Molly Maine is a fine art painter who moved to Paris to study painting and drawing at Studio Escalier, an art school in Montmartre. In her studio in Montmartre, she makes autobiographical paintings that use imagery of interior and exterior spaces, reflection, still life, and portraiture.
A Californian by birth, she attended Sarah Lawrence College in New York where she majored in art and literature. Though interested in art since childhood, it was while copying from Botticelli’s “La Primavera” at the Uffizi during a study abroad program in Florence Italy, that she became interested in figurative painting and drawing. After graduation, she worked as an artist and scenic painter in Portland Oregon. In Oregon she was awarded a yearlong fully funded painting residency from the Calligram Falcon foundation. Molly has since lived Oxford England and Paris France where she pursues her interest drawing and painting from live models as well as from paintings and sculptures at the Louvre.