aka Cakeboy Paris and Sharon Heinrich of Paris Chez Sharon -- to find out what they're drawn to, why, and how the industry as a whole has changed in recent years. Episode[...]
- Lindsey talks innovation with digital anthropologist and best-selling author Rahaf Harfoush. Canadian-born and based in Paris for the past five years, Rahaf teaches innovation and emerging business models at Sciences Po and also contributed to The New Paris book. Rahaf talks to Lindsey about the tech hub of Silicon Sentier, in which sectors France is[...]
- As a capital of gastronomy, it’s no surprise that a new and dynamic food scene heralded the first wave of change in Paris in recent years. In this episode, Alice and Lindsey pinpoint the names and addresses that have been at the forefront of this movement. Lindsey also sits down with French food writer and[...]
- An introduction to The New Paris podcast, with writer Lindsey Tramuta and co-host and fellow writer Alice Cavanagh. In this episode we delve into the highs and lows of early expat life in Paris and our experiences as impatient outsiders in a city that took it’s sweet time to reveal itself to be (thankfully) more[...]
- What makes Simone de Beauvoir one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century? In this episode of Join Us in France, titled Simone de Beauvoir: Life, Legacy, and Controversies, host Annie Sargent and guest Elyse Rivin delve into the extraordinary life of this feminist icon, philosopher, and writer. Whether you’ve read her groundbreaking[...]
- Planning a trip to France in 2025? Don’t miss France Logistics for 2025: What Visitors Need to Know. In this episode of Join Us in France, host Annie Sargent and guest Mike August discuss the key changes every traveler should know to navigate France like a pro. Get the podcast ad-free From updated Paris metro fares[...]
- Have you ever wondered what it’s like to experience France for the first time? In An Australian Family's First Time in France, Annie Sargent chats with Suzie Klatt about her family’s unforgettable six-week journey across France and Spain. Suzie, her husband, and their three young children explored iconic destinations, savored French cuisine, and embraced the[...]
- What makes Christmas in France so special? How does a young man's incredible journey from London to Turkey tie into the spirit of giving? In this episode, host Annie Sargent explores the festive traditions of France and shares a conversation with Oscar Newsome Smith, a passionate advocate for rebuilding communities in southern Turkey after the[...]
- Was Marie-Antoinette a spoiled queen or a misunderstood woman caught in extraordinary times? In this episode of Join Us in France, host Annie Sargent and her guest Elyse Rivin explore the life, controversies, and tragic end of one of history’s most iconic figures. Patrons get an ad-free version of this episode. Be like them, click[...]
- What’s it like to road trip through France with older teens? In Adventures in France: A Road Trip with Older Teens, host Annie Sargent chats with guest Emily Whimster, a New Zealander living in Australia, about her 18-day adventure across France and Italy with her partner and two older teens. From breathtaking landscapes to unique[...]
- Exploring Alsace Christmas Markets Have you ever wondered what it’s like to visit the magical Christmas markets of Alsace? In this episode of Join Us in France, host Annie Sargent chats with Eddie Hamalian about his family’s enchanting journey through Strasbourg, Colmar, and the picturesque villages of Alsace. Together, they dive into the heart of[...]
- Have you ever explored Amiens? In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin dive into all the reasons why this northern French city is worth visiting. Titled Explore Amiens: From Gothic Cathedrals to Jules Verne, the episode highlights the best things to see, taste, and experience in this often-overlooked destination. The centerpiece of[...]
- Moving to France: Tips for Navigating French Bureaucracy with Allison Lounes Are you dreaming of a life in France but unsure where to start? In this episode of Join Us in France, Annie Sargent welcomes Allison Lounes, an expert in helping people navigate the complexities of moving to France. Together, they dive into the nitty-gritty[...]
- Have you ever wondered about the stories that linger on historic battlefields? In this episode of Join Us in France, Exploring Vimy Ridge: WWI Remembrance in France, Annie Sargent chats with Felix Wang, a guide at the Canadian National Vimy Ridge Memorial, to dive into the legacy of Vimy Ridge and its lasting significance for[...]
- Have you ever heard of the Auvergne region in France? In Uncovering Auvergne: Top Places to Visit and Local Legends, host Annie Sargent speaks with tour guide Andrew Manns to explore the hidden wonders of this lesser-known region. Auvergne is filled with fascinating landscapes, charming medieval villages, and captivating folklore. Get the podcast ad-free Andrew[...]
- Have you ever considered visiting Bourges? In this episode of Join Us in France, titled "Exploring Bourges: A Hidden French Gem," Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin take you on a deep dive into this lesser-known but fascinating town in central France. They discuss Bourges' rich medieval history, including its role during the Hundred Years' War,[...]
- Are you curious about discovering hidden treasures in France? In this episode of Join Us in France, titled Hidden Gems of the Loire Valley, host Annie Sargent chats with guest Paul Gulesserian to explore some of the lesser-known châteaux and picturesque villages in this beautiful region. Get the podcast ad-free Paul, a proud Francophile and[...]
- The French Explorer Who Founded Detroit: Lamothe Cadillac Did you know the founder of Detroit came from a small village in southwest France? In this episode, host Annie Sargent and guest Kim Loftus dive into the life of Antoine Laumet, better known as Lamothe Cadillac. He’s the man who established Detroit and left a lasting[...]
- Ever wondered what it’s like to live in a small French village? In this episode, host Annie Sargent chats with Steve Hoffman, author of A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France. Steve shares the story of how his American family moved to a tiny winemaking village in the Languedoc region,[...]
- Have you ever heard of a postman who built his own palace? In this episode, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin dive into the incredible story of Ferdinand Cheval, a humble rural postman from France who dedicated 33 years of his life to constructing the extraordinary Palais Idéal. Located in the village of Hauterives in the[...]
- Planning a mother-daughter trip? Join host Annie Sargent as she chats with Sandy and Melissa Fabry about their unforgettable journey through Lyon and Provence. In this episode, Sandy and Melissa share their experience of traveling together, highlighting the joys and surprises of exploring new destinations as a family. Get the podcast ad-free From the bustling[...]
- Discovering Angers Have you ever wondered what makes Angers such a great day trip from Paris? In this episode of Join Us in France, host Annie Sargent is joined by Patricia Perry and Jennifer Gruenke to share their experiences exploring the charming city of Angers. Get the podcast ad-free Patricia planned the trip, and together,[...]
- Ever dreamt of buying a home in the South of France? In this episode, we chat with Brian Tolleson, who shares his exciting journey of purchasing and renovating a charming house in Valbonne, a picturesque village in the French Riviera. Brian offers plenty of useful tips about navigating the French real estate process, working with[...]
- Ever thought of spending a weekend in Marseille but not sure where to start? This episode is your perfect guide! Join Elyse Rivin and me, Annie Sargent, as we dive into a fun and insightful conversation about Elyse's recent weekend adventure in Marseille. Whether you've been hesitant to visit Marseille due to its reputation or[...]
- Are you planning a gastronomic adventure in France? In this episode, I chat with Jennifer and Emma Jerzyk, who share their delightful mother-daughter trip through the Rhône Valley. They offer detailed tips on wine tasting, visiting Michelin-starred restaurants, and enjoying the local cuisine. Get the podcast ad-free Whether you're a foodie or a wine connoisseur,[...]
- Ever wondered what it’s like to be a volunteer at the Olympics? In this episode, we dive deep into the Paris 2024 Olympics through the eyes of Patricia Perry, a volunteer who experienced it all firsthand. Patricia shares her journey, from the extensive application process to the unique challenges and joys of working at one[...]
- Looking for the perfect place to settle in France? Join Susan Hays as she shares her journey to finding the ideal home in the Charente Maritime. From bustling markets in Saintes to the peaceful riverside of Port d'Envaux, explore charming towns, essential tips for buying property, and what makes this region special. Whether you're dreaming[...]
- What happens when you take your kids to Paris and Nice? In Episode 505, join Annie Sargent as she chats with Julie Coussens about her family's spring break adventure in France. Get the podcast ad-free Julie shares delightful anecdotes about visiting the Palais Garnier for a ballet performance, exploring the stunning streets of Montmartre, and[...]
- Are you ready to uncover the hidden gems of the Aveyron? In this episode, Annie and Elyse dive deep into the captivating history and attractions of the Aveyron department. Get the podcast ad-free Learn about the mysterious Pénitents and their strange processions in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, the legendary Knights Templar, and the pilgrims walking the Camino in[...]
- Ever wondered what it's like navigating French roads? Join us in this episode as Matthew Gamache returns to share his extensive experience driving in France. From the differences between French and North American roads to renting cars, understanding speed limits, and the essentials of parking, Matthew covers it all. Whether you're planning a road trip[...]
- Curious about moving to France? In this episode of "Join Us in France," Ignacio Martinez shares his inspiring journey from Argentina to France. Discover his experiences of cultural integration, finding love, and becoming a French citizen. Learn about the challenges and rewards of starting a new life in a different country. Perfect for anyone dreaming[...]
- Ever wondered what it's like to explore Paris for the first time? Join us in this episode of Join Us in France as Annie Sargent chats with first-time visitor Kami Turner about her unforgettable trip to the City of Light and Lyon. Get the podcast ad-free Kami and her husband embarked on their adventure in[...]
- Join us in this special episode as we celebrate the 500th installment of the "Join Us in France" travel podcast! Annie and Elyse reflect on their journey from the very first episode to this significant milestone, sharing their favorite moments and the evolution of the podcast. They also dive into a fun and insightful discussion[...]
- Have you ever wondered what it’s like to navigate Paris with family members spanning different generations? In this episode of "Join Us in France," titled "Navigating Paris: Multi-Generational Adventures and Challenges," Paula Barnes shares her candid and insightful experiences from a six-day trip to Paris with her diverse family. With her 15-year-old son, her 76-year-old[...]
- Have you ever dreamed of immersing yourself in the heart of France with fellow francophiles? In this episode of Join Us in France, titled "Toulouse Bootcamp 2024: Francophile Adventures and Insights," host Annie Sargent takes listeners on a journey through the experiences and stories of participants from the 2024 bootcamp. This special episode features personal[...]
- What makes off-season travel in Provence and the Côte d'Azur so special? Join us in this episode as we chat with a passionate traveler who recently explored these beautiful regions of France during February. Discover the charm of visiting popular destinations like Nice, Carcassonne, Avignon, Arles, Orange, and Nîmes without the usual crowds. Our guest[...]
- Are you ready to uncover the hidden gems of northeast France? In this episode, Annie Sargent interviews Ken Ives about his captivating journey through La Côte d'Opale and beyond. Explore the wild coastal beauty of Cap Blanc-Nez and Cap Gris-Nez, and delve into the rich historical sites of Amiens and Rouen. Get the podcast ads-free[...]
- Ever wondered what it's like to take an epic French road trip with a dog? In this episode, join us as Richard Miller shares his anniversary journey through France, visiting hidden gems and famous spots with their beloved Yorkie, Pocket. Discover the charm of Metz, Strasbourg, Amboise, Avignon, Arles, Nîmes, Saint Tropez, Cannes, Nice, Carcassonne,[...]
- In this episode of the Join Us in France podcast, hosts Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin explore the Tarn department in Southwest France, highlighting its rich cultural and natural attractions. They discuss the region's stunning red brick architecture, medieval villages, and notable cities such as Albi, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The episode delves into[...]
- Join us on "Family, Fun, and France with Talin Janjik," a delightful episode that follows Talin and host Annie Sargent on a captivating journey from Los Angeles, through the historic landscapes of Armenia and Italy, and into the heart of France. Discover the charm of Paris beyond the usual tourist paths as Talin shares insights[...]
- Dive into the captivating contrasts of Provence with Joseph O'Reilly in our latest episode, "Two Faces of Provence: Art and Pizza!" Have you ever wondered how the serene landscapes of Southern France inspire both art and cuisine? Join Joseph and his wife Marybeth as they uncover the artistic soul and culinary heart of Provence. Get[...]
- In this episode of Join Us in France, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin delve deep into the life and musical journey of Maurice Ravel, one of France’s most celebrated composers. Known for his lush orchestrations and exquisite compositions like Boléro and the Piano Concerto in G Major, Ravel’s work blends technical mastery with rich cultural influences.[...]
- Join us on "Exploring the Charentes-Maritimes," where host Annie and her sister-in-law, Katy, recount their recent adventure exploring the Charente-Maritimes along France's Atlantic coast. From the artistic allure of Cordes sur Ciel to the vibrant scenes of Bordeaux and the serene beaches of Arcachon, this episode dives deep into the diverse experiences and perspectives that[...]
- Ever wondered what solo travel in France could teach you? Join host Annie Sargent and guest Joel Joslin in episode 489 of Join Us in France, as they explore the charms and challenges of a 21-day journey from Paris to Nice. What unique flavors will Joel discover? How does solo travel change his perspective on[...]
- Embark on a captivating journey to the heart of the French Pyrenees with this episode of Join Us in France, dedicated to the enchanting region of Ariège. Between serene plains and majestic mountains, the Ariège emerges as a hidden gem, rich in history, natural beauty, and culinary delights. Discover the stories etched into its landscape,[...]
- Ever wondered what it's like to cycle through the heart of France's wine country, surrounded by stunning vineyards and charming villages? Want to know how to plan the perfect self-guided bike tour in one of the most picturesque regions of France? Ready to discover the secret spots and local delights that only a bike can[...]
- Explore the extraordinary life of Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun, the celebrated 18th-century artist known for her portraits of Marie Antoinette and European aristocracy. This episode delves into her rise to fame, her survival through the French Revolution, and her enduring legacy in art history. Join us as we uncover the story of a woman whose[...]
- In this episode, Regina recounts her captivating month-long exploration of France's hidden treasures in Aveyron, Dordogne, and the Basque Country. Joined initially by her sister and later by her partner, they embarked on an adventure through some of France's most scenic landscapes, medieval towns, and illustrious caves. Regina shares the invaluable insights gained from an[...]
- In this episode Annie and Elyse take listeners on an immersive journey through one of France's most picturesque and historically rich regions. The Lot, known for its breathtaking landscapes, ancient villages, and exquisite culinary heritage, offers a deep dive into the heart of French culture and history. We start in Cahors, the Lot's largest city,[...]
- In this pivotal episode of Join Us in France, we engage with Patria Perry to bring listeners an indispensable guide on preparing for the Paris 2024 Olympics. With the summer's excitement building up, we delve into practical advice and insider tips to navigate the bustling streets of Paris, ensuring a seamless experience whether you're attending[...]
- In this episode of the Join Us in France travel podcast, we journey with Mike on his solo adventure through the enchanting streets of Paris. Over five action-packed days, Mike immerses himself in the iconic beauty and historical depth of the City of Light. From the towering majesty of the Eiffel Tower to the intricate[...]
- In this episode, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin delve into the extraordinary life of Simone Veil, a monumental figure in French politics and a stalwart advocate for women's rights. From her harrowing experiences as a Holocaust survivor to her pivotal role in shaping modern French history and the European Union, Veil's story is one of[...]
- Step into the captivating world of the Sentier Cathare with our latest podcast episode, where history's echoes meet the thrill of adventure. Join us as Annie Sargent journeys with Christian Chauret through the breathtaking landscapes of Southern France. This episode is not just a travelogue; it's an invitation to explore the depths of human resilience[...]
- 10 Years and 1000 Destinations marks a significant milestone for the Join Us in France podcast, celebrating a decade of adventures, stories, and explorations into the heart of French culture, history, and landscapes. In this anniversary episode, hosts Annie and Elyse reflect on their journey from their initial meeting to building a platform that shares[...]
- In the latest episode of our podcast, join Annie Sargent and photographer Gregg Rutter as they embark on a picturesque journey through Paris. Titled "Flâneur and Photographer," this episode delves into Gregg's experiences and discoveries in the city, offering a unique perspective on Parisian life and culture. Gregg's adventure starts at the Citadines Saint-Germain-des-Près, a[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin delve into the heart of Provence as they share their personal favorite villages in the Lubéron. Having explored this enchanting region in 2022 and 2023, they bring a fresh and insightful perspective to some of Provence's most captivating destinations. Provence is overflowing with incredible[...]
- In "Eating Vegan in the Land of Baguettes and Brie," Dvora shares her 8-day vegan journey in Paris. She discusses overcoming challenges with Velib' bikes, vegan dining experiences, and a trip to Giverny. The episode offers valuable insights for vegans traveling in Paris, highlighting various vegan-friendly restaurants and practical tips. It's a comprehensive guide for[...]
- In this episode Join Us in France, Annie and Elyse embark on a remarkable journey through the Gers region in France, uncovering its hidden charms and age-old allure. And how about delicious gastronomy? It's all here! Our adventure begins at the serene Abbaye de Flaran, a historic Cistercian abbey now serving as an art museum,[...]
- In this episode of Join Us in France, Susan and Ron Crump detail their long distance cycling trip from Amsterdam to Rochefort. They discuss practical aspects like shipping bikes to Europe, navigating different terrains, and choosing accommodations. The episode offers insights into the challenges they faced, including safety on shared roads and unexpected weather. It's[...]
- Dive into the magic of French Christmas with Père Noël & the Wooden Shoes. Uncover the heartwarming legend of a cobbler's gift to Père Noël and explore the delightful tradition of the 13 desserts of Provence. Experience the charm and warmth of France's festive customs in this special Christmas Eve episode. Listen now for a[...]
- Embark on a journey with Planning the Perfect Multi-Family French Vacation! Join four families as they explore the charming streets of Lille, the historic beaches of Deauville, and the sun-drenched vineyards of Provence. Discover how they navigated group dynamics, chose the right accommodations, and created unforgettable memories. From mastering travel logistics to choosing leisurely lunches[...]
- Dive into the enchanting world of French travel with "The Road Less Traveled in France." This episode takes you beyond the typical tourist spots, uncovering France's hidden gems. From the challenges of electric car travel and the grandeur of castle living to the lively 14th July festivities in Paris, experience France in a new light.[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Renee Bogue delve into the practicalities and joys of train travel in France. Despite facing challenges like train strikes, Renee and her husband demonstrate that effective planning can ensure a smooth journey. The couple shares their adventures on four coastal walks along the French Riviera, highlighting[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin chat about contemporary french novels they enjoyed in the last few years. Interested in joining the 2024 Bootcamp? Here are the details! Contemporary French Novels: Reliving the Joys of France Through Literature For many travelers who have experienced the allure of France, reading books[...]
- In our latest podcast episode, we dive into the sun-soaked adventures of a family's beach hopping journey along the captivating French Riviera. From the scorching heat of Arizona to the azure waters of the Mediterranean, this episode is a vivid diary of their month-long escapade, blending the charms of quaint coastal towns with the allure[...]
- Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin delve into the captivating world of the Musée des Arts Forains in Paris, a treasure trove of fairground history and carnival artifacts. This episode traces the evolution of French fairs from the Middle Ages to modern times. Originating in the 900s in Northern France, especially Champagne, these fairs were essential[...]
- Join us on a romantic journey as we explore a newlywed couple's honeymoon on the French Riviera during the Cannes Series Film Festival. From the sandy beaches of Cannes to the charming streets of Nice, discover their luxurious stays, cultural experiences, and serene moments. Perfect inspiration for planning your own romantic getaway. Table of Contents[...]
- In this episode of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin guide you through the picturesque landscapes of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence and the ancient ruins of Glanum. Located in the heart of Provence, Saint-Rémy is not just another charming town; it's a place deeply rooted in history and culture. Known as the[...]
- In this episode, seasoned travelers Robin and Raymond take listeners on an exhilarating journey through the French Alps. With Robin's expertise as a middle school French teacher and Raymond's multiple visits to the area, they share invaluable tips for a 10-day trip that promises adventure and culture. Starting with a heart-pounding paragliding experience off Le[...]
- Welcome to a new episode with Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin that takes you back to 17th-century France, a time of kings, queens, and legendary Musketeers. Today, we delve into the life of Charles de Batz de Castelmore, better known as D'Artagnan, the real-life inspiration behind Alexandre Dumas' "The Three Musketeers." Explore D'Artagnan's incredible journey[...]
- In this trip report, Annie Sargent is joined by Matthew Gamache, a seasoned traveler to France who began exploring the country with his daughters when they were young—now they're teenagers. The focus of their recent journey was medieval France with teens, featuring visits to several iconic Medieval Cathedrals, the Cluny Museum in Paris that specializes[...]
- In this episode, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin explore the history and sites of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris. They discuss its various locations, historical significance, and treasures, from ancient manuscripts to modern collections. Book worms will love to visit these beautiful repositories of learning and French culture in the heart of Paris![...]
- Get ready to shift gears and accelerate into one of the most iconic sporting events in the world—the Monaco Grand Prix! Our latest episode, Grand Prix de Monaco Trip Report is a must-listen for anyone planning to experience this high-octane spectacle. We're pulling back the curtain on the Monaco Grand Prix, offering you an insider's[...]
- Discover the remarkable story of Jean Moulin, a beacon of hope during France's tumultuous WWII era. Dive deep into his life, from his early influences in Béziers to his unwavering stand against Nazi occupation. As the youngest Préfet in France and the head of the Resistance under De Gaulle, Moulin's legacy is a testament to[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a trip report with Christopher Tipper about attending the 24 hours of Le Mans. The first half of the episode is a chat with Christopher about what he's planning to do, and the second half is execution phase. Did the event live up to Christopher's expectations? Were there any unexpected[...]
- In today's podcast episode, Elyse Rivin takes listeners on a journey through the Jewish history of France, visiting key sites from Paris to Provence. The podcast highlights the cultural contributions and challenges faced by Jewish communities, from Roman times to the modern day. Synagogues like the one in Carpentras, operating since 1367, and museums like[...]
- The topic of today's episode of the podcast is Surviving Paris for Newbies. My guest today, Erin Tridle, wrote a Guide to Paris that contains a lot of savvy advice for people who are visiting France for the first time. We discuss a few of these tips on this episode, you can read all of[...]
- In this journey through the literary landscape of France, we venture into iconic independent bookstores, stroll through charming book villages, and feel the lively atmosphere of France's renowned book festivals. We also **delve** into the spirited debate on reading versus listening to books—a topic that resonates with book lovers worldwide. It's clear that in France,[...]
- Today's trip report is about the adventures of a solo woman in Marseille. This woman is called Eva Jorgensen and she has some great recommendations for anyone visiting Marseille.She puts to rest the idea that a solo woman in Marseille would run into many problems because the city is "dangerous". It's not more dangerous than[...]
- Are you considering a move to France or planning an extended stay in this country? In this eye-opening episode, we dive into the real reasons why you might—or might not—want to come to France. We explore the nation's complex tax system, explaining how it operates and whether French citizens truly feel they get their money's[...]
- In this episode of the podcast with my guest Terri Brault, we discuss Canadian WW2 Normandy sites you can visit. Canadian forces were heavily involved in the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, which marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. The Canadian 3rd Infantry Division, along with the 2nd Armoured Brigade, landed[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast, Why Life in France is Wonderful, Annie and Elyse discuss the 20 things that make life in France unique and attractive. We don't think France is perfect, but it's wonderful and we share why we think so. Fear not, we will also publish an episode in a couple of[...]
- This episode with Bernadette and Steven Fernandes is all about letting the day happen and taking the back roads. They've been visiting France for years and mostly avoid big cities because they like the small things that give flavor to the experience. We share a few laughs and talk about cannelés, rillettes, going to the[...]
- The Aude department, located in the Occitanie region of France, offers a diverse and captivating landscape. It is home to notable sites such as the medieval village of Lagrasse, known for its historic charm and association with viticulture. The Lastours Castles, perched atop rocky spurs, bear witness to the region's rich medieval history and the[...]
- In this trip report, you'll hear how Kim Loftus embarked on a captivating treasure hunt in the Loire Valley, tracing the footsteps of Joan of Arc. The journey took her to Chinon, where Joan met Charles VII, and Loches and where she was imprisoned. The Château de Loches stands as a testament to her unwavering[...]
- Get ready for another engaging episode of Join Us in France! This week, my co-host Elyse Rivin and I delve into the captivating story of cinema's trailblazers, the Lumière Brothers. We also discuss Alice Guy, the first woman film director. As we unravel the saga of their groundbreaking inventions and the birth of cinema, Elyse's[...]
- Join Annie Sargent and Mark Adams in this trip report about the Languedoc-Roussillon area of France. Sometimes overlooked, this part of France is full of hidden gems. Whether it's biking along the Mediterranean or hiking up to Cathar Castles, this trip report explores fantastic experiences. Click play to listen! Table of Contents for this Episode[...]
- The Join Us in France 2023 language bootcamp held in Toulouse was big hit. In this France Bootcamp 2023 you'll hear participants explain why they had such a great time. Listen to find out what everyone loved so much! #LearningFrench, #ToulouseAdventures, #CulturalImmersion, #TravelExperience, #HistoricalSites, #FrenchCuisine, #LanguageLearning, #LifeEnFrancais, #FrenchCulture, #FrancophilesJourney, #ImmersiveTravel, #FrenchBootcamp Table of Contents for[...]
- D-Day Anniversary Visit to Normandy - A Trip Report with Phil Roberson on Join Us in France Travel Podcast Whether you're a history buff, a Francophile, or simply a traveler seeking profound experiences, this episode will leave you with a deeper understanding of WW2 events that shaped our world. So, sit back, relax, and let's[...]
- In episode 443 of the Join Us in France podcast, host Annie Sargent converses with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks about the history of aviation in France, specifically focusing on Toulouse, where both of them live. The discussion covers Toulouse's significant role in aviation history, with much of the country's aviation history taking place[...]
- In the 442nd episode of the "Join Us in France" podcast, host Annie Sargent engages guest Helen Talley-McRae in a discussion about her Mediterranean cruise experience. The cruise, offered by Viking Ocean Cruises, embarked from Rome and concluded in Tarragona, Spain, stopping at French ports such as Marseille and Sète. Helen selected this journey to[...]
- Listen to today's episode of the podcast exploring the life of Jean Jaurès, a pivotal French socialist leader, born in Castres, France. We delve into his early life, political career, peace advocacy, and enduring impact. Discover how Castres nurtured his principles and how it honors his legacy today. Unearth the story of Jaurès, rooted in[...]
- Bonjour and welcome to a new episode of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast! Today, Annie Sargent and James Olsen explore a topic that many families will find both valuable and exciting: budget family travel in France. If you're seeking an affordable yet memorable French vacation with your loved ones, look no further! #budget,[...]
- Welcome to Join Us in France, the travel podcast that takes you on a journey through the hidden gems of France. In today's episode, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin explore the life and legacy of a revolutionary feminist, Olympe de Gouges. Born in 1748, Olympe de Gouges was a French playwright, political activist, and feminist[...]
- Are you thinking about going in search of Josephine Baker in France? Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast, where we bring you stories, tips, and insights to help you plan the perfect French getaway. I'm your host, Annie Sargent, and today we're in for a real treat as we're joined by our[...]
- Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast, where we explore the rich history, architecture, and culture of France's most iconic cities and regions. In today's episode, we'll be focusing on Georges-Eugène Haussmann and the transformation of Paris in the 19th century with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks. About Baron Haussmann and the[...]
- Welcome to today's episode of the Join Us in France travel podcast. In this episode, we'll be discussing a four-day visit to the city of Strasbourg, France with Marion Hill and Brenda Orozco. Strasbourg is located near the border of France and Germany along the Rhine River, which has resulted in a unique blend of[...]
- Welcome to another episode of Join Us in France, the podcast that unveils the hidden gems and lesser-known treasures of France. Today, we're taking you on a journey that reveals the incredible array of free experiences that Paris has to offer. From the charming streets of the 12th and 13th arrondissements to the fascinating cemeteries,[...]
- Today we're going to talk about three walled cities. Picture this: a 4-day weekend exploring the enchanting city of Avignon, marveling at the prehistoric Grotte de Chauvet, standing in awe at the ancient Pont du Gard, and wandering through the fortified town of Aigues-Mortes. Then, throw in Carcassonne just for fun! Are you ready to[...]
- The Rugby World Cup 2023 is set to be the tenth edition of the quadrennial international rugby union tournament, and will take place in France. The tournament, which is organized by the sport's governing body, World Rugby, will bring together the best rugby teams from around the world to compete for the coveted Webb Ellis[...]
- Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast. Today, Annie Sargent and Claire Ramsdell discuss an exciting and unique way to explore the Loire Valley in France - without a car. Known for its charming chateaux, picturesque vineyards, and idyllic countryside, the Loire Valley is a popular destination for tourists from all around the[...]
- This episode is a trip report with Annie and her husband David. Strasbourg is a great city to visit any time of year. But since we went between Christmas and New Year, we wanted to give you a head's up. Here are some of the best things we think you should do in Strasbourg at[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent chats with Will Weider about attending Roland-Garros. The French Open takes place late May / early June at the Roland-Garros complex just west of Paris. This tennis tournament is part of the Grand Slam and attracts the world's best tennis players every year. Table of Contents for[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks about the big events coming up in Paris in 2023. We also have a recap of how Paris museums have been doing since the pandemic. And Annie gets to do her own trip report and spills the beans on the best[...]
- The train system in France is known as the SNCF and is one of the most extensive and well-connected train networks in Europe. With high-speed trains such as the TGV and regional trains, the SNCF offers fast and convenient transportation throughout the country, connecting major cities and remote regions. Additionally, the SNCF operates an extensive[...]
- The Huguenots were a Protestant minority in France during the 16th and 17th centuries. They faced intense persecution from the French Catholic majority and the monarchy. The persecution of Protestants in France resulted in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572. Thousands of Huguenots died on that day. Despite terrible challenges, Huguenots made significant contributions[...]
- African Americans have been present in Paris for centuries, with a significant number of them living in the city during the early 20th century. Many were artists, writers, and musicians who were drawn to the city's cultural scene. The period between the two World Wars is often referred to as the "Harlem Renaissance in Paris"[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Elyse Rivin and Annie Sargent talk about Vauban and his life, but also about where you can go to see Vauban fortifications in France. Many of them are listed as World Heritage Sites and they make a wonderful backdrop for your vacation photos! Table of Contents for this Episode[...]
- My guest on today's trip report is Nicole Morin Scribner. She was born in Quebec and moved to the United States when she was 6. She always dreamed about visiting France and made her dream trip to France a reality in the summer of 2022. Discussed in this Episode Check out the town of Blere[...]
- There are tropes about France that will not die. So today, Annie and Elyse chat about dog poop and other problems suffered in France. Of course, the conversation we're commenting on took place on Facebook because where else can you find so many vocal yet uninformed people? So, we're having a little bit of fun[...]
- Going back to Paris is always a wonderful experience. The city is filled with so much history, culture, and beauty, with its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, its charming streets and neighborhoods, and its world-renowned museums and art galleries. There is always something new to discover in Paris, whether[...]
- There are several rookie mistakes visitors make in France, especially if they are visiting for the first time. Annie Sargent asked the Join Us in France Group in Facebook what mistakes they made and they came up with 32 fantastic observations that you need to know about so you don't make the same mistakes! [...]
- Trip Report: A Jewish Perspective on Paris On today's Trip Report, Shmuel Perl shares his experiences in Paris and explains that the Marais is not the only place where he found Jewish culture in Paris! After the interview Annie shares an update on Dicey Paris neighborhood and on what Paris is like on Christmas Eve[...]
- Today's episode is an episode with Elyse Rivin about the town of Lavaur in Occitanie. Elyse and I went in September, and you know what? It's a cute small city of abour 11,000 inhabitants. We had a great time. It's a lovely town that attracts a lot of people who look to live in quiet[...]
- Casey Armistead had her first visit to France as a solo traveler. You might think that someone who's coming to France for the first time is likely to stay in Paris the whole time or might have a limited itinerary. Not Casey! She wanted to see a lot more of France and she used trains[...]
- Bonjour Francophiles ! Today Annie Sargent and Meredith Wheeler introduce you to the lovely village of Lautrec in the Tarn. Lautrec is famous for its garlic festival which happens the first weekend of every August. They really love garlic in Lautrec (who doesn't?) so, the local food specialty is garlic soup. It is possible you[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin about Jean-François Champollion the man who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics. We talked about the places he lived, the positions he held, and how he became obsessed with languages. The period of the late 1700s early 1800s was a fascinating time in French history and this episode[...]
- Do you dream about following the Tour de France in person? Perhaps you'd like to ride where the professionals are going to battle it out? Maybe you want to see the finish line on the Champs Elysées and get an autograph from some of the riders? My guest for this trip report, Tammy McKibben did[...]
- Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassat are the only two Impressionist female artists that regular people (sometimes) know about. Berthe fought tooth and nail to be recognized in a select group of Impressionist artists without ever seeming too strident. For the times, this was revolutionary because that group included Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas and many more[...]
- On this trip report, Calee Spinney shares her experiences in Normandy, Brittany and Paris; starting with the Mont Saint Michel and Saint-Malo then moving on to Paris. They were going at a fast pace, but still had some surprising experiences and learned some lessons that will be helpful to other travelers. More episodes about Normandy[...]
- Eleanor of Aquitaine or Aliénor d'Aquitaine as we call her in French is a woman who wanted to rule. She lived through pretty much all the of 1100s and to be both a woman and a ruler, she had to go against the grain at every turn. By birth she was a Duchess, which is[...]
- Sean and Melinda Cool decided they wanted to watch a stage of the Tour de France in France rather than on TV. It took quite a lot of preparation and they were kind enough to come on the podcast to share how they pulled it off. It's a lot of preparation, so take a listen,[...]
- Annie and Elyse chat about their favorite classic French soups. Some are famous (Bouillabaisse, French Onion Soup, Vichyssoise). We are sure you've never heard of many of them (Garbure, Bourriquette, La Rotie). Get ready to go on an exploration of lots of soups you might want to make at home! Long ago, French people ate[...]
- The big question for today's episode of the podcast is, when a French professor visits France, where does she go? The other question is, how do you make progress in French when people in Paris all speak English? Brooke Koss is a French professor in Texas. She's spent a lot of time in France and[...]
- The mysterious Standing Stones around Carnac make a strong impression on most people. Why would anyone line up so many huge stones over such a long distance? What was their purpose? How did they do it? We don't have all the answers in this episode of the podcast, but we can help you plan a[...]
- Jennifer Gruenke became an accidental Francophile when she had an opportunity to spend a month in France through a Rotary Club exchange program in her twenties. This program took her through the heartland of France with cities like Montluçon, Saint-Julien, Périgueux, Rodez, Aurillac, Le Puy-en-Velay, and Anvers. This was a long time ago, and she[...]
- Do you wonder what everyday life in France is like? Perhaps you have this idea in the back of your mind that you'd like to move to France. What will it be like day-to-day when you do? Annie Sargent was born and raised in France but she lived away for 18 years. As such, she[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Eddie Hamalian about visiting France with a baby. He’s quite the dad and a definite Francophile. His wife has family in France as well, so this was something they wanted to do. Eddie has great tips for all of you young parents who want to come to[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks as an Introduction to Victor Hugo. Visit the places where Victor Hugo lived There are places you can visit where he lived. The first is the place where he was born: Besançon. La Maison Natale de[...]
- Jennifer Jerzyk, my guest on today's podcast visited Narbonne and the Mediterranean coast in 2022. She travelled mostly by train because she finds it peaceful and relaxing. She also enjoyed the fact that Narbonne is a great gateway into the Mediterranean and such value! That's because Narbonne is not touristy. As a matter of fact,[...]
- Today Annie Sargent talks with Brian Revel about a trip he took in France with his father on the theme of the Napoleon Route. The Villages on the Napoleon Route This route takes visitors from the Mediterranean all the way to Grenoble in the Alps. It is spectacular because the landscapes are ever changing and[...]
- Are you looking to go from Toulouse to Marseille on the train? Kelly Young has some tips for you, including what to do when the train takes a very brief stop somewhere! This was a bit of a whirlwind trip going to 5 cities in 11 days. Kelly would also like to move to France[...]
- Are you thinking of visiting L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and Fontaine de Vaucluse? Listen to this episode to understand what it'll be like and make your plans! Episode Page | Transcript Table of Contents for this Episode [00:00:00] Intro [00:00:48] Today on the Podcast [00:03:58] 400th episode of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast [00:04:26] Celebrating 400[...]
- Are you introducing your partner to France? Perhaps you're bringing your children to France for the first time. This is an episode you'll hear lots of tips on how to make sure things go so well that they'll want to come back. My guest on today's episode, Megan McKay, has visited France 3 times but[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks about the Sénanque Abbey and Gordes. This is lavender-central, but there’s more to it than the beautiful flowers! Elyse was just there on a vacation with her sisters, and she’ll tell us all about it with great tips on how to[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Patty Lund about running into snags while visiting to France. She's visited France many times, but that wasn't enough to avoid minor issues. There are ways to avoid these problems, as she explains. We also talk about differences about life in French cities and in rural places[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about Rosa Bonheur on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of her birth in Bordeaux. Rosa Bonheur was one of the most successful painters of her generation and was the most important and successful woman artist of the 19th century. Known for her[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Josh Taylor about visiting France on a student budget. You don’t need to be a student to learn from this episode because there are lots of us who enjoy a good deal if we know where to find it. And these days air travel is expensive, perhaps[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks tells us about the birth of the bicycle and of the Tour de France. The first the Tour de France in 1903 started small but hasn't stopped growing ever since. Why do we love bicycles so much anyway? Most French people worked in[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Michel Ravitsky about Life on the Canal du Midi. Michel is French and a young retiree. He lives on his barge (péniche in French) part-time. Michel has taken some great trips on the Canal du Midi and other canals as he explains. If you ever think about[...]
- The Jardin des Plantes in Paris is one of the most wonderful places to visit with kids of all ages. Translated literally, it mean botanical garden. But there is a lot more to it than your average botanical garden. The Jardin des Plantes is a major institution in Paris and encompasses the Gallery of Evolution,[...]
- Patty and her husband are actively looking for a place to call their own in France and they are leaving no stone unturned, as you will hear when you play this episode. Because Patty and her husband have a goal to move to France within 5 years, when they come to France they don't look[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast, Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks shares a brief history of the Chemin de Compostelle, how it evolved over the several hundred years and what it looks like today. Walking the Chemin de Compostelle is more popular than ever, even for pilgrims who are not religious at all. Many[...]
- Do you need some inspiration for healthy meals at home? Listen to this episode! Annie Sargent and Sarala Terpstra geek out about French food and how to make it vegan. Tips for home cooks and vegan visitors who love French food. Keep in mind that a lot of classic French recipes that are vegan to[...]
- Crusade Against the Cathars took place in the 1200s in Occitanie. Back then, France did not exist as the country we know today. There were regional dukes and counts who controlled different areas. The crusade against the Cathars was both a war of religion and a war of conquest. As you listen to this episode,[...]
- Have you heard the Cathars? It is a religion that thrived in the Southwest of France for 100 years during the Middle Ages, then disappeared in a violent crusade. On today's episode of Join Us in France, we discuss the wild beliefs Cathars held so dear that they were willing to die for them. We'll[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Jennifer Gruenke tells us about her 7 day trips from Paris on public transportation. She went to Rambouillet, Auvers-sur-Oise, Fontainebleau, Saint-Cloud, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Provins, and Versailles all in the same week! Which one was her favorite? Click play to hear all about it! Episode Page | Guest Notes | Transcript[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie and Elyse describe Les Vosges, a wonderful part of France for people who love active vacations and slow travel. Looking for gorgeous scenery, happy cows and amazing hikes in France? Listen to this episode! Table of Contents for this Episode [00:03:05] Ancient mountains, like the Adirondacks [00:04:31] Épinal[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, my guest Jeanne Oliver shares her favorite walking tours in Nice. Jeanne is not from Nice originally, she's been living there for a long time, she has written a book about Nice (Nice Uncovered: Walks Through the Secret Heart of a Historic City), a VoiceMap tour (you know how[...]
- Nantes is a beautiful city at the intersection of the Loire Valley and Brittany. Listen to this episode to hear about the best of Nantes for visitors. Get ready to enjoy the best of the city including Les Machines de L'Isle, the Chateau of the Dukes of Normandy, favorite restaurants in Nantes, and more #joinusinfrance[...]
- How do you travel smart in 2022? That is the question Annie Sargent and Brian Gmutza tackle in this episode of the podcast. A lot of us are itching to travel because we’ve been cooped up for 2 years. Lots of us have travel credits we need to use up or we might lose them.[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Elyse Rivin takes us on a visit to the Saint Denis Basilica. We'll hear about Abbé Suger who wrote about how light and color brings you to a sense of eternity and of heaven. We'll also hear about the shocking things Revolutionaries did to Saint Denis and to most[...]
- Sarala and Thad Terpstra moved to France on a long-term tourist visa with a child. They are too young to be retired and Sarala works as a freelancer. Few young families set out to do this, especially since they're not millionaires. But, as they explain, you can have a lovely life near the Mediterranean, you[...]
- In 2022 we are celebrating 400 years of Molière's birth. This playwright had such a strong impact on French literature that it is common to say "la langue de Molière" as a synonym for the French language. But Molière's influence is felt on more than just the language. He opened our eyes to all sorts[...]
- Annie Sargent and Patricia Perry review the virtual reality experience that they saw at La Défense in Paris. This experience is not recommended for kids under 11, probably because of the size of the backpack and 3D goggles. It will soon come to more central Paris at the Conciergerie and on the parvis de Notre[...]
- Golden visa? What's a golden visa? In this short episode of the podcast, Annie talks with Jerry Morgan of the Merkan Group and he explains how his program works. If you'd like to know more, shoot him an email: Annie also shares both exciting news about her VoiceMap tours and bad news about YouTube.[...]
- On this trip report Annie chats with Heather Nellis about her 12 days solo in Paris. A friend met her in Paris for a couple of days, but for the most part she was alone and got to decide exactly what she wanted to do and see! How would you like that?! For Heather this[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin of Toulouse Guided Walks about the beautiful city of Dijon. OF course there’s the mustard, the gorgeous roofs (made of varnished tiles which are called "tuiles vernissées" in French), Burgundy wine, crême de cassis, and the great Dukes of Burgundy. What’s not to love? Let’s[...]
- Carl Carlson tells us about the leisurely trip through France he took with his wife in 2021. They have visited France every year for the last 30 years and have only skipped in 2020 (pandemic oblige), that's how much they enjoy France! Carl has a keen eye for great hotels and restaurant (listed below). We[...]
- Porcelain is one of those things that we all take for granted. Some of us are collectors, but most of us (Annie included!) couldn't tell the difference porcelain and ceramic before this episode. Then you also have "faïence" (earthenware) in its many forms. Some of us have a favorite cup, some of us keep precious[...]
- Have you ever thought of doing a river cruise? My guest on this episode of the podcast went on a pilgrimage cruise that took her to Paris, Rouen and Lisieux among other places and it was a great way to enjoy France. She did this with her childhood best friend, leaving husbands and children at[...]
- Full show notes for this episode are here: Patreon | Boutique | Newletter | Booking Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Keri Maher about her new book The Paris Bookseller. I wanted to talk to Keri because I really enjoyed her book about Shakespeare and Company, the iconic bookstore in Paris.[...]
- Annie's List of Best Gallo-Roman Sites in France Today Pont du Gard Nîmes Arles Périgueux La Turbie Saint Rémy de Provence Orange (especially to see a show in the Roman theater) Cluny Museum and Arènes de Lutèce in Paris This episode features my frequent guest Elyse Rivin. You can book a tour with her through[...]
- Is Périgueux on your list of places you might like to visit in France? It's indeed a great city with roots into the times of the Roman "occupation" of France and a beautiful Renaissance neighborhood. The area is famous for its gastronomy and pleasant way of life. Let's get the names straight first. Périgueux is[...]
- Where should you go to enjoy the best of Christmas in Paris? In this episode of the podcast Annie and Elyse roll out all the best ideas: Streets for Christmas shopping in Paris Christmas markets Christmas concerts Where to attend Christmas Mass How restaurants work on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve What's open on Christmas[...]
- The Terror (1793-1794) is a confusing part of the French Revolution. What happened? What started it? Why? Historian Suzanne Levin explains and gives us the context we need to understand these events. There is a tendency to talk about the Terror as if it was happening in a vacuum, but it was far from that.[...]
- My guest on this episode of the podcast is historian Suzanne Levin and we discuss common misconceptions about the French Revolution. Questions we tackle about the French Revolution The French Revolution didn't happen in a vacuum. In this episode, let's set the stage for what happened and why. In the "pop history" version of the[...]
- Josephine Baker, performer, entrepreneur, mother and war heroine was a force to reckon with. She rose from poverty in America into fame and success by the time she was in her mid-20s in France. On this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about her amazing life and why you should visit[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent talks to Heidi Hunter about her month in France on a budget. Most of us limit expenses by having shorter vacations. But Heidi and her husband stayed for a month and visited Paris, Nice, Marseille, Annecy, Lyon and Strasbourg! They also went to the Mont-Saint-Michel as a[...]
- Today's episode with Elyse Rivin is all about Lafayette, the Hermione and the arsenal of Rochefort in the West of France. The newest way to get a Passe Sanitaire for visitors to France is outlined in this document. More about this on Annie's newsletter. The permanent home of the Hermione is in Rochefort, at the[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Dan Funsch about his trip to France around the theme of WW1. On this occasion, Dan wanted to retrace the steps a WW1 soldier who is very special to him because he was his grandfather. He had well annotated photos of his grandfather in various places and[...]
- Are you thinking about celebrating your anniversary in Paris or maybe in Provence? You must listen to this episode with Brianne Cunningham who enjoyed a wonderful anniversary in both Paris and Provence! They packed a lot in in those few days! Do you think you could do that much in 10 days? Brianne is an[...]
- What's the difference between a traveler and a tourist? In this episode of the podcast we discuss 16 tips to make your vacation better and how you can become a better traveler. You don't need to be fluent in French and you don't need to spend months in France before you can feel like you[...]
- This episode recounts the history of the martyred village of Oradour-sur-Glane near Limoges. What happened? Do we know why? We like to think things like that can never happen again because the Second World War is far behind us now. But it's never a given and there are senseless massacres going on today still. Let's[...]
- For this first time in Paris trip report, Annie Sargent talks to Joni and Steve Goldin. They had booked an itinerary review with Annie, so they were better prepared than most. But they still made a few minor mistakes as we discuss. Annie was a guest on the podcast FranceFormation, a show for people who[...]
- There were always at least a few dozen famous painters in Nice on the French Riviera in the 1900s. Today Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about three of them in some detail: Matisse, Chagall and Yves Klein. Why did they love Provence so much? Was it because painters and photographers are always in search[...]
- Moving internationally can really difficult for children but is it worth it? Will the kids adjust to their new life in France? How long does it take to learn French for kids? What are some things parents can do to make the process easier? Annie's daughter, Marianne moved to France at age 7 shares her[...]
- Do you love medieval streets, beautiful literature and sweet wine? Then it's possible you're destined to visit Bergerac and Monbazillac! This episode of the podcast is full of our recommendations for a fun week-end in French wine country. Press play and get ready for some fun in the southwest of France! Bergerac and Monbazillac are[...]
- Moissac is "only" a minor city in the southwest of France, but if you're interested in the Saint Jacques de Compostelle pilgrimage or the churches connected to it, you must make it one of your stops! In this episode of the podcast, tour guide Elyse Rivin explains how Moissac became so prominent, how it is[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Scott Toporek who went back to Paris at last! This trip was supposed to happen in 2020, but didn't happen because of the pandemic. They came back in August 2021 instead. They had air vouchers they could use up and a week[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about their visit to the Chateau de Chantilly. You can visit the chateau of Chantilly on a day trip from Paris by train and have a great time in the countryside! The Chateau de Chantilly has a long history, an amazing art collection,[...]
- Have you ever thought about buying a new condo or house in France? My guest on this episode bought a new town home in Provence and a new studio in Paris. She bought them from plan because it was a great deal and she wanted a place of her own in France. In this episode[...]
- Are you eager to go back to Paris but the latest wave of the pandemic is holding you back? My guest on today's episode of the podcast, Whitney Szypula, certainly didn't let the pandemic stop her. She got vaccinated and made a plan to come immediately. But what is it like to travel to France[...]
- This is Join Us in France Episode 349. Bonjour, I’m Annie Sargent and Join Us in France is the podcast where we look around France so you can best enjoy France as a destination. We talk about places you might want to visit in France, French news that relate to travel, French culture, history, gastronomy,[...]
- Are you thinking about making a stop in the city of Montauban in Occitanie? Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin visit Montauban today and share their insights about this town in the southwest of France. Montauban is a city with lots of history and some recent controversy. Should you put it on your list? It's definitely[...]
- Are you thinking about visiting the city of Èze near Nice in Provence? Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast. We are making a stop in Èze today! Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with licensed tour guide Elyse Rivin about the hill-top village of Èze. We talk about the history of this[...]
- In this episode of the podcast Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin discuss tips for Paris visitors with mobility issues. The strategies we share would work for older visitors in Paris, but they will also help anyone who is coming to Paris with children. Kids don't enjoy walking 20,000+ steps per day the way we often[...]
- Are you dreaming about visiting the city of Nice on the French Riviera? Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast where we look around France so you can best enjoy France as a destination. We talk about French culture, history, gastronomy and everything it takes to have a lovely experience in France. Today[...]
- Are you dreaming about growing roots in the southwest of France? Georgia Broome does and tells us all about it! Welcome to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast where we look around France so you can best enjoy France as a destination. We talk about French culture, history, gastronomy and everything it takes to[...]
- What's new in Paris in 2021? Top of our list: the Carnavalet Museum! Annie and Elyse LOVED the Carnavalet museum in Paris. In this episode we explain why and we point out all the things you should not miss when you're there yourself! There is a lot more new in Paris such as La Bourse[...]
- In this podcast episode Annie Sargent, Patricia Perry and Elyse Rivin discuss the new normal in Paris in the summer and fall of 2021 now that the Covid-19 is almost in the rear-view mirror. We're back in Paris after staying away for 18 months and it's so good to be back! #joinusinfrance #paris Full show[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent has a chat with Paulette Geragos about how things went when she bought an apartment in Paris. We go into the nitty-gritty details about what was strange about it, what went well and what didn't go so well. Paulette tells us what she wishes she had known[...]
- On today's episode Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin take you on a stroll in the village of Auvillar in Occitanie. It is one of the most beautiful villages of France and (unlike a few other villages in that category) it is usually lively. Auvillar is remarkably scenic and was also a place where nuns protected[...]
- In France, levels of education of girls have increased steadily since WW2, but it took us a long time to get there. As discussed in this episode with Rebecca Rogers, 210 years ago Napoleon Bonaparte put a big emphasis on educating boys while mostly ignoring the education of girls in France. But not entirely, he[...]
- So many people who have done trip reports with Annie Sargent have mentioned Rocamadour as one of their favorite places in France! And she's been there about a million times growing up in Toulouse because it’s a favorite for locals too. So it was high time to do a proper episode dedicated to Rocamadour where[...]
- Categories: Burgundy Area, French Culture, French Food & Wine There is no doubt that Burgundy wine and gastronomy are some of the best in France. That's one of the reasons my guest, Ellen Shaunessy, decided to visit this part of France with a friend. Plus it's easy to get to from Paris on the TGV[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin about the lovely village of Penne in the Tarn. It’s a small place (600 inhabitants) with a ruined castle on top of the hill and gorgeous views all around. This episode features my frequent guest Elyse Rivin. You can book a tour with her through[...]
- Full show notes for this episode are here: Patreon | Boutique | Newletter | Booking This week in France we are celebrating the bicentennial of Napoleon’s death and so today Today I bring you a conversation with Kurt Weihs about Napoleon. I am excited to release this episode because I have been working on[...]
- This week Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin decided to have some fun with the whole idea of a Francophile". Elyse knows a lot about France, but is she enough of a Francophile? As a matter of fact, dear listener, are YOU a proper Francophile? Face your fears and take the Francophile test right here! As[...]
- Knights Templar have a romanticized and exotic imagery attached to them. But reality is different from the lore that surrounds them. Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about it in this episode of the podcast. The movie by Ridley Scott The Kingdom of Heaven is a great example of a romanticized version of the Knights[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Eva Jorgensen about the Paris Saint-Ouen flea market. It is one of the biggest, most famous flea market in the world. This flea market gets almost 5 million visitors a year which is impressive because it’s only open 3 days a week! In this episode of the[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin discuss Avignon and all the things you should not miss there. Of course, we love the palace, the bridge, the festival and the gastronomy. Should you put it on your list? Let's talk about it! This episode features my frequent guest Elyse Rivin. You[...]
- In this episode of the podcast Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin discuss the pros and cons of Airbnb for people who visit France. The apartment rental giant is facing more and more scrutiny because it has disrupted the travel market and now rents more rooms than several hotel chains combined. This episode features my frequent[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin talk about bastides in the southwest of France. What do tour guides mean when they tell you that a place is a Bastide? Why is that important? There are a lot of bastides in the southwest of France. For this episode we use the[...]
- Thinking about taking a trip to France with your baby? Listen to this! Jessica took a vacation in the French Alps with her 9 months old. She worried about the logistics, but she soon found out that France is a family-friendly destinations and how to care for her baby's needs the French way. #joinusinfrance #podcast[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast, Elyse Rivin tells us about the legend of Saint-Antonin and how a monastery was named after him and grew into the beautiful town of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val on the Aveyron river. We’ll tell you about the wonderful history of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, but also about hiking, scenic drives and gorgeous overlooks, caves and[...]
- A lot was happening in Paris in 1900. But the two items I would like to focus on today were the Exposition Universelle of 1900 and the Inauguration of the Paris Metro. Paris had a lot to live-up to with the 1900 universal expo. After all the 1889 expo gave rise to the Eiffel Tower[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin have a conversation about Bruniquel. Bruniquel is one of those little towns in the south west of France that are beautiful and tell a great story. And look at all the other wonderful places you can visit nearby! Gaillac, Albi and Saint-Cirq-Lapopie are nearby[...]
- Today Annie brings you a conversation with Susan Walter about bread in France, and why bread is such an important piece of French culture and life. We talk a little bit about this history of bread and we agree on many things, including: What’s up with the obsession with finding the “BEST” baguette in France?[...]
- Annie's Patreon | Elyse's Patreon | Boutique La Rochelle in the Charente is a gorgeous French city on the French Atlantic coast. It is surrounded by beautiful coast, white limestone and stunning vistas. La Rochelle is a favorite vacation spot for French people, but doesn't seem to be on a radar of a lot of[...]
- Today Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Carolyn Gates and Julia Maurice about growing old in France. Even if you have no intention of ever moving to France, as a Francophile you might be interested in what happens as people grow old in France. Having said that, a lot of my listeners would love[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. Le Marais Poitevin is also known as La Venise Verte and it's a lovely piece of France between Niort and La Rochelle not far from the Atlantic ocean. Full show notes for this[...]
- Categories: Loire Valley, Moving to France Annie Sargent chats with Sarah Smith about her new life in the Mayenne. The Mayenne is in the North West of France, tucked between Paris and Brittany. It is part of the Loire Valley region and about an hour away from some of the most famous chateaux in the[...]
- In this episode Annie and Elyse talk about the long history of vaccines and how Louis Pasteur made tremendous contributions to the field. We also talk about the life and career of a simple man who changed the world with science and careful observation. Show Notes for this episode are here: The Pasteur Institute[...]
- This episode of the podcast is a conversation with Wendy Sherwood on house-hunting in France. Wendy is looking to retire in France which is a dream for a lot of people. It’s achievable, she explains how they are going about it. Wendy keeps a blog called Are We In France Yet and I recommend you[...]
- In this short episode of the podcast, Annie reviews best practices when preparing a trip to France. There are simple things that many visitors never think to look into but would nevertheless insure that you have a wonderful experience on your vacation. What sort of traveler are you? Because you're always inside your head, it[...]
- Ready to learn about Christmas with a French flavor? In this episode Annie talks about the real story of Christmas as far as French people are concerned. And because it’s Christmas and we all want a nice giggle, I will also tell you about the French film classic about Christmas called “Le Père Noël est[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. When you live in Toulouse, as Elyse and Annie do, taking a trip to Gaillac wine country is quite easy. But should you do it next time you visit France? Listen to this[...]
- This episode of the podcast is a conversation with Suzanne Saxe-Roux about buying and renovating houses in France, and not just anywhere in France but in the beautiful south-east! Renovating a house in Provence has been a dream for many people since the books by Peter Mayle. You should listen to this episode so you[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. Aigues-Morte is a fortified city near Montpellier and Sète. It is part of the Petite Camargue. It is a marshland that is the delta of the Rhone river. This part of France[...]
- This episode of the podcast is a trip report about running a trail race in the Alps with lots of details about how trail races go in France. We also talk about learning French as an adult and how to put together a great family vacation in France. Annie's Favs on Amazon My guest[...]
- I've always loved cooking and now that we can't eat out because of the pandemic, I am definitely cooking at home at lot! Aren't you? I would guess that most of us are in the same boat and can't go out to restaurants much. So we might as well make the most of it, right?[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. On today's episode of the podcast Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin. As we celebrate then end of WW1 it is also important to remember that the Spanish Flu killed[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin have fun with the French language. What are the easiest and hardest words to say in French? We asked our Facebook group and they came up with some entertaining responses! You really need to listen to this one to get the full effect! This[...]
- The 5th arrondissement in Paris is one of Annie's favorites. It also goes by the name Latin Quarter which is its historical name. Visitors don't need to worry too much about different names used in this area because often in Paris you change neighborhood just by crossing the street! Good budget hotel at the edge[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. Everybody is talking about Emily in Paris. Elyse and I watched it together and we took some notes on our reactions. I must confess that we only watched two episodes, and we already[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. On today's episode of the podcast, Annie and Elyse have a conversation about the Louis Vuitton Foundation and the Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris. The Louis Vuitton Foundation and Museum are to the West[...]
- In today's episode Annie Sargent talks to Jason Sager about the difficult relationship between French Kings and the Catholic church. And we couldn't get through this topic without talking about the French Wars of Religion. And it’s not just Kings, all of France has a complicated relationship with the Catholic church, even today! Just this[...]
- Returning to the same place over and over again is not something most visitors do, but my guest today, Carl Carlson, has been to Sancerre many times. He and his wife Christine are from Hawaii, but have been going back to Sancerre for at least a couple of weeks almost every year since 2004. We've[...]
- Today, Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin about the Route des Fromages AOP d’Auvergne. The word Auvergne designates an old French province around its capital Clermont-Ferrand. Today it is part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and it is just a little west of Lyon and the Alps. This episode features our frequent and[...]
- On today's episode, Annie chats with Ira about her favorite day-trips around Bordeaux. Ira is in a great position to tell us about that because she moved to Bordeaux full time a few years ago and has gotten to know the area very well. We talk about several wine routes you can drive, about the[...]
- Today I bring you a conversation with Cindy McBrayer about Le Chambon-sur-Lignon a place of refuge. During WW2 this small town and neighboring villages became a heaven for Jewish children who were on the run from the Germans and from French authorities who collaborated with them. Would you like to be a recipe tester for[...]
- In this episode Annie and Elyse talk about the lovely city of Castelnaudary. But this being our 300ths episode we also celebrate the moment, discuss our motivations in continuing to produce the podcast and our history. We also talk about Annie's southern French accent (which is shared by our current Prime Minister Jean Castex). And[...]
- On today's episode, Annie Sargent brings you a trip report with Rick McGuirk about his 5 favorite chateaux in the Loire Valley. There are so many chateaux along the Loire Valley that it’s hard to choose which ones to go to and which ones to skip. You could spend a couple of months there if[...]
- This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon. The Bois de Boulogne is to the West of Paris, covers part of the 16e arrondissement and it is a large natural area. Baron Haussmann turned it into a park in the middle[...]
- Are you considering visiting D-Day sites with kids? You'll want to listen to this episode! My guests Ginny and Cristina are mother and daughter and the kids were a 12yo boy, a 9yo girl, a 7yo girl, and a 3yo boy. Also on this trip were Ginny’s sister and Cristina’s husband. They took this trip[...]
- On today's episode Annie Sargent and Lisa Wylie talk about walking the French Chemin de Compostelle. Lisa started her walk late April, which is the beginning of the hiking season in France. The end of the hiking season is October. On average there are about 100 people walking the French Chemin de Compostelle per day.[...]
- In this episode, Annie and Elyse chat about our favorite summer lunches in France. We talk about eating habits locals have in France during the warm months and the foods we all look forward to every summer in France. We also share a few recipes and cooking tips from our southern France kitchens! #joinusinfrance #frenchfood[...]
- On today’s episode, a conversation where Annie asked listeners to share their favorite shopping spots in Paris. Listeners mentioned so many places they love to go back to over and over again! Several stand out for clothing, food, wine, accessories, cosmetics, hobbies, gifts, it’s all here! Favorite Shopping Spots in Paris It’s funny for me[...]
- What happens when brothers meet in Paris? Well, they have a great time, of course! Annie's guest on today's episode, Ernesto de Jesus, lives in California and his brother lives in the Philippines. They decided to spend some time together in Paris. They took the Eurostar to get from London to Paris and that was[...]
- There are a lot of Le Corbusier sites in Paris. Would you like to know how you can organize your visit and optimize your time? My guest David Palachek talks about his plan to see as many Le Corbusier sites in Paris as he could in a short visit. David is a designer and as[...]
- On today’s episode Annie and Elyse chat about the places you have to go if you’re a fan of high fashion or "haute couture" in Paris. Elyse gives us a brief overview of how haute couture got started in France and it turns out that it's fascinating! Support Elyse on Patreon If you're a fan[...]
- Laura Knott, my guest on today's episode, has a passion for parks. She's a landscape architect, and went looking for the best parks in and around Paris. Laura made two trips to Paris, the first in Aug 2018 and the second in September 2019. The main goal for both of her trips was to explore[...]
- Lagrasse and Villerouge-Termenès are in the Corbière area, to be precise in the Aude department and the Occitanie region. If you're ready for an off the beaten track vacation in the sunny south of France, listen to this episode and hop on a plane! Support Elyse on Patreon! What we love about Lagrasse Lagrasse has[...]
- Are you looking for a French immersion program in France? This episode will help you think through some of the things you should consider before making your choice. I must point that this episode NOT sponsored by any language school, my guests are making recommendations based on their experience and preferences only. My guests Janice[...]
- Department stores in Paris aka Grand Magasins are surprising in many ways. Of course you can shop your heart out and find some of the most wonderful items in Paris, but their history is amazing too! And, that was a surprise to both of us, it has a lot to do with the emancipation of[...]
- When visiting France and important part of the experience is the food, isn't it? This is particularly true for my guest on today's episode, Michael Groves. He spends a lot of time in France and loves to try new restaurants. What are the best ones? He shares his method for finding them with all of[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast Annie and Elyse ask: Will Covid-19 change France? It is hard to imagine that it wouldn't, but how? As full-time residents of France we talk about some of the things we expect to happen going forward in France. We start the show by wondering how a large institution like[...]
- On this trip report Annie takes you on a quest for the Maid of Orĺéans with her guest Kim Loftus. Have you ever wanted to go searching for Joan of Arc in rural France? She's in a lot of villages in northern France! That was the theme of Kim's latest trip to France and she[...]
- Today’s episode of the podcast is a conversation between Annie Sargent and Greer Ball about her wonderful Provence cycling tour. Greer is from New Zealand, I think she’s my first Kiwi guest on the podcast and she was a lot of fun! I don’t know about you but I am ready to day-dream about a[...]
- On today’s episode Annie and Elyse ask the question we've all been wondering about: Will the pandemic change the way you travel? We asked the Join Us in France community on Facebook and got a lot of different responses. Some surprised us, some were controversial, but mostly we hear you! We don't have all the[...]
- This is Join Us in France episode 281, bonjour I'm Annie Sargent and in this episode of the podcast, I bring you a conversation with Patty Lund who was really fun to talk to, I think she will cheer you up! She is checking out places in France where they might want to move at[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Elyse takes us to a place of legend called Rennes-le-Château, and we also discuss Bugaratch, and Arques. They are all in the Aude department not far from Carcassonne and Limoux. These are small villages with a big reputation for the metaphysical, hidden treasures of gold, end of the world[...]
- Categories: Lyon Area, Provence Today’s episode is a trip report with Deepa Seonie about her family vacation in Provence and the French Alps. She came to France with her husband, daughter and son. Best Destinations in Provence and the French Alps We talk about Aix-en-Provence, Cassis, the Calanques, Nimes, Pont du Gard, the Haribo candy[...]
- On this episode of the podcast Annie talks to two Americans who reside in France: Patricia Perry who lives in Paris and Michael Groves who lives in Antibes. We discuss their experience with the mandatory home confinement that started in France on March 16, 2020. What is it like sheltering in place in France? Patricia[...]
- Limoux is a city of about 10,000 not far from Carcassonne. If you’re exploring the southwest of France, this is another great stop where you can enjoy genuine France and really get to know the French countryside. Limoux in Occitanie Limoux is in the Aude department and is part of the Occitanie Region. The Aude[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast I talk with Shauna Dinsart about her recent experience of having a baby in France. Shauna shares how most things went better than her expectations, but she thinks France needs more awareness of post-partum depression. After the interview you'll also hear my update on how things are proceeding in[...]
- What is France doing about the Covid-19 pandemic? The Covid-19 pandemic caught the world by surprise and put a big dent in everyone's travel plan. In this episode Annie summarizes the action plan outlined by French President Macron on March 13, 2020 #joinusinfrance #covid19 Email | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Did you[...]
- In today's episode of the podcast, Annie and Elyse wonder how tours make a vacation better. Won't you have a great time in Paris or anywhere in France even if you don't take a tour? To some extent, yes. But we know from experience that tours make it possible for you to make the most[...]
- Going to Paris by yourself? It's one of the best ways to see the City of Light! What are some unforgettable experiences you can have while visiting Paris on your own? My guest on today's podcast has lots of great suggestions for you! Discussed in this Episode Switching hotels in the middle of the trip[...]
- On today’s episode Annie answers a question someone asked on the Join Us in France Closed Group on Facebook that generated a lot of conversation. The question was: “Where would you settle in France for a month? My husband and I are planning on a month in September in France to "live like locals". We[...]
- Annie and Elyse love a great assortment of cookies, but they also love a great assortment of French movies, which is what we bring you on today's episode! One of our listeners asked a thought-provoking question: what French movies portrait France well? And while we were thinking about that, several people pipped in with the[...]
- Scott and his fiancé Grant spent 6 wonderful days in the Dordogne and Aveyron, two neighboring areas in Occitanie in the southwest of France. And since that's home for me, it's a pleasure to report that they had a great time! Best Places in the Dordogne and Aveyron They visited Sarlat, La Roque Gageac, Beynac,[...]
- Annie and Elyse discuss UNESCO World Heritage sites in France, that they are and why it matters. France has 44 sites inscribed on the list and several more are in the process of applying. Some UNESCO Word Heritage sites in France are man-made and others are natural sites. The fortified city of Carcassonne is one[...]
- On today’s episode Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Denise Tham from Canada about her 10-day honeymoon in Provence. The newlyweds stayed in Avignon, visited Arles, the Pont du Gard, Uzès, drove around the the Petit Lubéron (where they found a lovely bed & breakfast listed below), and ended in Marseille. How to Plan[...]
- In this episode of the podcast, Annie and her guest Michael Grove give you many reasons to fall in love with Corsica. Specifically upper Corsica or Haute-Corse. Michael spent a whole month exploring Corsica and wrote about it on his travel blog. He shares his favorite places, hidden gems that took his breath away, details[...]
- We all make mistakes sometimes. But when your vacation time is precious, it's best to learn how to avoid them! In this episode I am not talking about tourists who are totally clueless and unprepared. My podcast guests are typically well informed about France! And yet they still find themselves making the same mistakes. So,[...]
- Today’s episode is a trip report with Michelle Donnell Adzhemyan on a trip to Paris she took late August 2019 with her husband and two preschool children. Paris with Preschool Children: Good Idea? You may have wondered if taking your 4.5yo and 2.5yo to Paris is a good idea, and it probably wouldn't be for[...]
- On today’s episode Mary White tells me about her trip to France with 10 friends and relatives including a child, a teen, adults, in all this was a big group of family and friends. Now, when you have a big group like that everything gets more complicated, but Mary planned it really well and they[...]
- On this episode of the podcast, Annie talks to Amanda Brikerhoff about her visit to Christmas markets of Northern France and Belgium. On previous trips Amanda had also visited Christmas Markets in Germany and Austria, so Amanda compares the experience. They spend one week split between Northern France and Belgium. They landed in Paris and[...]
- Today's episode is all about Collioure and the Côte Vermeille which is the last stretch of coastline between France and Spain on the Mediterranean side of the Pyrenees. Locals call that part of the Pyrenees the Albère. This part of France (pretty close to the city of Perpignan) is part of Catalonia and local people[...]
- Thinking about visiting France to attend a major sports event? Listen to this Women World Cup Trip Report so you know what you can expect! This is a family that travels A LOT and loves to attend sports events all over the world. They compare sports events in France to what they've seen in other[...]
- This is a Join Us in France Short episode. Bonjour, I’m Annie Sargent. Strikes happen all the time in France. But you're not helpless! Here are 8 steps you need to take so your trip to France goes off without a hitch no matter who's threatening to strike next! Don't make reservations for your first[...]
- When you visit France from as far away as Australia, you might not get a chance to come back very soon. So, of course, you'll want to pack a lot of action into your holiday in France with kids! My guest Joanne Scott on today's episode experienced a lot of France in a short time.[...]
- Are you coming to Toulouse for the first time? Not sure what do see and do? Let's find out with this Toulouse trip report! Show notes and transcript for this episode are here: Email | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter #joinusinfrance #toulouse #toulousecity #toulousefrance #toulousevillerose #toulousefood #toulousetourisme #toulouseoccitanie
- Visiting Paris as a family? In this episode of the podcast we talk about things you should consider before your trip. It is clear that multi-generational trips are a wonderful way to spend time with extended family, but they can also be complicated. Let's talk about strategies that will make your trip better and easier[...]
- Find out why Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Wood are so important to French history and the history of the US Marine Corps. My guest on this episode relates his Memorial Day visit to this monument and his tips for enjoying this part of France. #joinusinfrance #belleauwood #usmc #marines #marinecorps #devildogs #chateauthierry #WW1 Show Notes for this[...]
- Annie and Elyse talk about the city of Tours in the Loire Valley. A surprising place with much charm, great wine and gastronomy. It's also a nice central city for your visit to Loire Valley Chateaux! We have some good hotels to recommend! Show Notes for this episode are here: #joinusinfrance #podcast #toursfrance #toursloirevalley[...]
- On today's episode David Bland and Annie Sargent present the ultimate guide to getting around France cheaply using trains, buses and Apps. We also discuss low-cost airlines both for your long-haul flights and for regional flights within France. Some of them will surprise you! David Blanc and Annie Sargent are both tour guides in France[...]
- Are you wondering how you can save on your next flights to France? One possibility is booking open-jaw tickets also called multi-city tickets. There are some things you need to be mindful of, and we discuss them in this episode, but overall this seems to be a great idea so you keep more cash and[...]
- On today's episode Elyse tells the story of her scenic drive along the Loire River between Angers and Saumur. One of her stops was at the Fontevraud Abbey where Eleanor of Aquitaine and her son Richard the Lionheart are buried. I spent a few hours myself at Fontevraud and really enjoyed it, we explain what[...]
- Bonjour et bienvenue to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast trailer! I’m your host Annie Sargent, and I’m here to help you plan your next trip to France. On the podcast you’ll hear trip reports, discussions about destinations in France, French food, wine, and lifestyle. Did I mention destinations? Because we have a lot[...]
- In this episode of the podcast Annie and her guest Kristina Long review the secrets of planning a trip to Paris. It was Kristina's first time in Europe and they visited Paris as a family of 5 ranging from teenager to grandmother, with different needs and interests. So, how do you plan your trip to[...]
- Don't sweat the small stuff in Paris because if you do you will be ignoring some things that WILL make a difference in how your trip goes! This short episode lists 3 things you can stop fussing over: cafés and restaurants in Paris, taxis, and Seine River Cruises! #joinusinfrance #worryfreetravel Show notes for this episode[...]
- Are you thinking about visiting the Aiguille du Midi in the French Alps? A tram will take you to the top of the Mont Blanc, but there are a few gotchas you need to know about! For example, you can't book tickets too far in advance or the weather may be lousy. Also there are[...]
- This Join Us in France short episode tackles this perennial question: Versailles, Yes or No? It is worth going? How long will it take? What do you need to do before you visit? Get the answer under 5 minutes in this podcast episode #joinusinfrance #versailles Show notes for this episode are here: Submit your[...]
- There are places in France that are hidden in plain sight. Why? Because they are not in Paris! And today we bring you to Conques, a wonderful village in the south west of France. It’s squarely off the beaten track and totally gorgeous. Conques (the full name is Conques-en-Rouergue) is a really small village (full-time[...]
- Love Provence and the Dordogne? You should really consider visiting the Aveyron and its capital Rodez next. The city itself is interesting and there are several stunning scenic villages nearby that most visitors never see because they've never heard of it. So, let's talk about it on today's episode of the podcast! Show notes for[...]
- In this episode Annie shares the exciting news that she is teaming up with VoiceMap to provide self-guided Paris audio tours. These tours are GPS-Aware which means you hear the right stories in the right place and you get voice directions to the next spot. I can't possibly accompany each of my listener on their[...]
- It's the age-old question that comes up all the time in the Join Us in France Community. What is the best place to stay on the French Riviera? Imagine you want to visit Cannes, Antibes, Nice, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Monaco (aka Monte-Carlo), and Menton. Let's say you would rather use public transportation because traffic and parking is[...]
- On today’s episode Annie and Patricia share tips about visiting kitchen supply stores in Paris. Most of the ones we mention are in Les Halles area and you can visit them in an hour or two depending on how much time you spend in each store. Some are really funky, some sell surprising products, and[...]
- This episode of the podcast is a conversation with someone who went to Brittany and Normandy with her husband, toddler and parents. Too hard to pull off? Not if you listen to her insights! Extended family vacations require more planning but they can create life-long memories. You should listen to this episode and decide for[...]
- Looking for history, culture and a place to enjoy nature? On today's episode of the podcast we take you on a day trip to the Tarn from Toulouse. We'll go to Lautrec, Castres and the Sidobre. And FYI this area is a favorite of French families with kids! Show notes for this episode are here:[...]
- Ever thought of taking a cooking class in France? Or maybe doing some wine touring? Karen and Scott Solcher love to do that at home in the US, so decided it was time to make it happen and on their 4th visit to France. They did the research, considered many options, and then decided on[...]
- Thinking of buying a house in France? Lots of people dream of living in France, are you ready to learn what it takes to actually do it? It can be done quickly once you understand the oddities of the French real estate market! In this episode we also explain the steps that will make it[...]
- Heading to Paris for your honeymoon? Here are 4 take-away recommendations from a young woman who planned a memorable honeymoon in Paris and explains what you really need to pay attention to! Show notes for this episode are here: #joinusinfrance #honeymooninparis #honeymoonvibes #honeymoontime #newlyweds #honeymoon #pariswedding #villagloria
- When exploring the Toulouse area you have to get out to the Ariège to see how cute those little villages are! Lots of hidden gems, great hiking, scenic vistas, it's the land of surprises! Show notes for this episode are here: #joinusinfrance #ariege #pyrenees #mirepoix #vals #montsegur #laroquefixade #camon
- Thinking about exploring the Normandy Cider Route? My guest on this episode recommends her favorite cideries as a tour guide who has tried many of them! Show notes for this episode are here: #joinusinfrance #normandyciderroute #igersnormandy #normandycider #normandyfarm #normandyfrance #calvadosnormandy #travel
- Taking a day-trip from Toulouse to the Gers is something locals do all the time but foreign visitors don't think about because it's not on anybody's travel top 10 list. But maybe it should be because it's gorgeous! Warning: you won't run into many tourists and you'll probably have to practice your French. Totally worth[...]
- What are some things to think about when taking your teenagers to Paris? What should you do to keep them engaged? My guest Mark on today's episode is an educator and has lots of great ideas on what you can to so your kids experience the best out of Paris! Show Notes for this episode[...]
- Like many places in France, Lille is a city with strong regional identity, great history (Have you ever heard of Jeanne de Flandre?), delicious local gastronomy, and even craft beer! In this episode we talk about Estaminets, Béguines, Carbonade de Flandre, Waterzooi, Moules-Frites, the Ch'tis, and all the things you must not miss when visiting[...]
- So what do you need to know to make the most of your visit to Provence? How do you pick the best place to stay? My guest on today's show broke the code and shares it with all of us! Full show notes for this episode are here: #joinusinfrance #roussillonprovence #provence #provenceguide #provencefrance #travelprovence[...]
- Thinking about visiting Etretat in Normandy? In this episode of the podcast we share the tips you need to know about so you have a great visit without missing a thing! How long should you stay in Etretat? What are some things you can visit besides the obvious cliffs? How many cliff sites are there[...]
- In this episode of the podcast we recap the terrible Notre Dame fire of April 15, 2019 and explain what is likely to happen next. You probably won't be able to approach the Cathedral for the next few months. But it will be back! We also share an impromptu recording of the Wedding March at[...]
- Do you enjoy iconic Paris photos? What makes them so interesting and how can you could capture such frames yourself? Valérie Jardin shares a primer on Paris street photography. It's about developing an eye and a lot of patience! We also discuss the ethics and best practices of street photography and some great tips on[...]
- Do you want to understand cafe culture in France? Here are some things you need to know. 1. French cafes are almost all family owned, you will not see the high level of standardization you're used to with Starbucks. 2. There are "standard coffee drinks" in France, we discuss what they are in this episode[...]
- French people seem to take a lot of long week-ends in May. Labor Day, May 1st is particularly complicated for visitors because most things are closed. Then you have other long week-ends in May like V-Day and Awhen hotels and restaurants are really busy. In this episode of the podcast Annie explains how this works[...]
- People who eat plant-based diets have found France to be a little frustrating in the past. But things are changing fast and Paris is becoming a vegan foodie center! That's because there are great chefs adapting classic French recipes to the vegan diet. From vegan pain au chocolat to vegan foie gras not to mention[...]
- Do you want to learn about the city of Nancy, France? It is a great center of Art Nouveau, has a fascinating history, great gastronomy and it's also totally doable as a day-trip from either Paris or Strasbourg. Tour Guide Elyse comes on this episode to give us a great primer into Nancy and Lorraine[...]
- Want to visit Paris by yourself? Paris is ALWAYS a good idea! My guest on today's episode has lots of great suggestions for you, some very unique that I think will greatly appeal to women. Solo travel in Paris is simpler that you might think with a little inspiration from Corrie who tried a lot[...]
- On today's episode we discuss getting around France using public transportation: buses and metros in Paris and national trains & regional buses in the rest of France. Some places in France you need a rental car, but there are many where you do not. Many places in France having a car could ruin your vacation![...]
- 12 Tips for Visiting Paris You Will Actually Use! #joinusinfrance #firsttimeinparis #parisadvice #IDontSpeakFrench On this episode I am delighted to welcome my first guest from the Philippines, Eric Chao. Eric brings a fresh new perspective on traveling to Paris for the first time and mentions ideas I have never considered! Eric and his wife visited[...]
- #joinusinfrance #modernart #contemporaryart #modernartfrance #modernartparis #modernartmuseum #contemporaryartmuseums #contemporaryartfrance On today’s episode Elyse and Annie discuss the best places to see modern and contemporary art in France. She loves this stuff and pleads her case for the latest iteration of the arts really well. Maybe even people like me who prefer older more approachable art should[...]
- On today’s episode of the podcast, photographer Jessica Kosmack helps us think about how to take better vacation photos. Capturing quality vacation images doesn’t come natural to most of us. But let's think it through together: what can we do, practically speaking, to make our vacation photos better? It is not out of most people's[...]
- My guest on today's episode, Jessica, is from Toronto where she is a professional photographer. Her daughter is 9 and her son is 6. This was a first time in France for the kids who are in French immersion school at home. Jessica hadn't been in France since 2000 when she was an exchange student[...]
- On this Trip Report with Scott Fischer from Canada we look at the best way to spend 4 days in Paris. This was Scott's first time visiting France and after listening to this podcast he and his wife were well-prepared for a wonderful experience in the City of Light! In this episode we also discuss[...]
- On today’s episode, French Christmas songs! Did you know that there are quite a few songs you probably know in English that originated in France? We'd had several episodes about French Christmas traditions on the podcast, but of all of them, my favorite thing to do at Christmas is sing around the piano. As I[...]
- On today's episode, Elyse inspires us to go see stained-glass windows in France. Those windows almost always explore religious themes so we'll take stops at several Cathedrals that are worth a visit just to admire the stained-glass. Stained-Glass Windows from the early 1200s in France One of the places we stop during today's conversation is[...]
- On today's episode of the podcast Annie and guest William Ciardiello talk about Picardie, a region just to the north of Paris. Picardie Trip Report William was invited to visit the area by a family of locals he met through a school exchange program. They showed him around to the best places their region has[...]
- On today’s episode, Christmas Shopping and how to enjoy the Christmas season in Paris. I’m in Paris right now and I’ve enjoyed a few of these activities, I just HAD to share with my listeners! I’ll list the Christmas markets, the best department stores and covered passages at the Christmas season. In this episode you’ll[...]
- On today’s episode, Annie shares 10 tips for people who are traveling to Europe or France for the first time. After spending time in Germany and England recently she noticed a several things that are likely to throw you off if this is your first time in Europe. And, of course, all of these differences[...]
- Sarah had never been to France, but she found herself planning a 4-week trip around France for 7 people. Scary, right? An Itinerary for Families with Kids Sarah used this podcast to get inspired on what to do and where to stay. I think that her itinerary is one of the best I've ever heard[...]
- On today’s episode, Annie reviews seven WW1 memorial sites in France where we remember soldiers from English-speaking countries. Soldiers from many countries fought and died in France during WW1. We remember them today on the occasion of the WW1 Armistice Centennial taking place in France on November 11, 2018. Show Notes for Episode 211 WW1[...]
- When people hate Paris, it's usually that they want to travel, but they want everything to be just like at home at the same time. There are always sticking points when you travel. Not just when you travel to Paris, when you travel anywhere! The important thing is to know what to do so those[...]
- How do you get good restaurant service in France? When vacationing we eat out two or three times a day, and if the restaurant experience is unpleasant, it will add up to a vacation with lots of unpleasant moments. How do you minimize that? You get the cultural awareness that will turn "rude" servers into[...]
- On today’s episode, an interview with Tom and Susan, fellow Toulouse residents, about their move to France on a long stay visitor visa. As we always do in these episodes, we get into the details of paperwork, the move, and what it’s like living in France. Moving to France on a Long Stay Visitor Visa:[...]
- In today's episode Annie and Elyse discuss exploring coastal towns east of Marseille in Provence. Surprisingly, this is a part of France that has a little bit of everything in a small area! Within a distance of 35 kilometers as the crow flies between the East side of Marseille and Castellet you will find so[...]
- I have bronchitis and can't talk. I'll be back next week!
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 206 Thinking about doing the Tour du Mont Blanc? On today's episode I bring you a great conversation with Lachlan Cooke his experience doing the Tour of the Mont Blanc. This is an active vacation: it's not super technical mountaineering, but you need to be in good shape[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 205 On today’s episode, I bring you a trip report with Jennifer Warner about the World War I sites she visited with her husband and sons earlier this year. The whole family has an interest in history. Her teenage sons particularly enjoyed getting a better understanding of what[...]
- The Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 204 On today’s episode, I talk to Mary-Lou Weisman about the Best of the Vaucluse department and Provence. Not sure where the Vaucluse is? I bet you’ve heard about many of these towns! Mary-Lou is the author of a book called Playing House in Provence and her[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 203 Did you know that there is a Medieval Castle just at the edge of Paris? Complete with dungeon, draw-bridge and moat. Meet the Château of Vincennes, one of the most surprising places in Paris! [04:29] Reasons You Might Want to Visit the Château de Vincennes [06:35] Château[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 202 In Paris you only have a few options to get between the airport and the city. In this episode I mention all of them and explain why a taxi is by far the easiest, and sometimes even the cheapest option for you. Comparing the Options from[...]
- Bonjour podcast listeners You haven't heard from me in a while because I have been busy working on the new version of the Join Us in France website I am delighted to announce that it is now live and I am really happy with how it has turned out. It's not perfect, but it is[...]
- Normandy and the sites of Operation Overlord are where amazing feats of courage took place that made it possible to liberate France and eventually defeat Hitler and his armies. But in a practical sense, there are so many important sites and so many parts to the history that it's hard to keep it all straight.[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast — Episode 200 You are going to Paris with your children and wonder how to create the best experience for your kids? We've got suggestions for you in this episode! Going to Paris with boys 7 and 10 can be a challenge, but we've given this a lot of[...]
- Each part of Paris has it own feel and understanding the vibe of Paris neighborhoods is important so you can be in the best position to choose where you stay. The question of where should I stay in Paris comes up a lot especially for first-time visitors. Those of us who have been to Paris[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 198 On today’s episode, I talk to Oliver Gee and his fiancée Lina Nordin from the podcast Earful Tower. They are planning a wonderful honeymoon in France and I bet many of you are doing just that too! They plan to go all around France, exploring a lot[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 197 On today’s episode, I answer a listener’s question. Jacquline is from South Africa and she asks about the prices of common items in France because with the exchange rate, she’s not sure how far her money will stretch, so, let’s talk about food prices at French grocery[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 196 On today’s episode, Annie and Elyse talk about the things they love about the Saint Germain des Près neighborhood in Paris. It's actually surprising to see how long it took us to devote an entire episode to Saint Germain des Près, and it only happened because we[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 195 On today’s episode, I chat with David Palachek about how to dress for Paris. We’ll be sharing actionable advice you can use to pack your suitcase for Paris and look great in the city of light. Some of the tricks French women use to look good are[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 194 On today’s episode, let’s talk about Paris neighborhoods where I would rather NOT stay, or book a hotel, or rent an apartment. There aren’t so many such places, so it’ll be a short episode. I get asked all the time: is this a safe neighborhood? So yeah,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 193 On today’s episode, Elyse and Annie present to you a cornucopia of bizarre French foods. Even if you never plan on trying any of them, you need to know about them because they’ll pop up on menus here and there and we’ve known visitors who had big[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 192 Full Show Notes at *** In this episode Claire and Annie chat about how Claire and her husband moved to France on a long stay tourist visa. Because Claire was born in France and moved to the US at age 4, she thought she could to[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 191 In this episode we talk about the "good" king Henry the 4th and his home town of Pau. Perched on the top of a cliff with a FABULOUS view of the Pyrenees mountains which are close by, Pau is charming and makes for a lovely stop along[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 190 Let me tell you what makes for a great picnic in Paris. It's not so much the food (although it can be divine!) but the spot where you have your picnic. You go out of your house to eat outside because of the view, don't you? Otherwise,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 189 On today’s episode, everybody FREAK OUT! There's a train strike happening in France spring 2018! OK, don’t freak out, I think I can help you take back control and have a great vacation in France all the same. Here are the links you need to[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 188 On today’s episode, Annie and Elyse chat about the pitfalls and joys of visiting Paris in August. Things are different in Paris in the summer months and we review them all in this episode of the podcast! Timestamps [05:45] The conversation between Annie and Elyse starts. [06:54][...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Episode 187 In today's episode, Elyse and Annie give you and overview of Paris museums. Big museums, small museums, museums that present great temporary exhibits, museums that appeal to locals, museums famous for their permanent collection. Odd little museums around a specific topic, museum who are good for visitors who[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Episode 186 The question of today is how to visit the Mont Saint Michel by train from Paris? Lots of people want to know about this because if visiting the Mont Saint Michel is on your bucket list, it's a priority for you! The whole idea of this episode[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Is renting a car in France worth the trouble? In other words, for my intellectual friends: To drive or not to drive, that is the question! Wise visitors will weigh the pros and cons of driving vs. finding another mode of transportation while on vacation in France. Fools will[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast When we do a tour in Paris, we always start with the Luxembourg Gardens. Why? Because it's a haven of peace and simple joy for everybody we know who has ever visited it. Our tours also always start on a Sunday, and Sundays and Wednesdays are the best times to go[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast If I ask what part of France you want to visit besides Paris, you will probably respond Normandy or Provence. But if I ask French people where they’d like to move to in France, Toulouse is always at the top of the list. So what do French people know[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Did you know that the people of Paris have always had a "thing" for lining up major monuments? They exported the idea to Washington DC with French-born architect Pierre Charles L'Enfant. And they definitely implemented the concept with gusto in Paris. Today we look at the monuments that make[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast On today's episode of the podcast Annie tells you the story of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the novel by Victor Hugo. Did Victor Hugo really single-handedly save Notre Dame through his novel? How bad is the Disney version of the story? Who are the main characters and what[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Notre Dame Cathedral is over 850 years old. Oh, the things it must have seen! The stories it could tell! But while Notre Dame cannot tell us all the things that happened within its walls, we can pay attention to what the art is telling us. So, let’s look[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast What are the best things to do in Paris for first time visitors? What are the must-see attractions? If you're looking for info on the best things to do in Paris, we can hook you up. You may also be wondering where to stay for your first time in[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Don't spend your hard-earned dollars and precious vacation time on a trip to France at Christmas without listening to this episode! Some places are amazing at Christmas in France, others are meh, and we list them all. And for those of you not planning a trip to France right[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Staying in the Toulouse area long enough to look around at some of the hidden gems around Occitanie? We recommend Saint Bertrand de Comminges, a bucolic and inspiring village in the foothills of the Pyrenees. Elyse tells us how the gorgeous Cathedral came to be built and about other[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast It’s a fact: the Mont Saint-Michel is a big rock with an abbey on top. It doesn’t sound that appealing when I put it like that, does it? But that abbey on top of that rock with the sea surrounding it at high tide and the vast expanse of[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast If you're wondering some of the things you might need to know about Mont Saint Michel history before visiting Normandy, you've come to the right place! Licensed Tour Guide Elyse shares with us some of the highlights that will help it all make sense. And they will also help[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Our discussion about Collioure starts at [28:24]. Today, Matthew Gamache takes us to Collioure, a lovely beach town at the very bottom of France next to Spain. Like the French Riviera, Collioure is rocky and picturesque, but being far from the Riviera, the destination is not as pricey or[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast What are the best destinations in Corsica? William Ciardiello tells us how he made friends in Corsica and how they showed him a fantastic time in Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean that is not on many people's radar, but is stunning in every way: landscape, food, wine, activities,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Today we talk about traditional French recipes for Thanksgiving. By that we mean recipes you can use to bring a little bit of France into your own family traditions, although you will hear in the episode that Annie and Elyse don't quite agree on what that means. We don't[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast In this trip report, Nancy Calkins tells us about her visit to the Chenonceau and Cheverny Chateaux in the Loire Valley. They are both spectacular, and Cheverny also offered stimulating activities for her teens, including the hunting dog pack and the tie-in to the Tintin stories. Nancy has some[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast People who live with food allergies are often more stressed than others whenever they travel away from home. The reality is that any time any of us travel abroad, we are going to be exposed to new potential allergens in what we breathe, touch or eat. For most of[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France Subscribe to the email extras and bonuses Click here for show notes with time stamps for this episode. Click here to review the show on iTunes. Join Us in France Book Group on Goodreads Click here to leave us a voice mail question[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast In this episode of the podcast, we answer one big question: What are a few Loire Valley castles you shouldn't skip? The answer, of course, depends on what you like and who you are with. Janice Chung spent 6 days there in the spring of 2017 and she visited 12[...]
- Giverny and Claude Monet The Join Us in France Travel Podcast, Episode 167 In today's episode we take you into the beautiful world of Claude Monet and Giverny. You'll need to put some effort into getting to Giverny from Paris, but it's so worth it! And, as we explain in today's episode, you have several options to[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast "Big picture of why we like to tour France with our children is because I love the span of history in France. The history that you can get by traveling through France is tremendous: you can go back 20,000 years when you go see cave art paintings, then you've got[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Bonjour everybody! On today's show I talk with Nancy Caulkins about her trip to Normandy and the Loire Valley with her family in early June 2017. She makes outstanding recommendations for places to stay and gives us a tale of misfortune that so we don't fall into the same[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast On today's show you'll hear from Mike Sheppard, his Paris Marathon experience and what it's like to be in Paris for the first time. Mike is a seasoned runner, but this was his first time in Paris, so he noticed some important details that can help you make[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Narbonne is a city at the crossroads due to its geographical location in France. But we think it's a great place to visit, especially if you are looking for a lovely beach city at a reasonable cost. To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France Subscribe[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Wine is even better when you understand it, and French Wine Scholar Dave Walsh comes on the show today to answer wine questions from the Join Us in France Closed Group on Facebook. He makes it fun and simple! To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast There are two things you need to do before coming to France: Get familiar with these sentences that are so often used by French waiters. Go on a diet before the trip because the food is going to be so good, you'll want to eat a lot of it! Listen to[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France Subscribe to the email extras and bonuses Click here for show notes with time stamps for this episode. Click here to review the show on iTunes. Join Us in France Book Group on Goodreads Click here to leave us a voice mail question or[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Visiting France with your teenagers? On this episode Annie talks to Henry Caulkins, a 13 year-old from Arizona who shares what he liked and didn't like about his vacation in France. He's got recommendations for your teens and what they can do to have a great time. His mother,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Let me tell you a secret, folks. When you come to France and you go buy some wine, you are going to be surprised! Let's say you step into a supermarket in Paris on your way back to your hotel one night. You will not find a section for[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast This episode is a trip report with Debbie Raises who shares her insider tips for visiting Disneyland Paris. Debbie and her family live "close to the magic" and hour away from the Walt Disney World in Florida. They have a long history with Disney, she and her husband went on a[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Toulouse is a great place to come stay for a few days because not only is it a lovely city, but once you're here, there are a lot of great places you can visit as day trips. Most of those day trips around Toulouse require a car, and such[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Every big sports event has to start somewhere. The Paris Marathon got its start in 1896 and it was tiny then! It had 191 participants, none of them women. Things have changed so much since then. Today's Paris Marathon takes as many as 50,000 runners, many of them women,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Introduction On today's episode Annie and Elyse discuss how to protect yourself from pickpockets in Paris. We give specific steps anybody can take that will make it less likely that you will be the victim of a pick pocket, but also also steps to mitigate the repercussions if you[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France If you enjoy the show, subscribe to the Join Us in France Newsletter Click here for show notes and photos for this episode. Click here to review the show on iTunes. Join Us in France Book Group[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast To give feedback on this episode, call 801-806-1015 To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France If you enjoy the show, subscribe to the Join Us in France Newsletter Click here for show notes and photos for this episode. Click here to review the show[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast If you've used Uber in Paris and would like to give voice feedback to be included in an upcoming episode of the podcast, call 801-806-1015. To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France If you enjoy the show, subscribe to the Join Us in France[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Places Mentioned in this Episode: Lubéron, Ansouis, Lourmarin, Mérindol, Pertuis, Gorges de Régalons, Gordes, Vacqueyras, Gigondas, Cassis, les Calenques de Cassis, Marseille soccer, Cucuron, Bonnieux, Roussillon, Abbey de Sénanque Some people have all the luck: Heather Long got to spend a slice of life in the Lubéron and comes on[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast It's one thing to dream about going on a cycling tour in France and it's quite another to actually do it! Jim and Ilona share how they did it even though they're not athletes. It takes some preparation and a love for adventure and off they went! Episode Highlights[...]
- What is Going to Be Open on May 1st in France? To read the original post for this short, visit Addicted to France Episode Highlights No city public transportation anywhere besides Paris Most museums will be closed Most stores will be closed Some restaurants will be closed Plan your day carefully!
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast My guest today is Christine Hegerty from Australia, and she joins me today to talk about visiting Southern France in winter. They started their trip in Nice and exited via the Basque Country, so they really went all the way across. What is it like in France in the[...]
- Welcome France FAQ #1, a short mini-podcast that will periodically appear in between regular Join Us in France episodes. If you’re subscribed to the Join Us in France Travel Podcast, which you should be if you don’t want to miss anything, the France FAQ will magically appear in your podcasting app, just like any episode[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Places mentioned in this episode: Toulouse, Aeroscopia, Airbus, Bonrepos-Riquet, Carcassonne, Mirepoix, Albi, Cordes-sur-Ciel, Château de Saurs, Cahors, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, Puycelsi, Penne, Bruniquel, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val Episode Highlights [53”] Thank you Patreon Supporters! New installment of Lunch-Break French. [1’56] Resources to Get Started in French: Duolingo App, Coffee Break French, Lawless French.[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast In this episode Annie and Elyse discuss one of the lesser known parts of France, but at the same time an area that is full of wonderful surprises and genuine culture. You will love the gastronomy, you'll get to see how they make Roquefort Cheese up-close, it is a[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast This episode is full of great honeymoon ideas for people who want to have the best of both worlds: a vacation where you explore a new country and city, plus spend plenty of time relaxing at the beach and enjoying one another's company. In the episode Romantic Paris, Gary[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Who hasn't day-dreamed about hiking or biking through the French countryside? Stephanie, Dawn, Krista and Barb made it come true and in late September 2016 flew to France to do some hiking around Bordeaux. They used a tour company that sold them maps and arranged for accommodations, breakfast and dinner,[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Today, Elyse and Annie want you to meet someone amazing. Let's see if you can guess who it is: He changed linguistics forever. He was an Egyptologist. He was born in Figeac, France, a small town in the Southwest. Did you guess Jean-François Champollion? That's correct! Champollion is the[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast This episode spells out all the differences between the Paris Metro and the Paris Bus, down to the small details that happen to matter a lot! This is all based on my recent personal experience. To learn about Join Us in France Tours, visit Addicted to France If you[...]
- Join Us in France Travel Podcast Maybe you're financially challenged at the moment, maybe you're bringing your kids and don't need or want anything fancy. Maybe you're just the kind of person, like me, who likes to feel like you got great value for your dollar, maybe this is a business trip and your boss[...]