Donate or Sponsor
As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on listener donations, public funding from the French Ministry of Culture, and corporate sponsorships. We’re a registered charity operating under the name “Association World Radio Paris”, which also means that donations and corporate sponsorships to WRP are tax-deductable under French regulations.
If you believe in the value of community radio, we would really appreciate your support. Every cent goes towards the maintenance of recording equipment, studio rent, music license fees, broadcast bills and all the other things that keep a radio station running.
Individuals can DONATE with Paypal (link below). They get a 60% tax deduction on their yearly income tax (minimum donation 60€).
Corporations can SPONSOR our station and get a 66% tax deduction on their business tax. They are acknowledged with a mention on the air. To sponsor WRP, companies should email us directly,
In order to advertise a product or service companies should rather go to the “Advertise with us” section.
Our corporate sponsors
WRP is on-air in 2024 thanks to the generous support of:
Kentingtons – tax and investment consultants
Smith & Son – independent English bookshop in Paris
… and our advertisers
Leggett Immobilier – French estate agents
Frog Pubs