The Earful Tower
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The Earful Tower is a weekly podcast all about Paris, hosted by Australian expat Oliver Gee. With a huge variety of guests – from cooks and comedians to TV hosts and tour guides – this show will transport you to the City of Lights and make you feel like you’ve met the characters that make it shine.
Latest Episode
- This month is my 18th December living in Paris, and as I reflect on that time, I’m struck by how much the city still enchants and surprises me. It might be a buzzy neighborhood, a refurbished historical marvel like Notre Dame, a dining experience, or something more unexpected. Someone in the business of sussing out[...]
- In times of turmoil, we naturally seek sources of calm. And in Paris, perhaps nothing that recenters Parisians more than the Seine. The city’s most iconic waterway has shaped its mythology long before there were tourist boats and selfie-taking travelers. Today, the significance of the Seine is front and center again, thanks to the Olympics[...]
- Did you know that Arabic is the second most spoken language in France? However, the way it is perceived and taught has led many Arabic speakers in France to either abandon the language or not pass it down to their children. It’s this particular experience that the journalist Nabil Wakim sought to investigate in his[...]
- It’s been several months since the President threw us into a mess by calling a snap election and in early September, months overdue, Macron finally named a prime minister. What does his choice mean for the country, and what does it signal to voters who cast their ballots for the left coalition? I speak with[...]
- After enduring nearly a year of pandemic-related isolation and a punishing lack of human touch, author Glynnis MacNicol boarded a plane for Paris in August, 2021 to sublet a friend’s apartment for the month. She was 47 years old and on a mission—100% enjoyment. An exploration of pleasure. Close contact. Her memoir about this time,[...]
- It’s the end of summer holidays, the city is slowly filling up again and that means, novelty is upon us. I associate this time with new restaurant openings, events, and even pop-ups that will carry us to the end of the year. It’s a return to life. One person who is full of life, with[...]
- After years of planning and a solid 7 months of Parisian complaining, the Olympics are here! Over their history, they have put some tourist destinations on the map, attempted to build unity, and accelerated social and infrastructural change in host cities. Of course, not everyone benefits, and the legacy of the Olympics, including the impact[...]
- In the last episode, you heard me talk to Katy Lee about the snap elections in France. Why they happened, what they mean, and what party was predicted to perform well in the first round. Now, the day before the second round and not only has everything we discussed come to pass, but the stakes[...]
- (This episode was recorded on June 14) There's a lot to unpack following President Macron’s decision to dissolve the lower house of parliament and call snap elections for the end of June and there is no one better to dive in with me than journalist and podcaster Katy Lee. We discuss the role of these[...]
- There’s something about leaving Paris, even briefly, and returning that makes all of its idiosyncrasies and charms all the more compelling and obvious. And sometimes, it takes talking with someone who is a particularly keen observer of daily life to highlight these elements even further. Seb Emina, today’s guest, is one such example. The writer[...]
- As much as the Paris food scene has grown increasingly international and casual, fine dining establishments continue to soar. They’ve had to modernize their menus and their approaches to service to stay relevant, but the tasting menu and Michelin-starred experience continues to thrive. However, the way to do that while also opening up the experience[...]
- When it comes to artistic endeavors, Paris shines bright as a historically welcome place to pursue them. The city that gave us the Louvre and some of the finest galleries in the world is full of creative talent or, at the very least, creative inspiration. But how it feels living and working as an artist[...]
- Running a business in Paris is a dream for some, a hardship for others. But for today’s guest, Jane Bertch, it has been a variety of things including life changing. 15 years ago she confounded La Cuisine Paris, a French cooking school that is still going strong. She talks about the journey to Paris and[...]
- There’s nothing like leaving Paris for a short time to reset perspectives. I’ve recently returned from 10 days in New York and the Philadelphia region and I was struck by how worn and behind both destinations felt. Part of that is lingering socio-economic impact of the pandemic, and part of it may be insufficient funds[...]
- Paris has always been a refuge for foreigners. For a lifetime for some, for a chapter of their lives for others. One of my very best friends in Paris was drawn to many of the qualities that I’ve described on the show over the years (and in The New Paris book) and falls into one[...]
- Welcome to the end of 2023! Let's take a look back at the challenging, protest-heavy, crisis-generating year in Paris and beyond, with a few thoughts for 2024. Bonnes fêtes et bonne année! Season 8 will begin in the second half of January. Buy my book: The New Paris Buy my book: The New Parisienne Follow[...]
- Paris has a long legacy not merely as a world capital of culture but as a literary capital. Some of the world’s greatest writers and thinkers have created some of their best work in or about Paris and found homes for it in bookstores, to be sure, but also libraries. Two years ago I interviewed[...]
- It’s the week of thanksgiving and that seems like an appropriate time to bring back an American friend. Amanda Bankert is a previous guest of this show (episode 8!) and the owner and pastry chef behind Boneshaker, the only donut shop in Paris worth your time, money, and sweet tooth. She’s also just released her[...]
- I have been waiting to talk about the new book by today’s guest for years. Actually, since I met him some 7 years ago when he was already hard at work researching it. Jon Bonné has worked as a journalist for three decades and currently serves as the managing editor at RESY. He is, particularly[...]
- If you spend any amount of time on social media, chances are good you’ve come across the very viral videos of today’s guest. Cécilia Jourdan is a language teacher, content creator and entrepreneur who started Hello French in 2020 with an Instagram account that has since become a full blown business. She joins me today[...]
- In the previous episode, you heard from four incredibly smart people invested in both raising awareness and pushing for change when it comes to the fashion industry as a whole. But what practical steps are needed? In this episode, I'm joined again by Aja Barber, Khémäis Ben Lakhdar, and Esha Chhabra to talk about accountability,[...]
- (Special two-part episode!) Every season, all eyes are on the Parisian runways as onlookers try to get a peak at what big and disruptive trends await for the following year. But few know about the history of how this industry came to be, the role of colonialism in its development, and how the industry upholds[...]
- It’s la rentrée! I’m back to my usual home studio and routine which means I’m ready to kick off the fall, and the end of season 7, with some fresh conversations. Let’s kick off September with a friend, entrepreneur and previous guest of this show, Jay Swanson. We’re going to talk about his new project, Paris[...]
- Of all the cuisines that have had a presence in Paris but always deserved to be more prominent, Lebanese cooking ranks high among them. France is home to the largest Lebanese diaspora in Europe so it’s no surprise that key dishes and ingredients are familiar to many diners. But most establishments hew to classics— that[...]
- We are quickly approaching three years since my second book The New Parisienne was released. The year 2020, as you may remember, was not an ideal time to release art into the world. Later that year, we would see that the best thing you could have offered people sheltering at home was food and cookbooks, [...]
- Aside from the last episode of last season, which was more about the President than the World Cup, I’ve almost never talked about sports on this show. And that’s strange given the role it plays in local culture. When I learned about the work of today’s guest, I knew it was time to record a[...]
- Of all the cooking essentials we buy and consume, few are as taken for granted or even misrepresented as extra virgin olive oil. Imagine you’re in France scanning the shelves in your local market for a new bottle. The labels might lead you to believe the oil is 100% French, Italian or Greek but inspect[...]
- If you like art or are even mildly interested in art, Paris has both an abundant and intimidating level of choice. The exact number of museums varies according to how you might define a museum but it’s been estimated that there are over 130 museums in Paris, including marquee destinations and smaller museums that showcase[...]
- The work to live vs live to work ideology was among the earliest characteristics of French life that appealed to me as a student. I didn’t know the extent to which that would bear out until I had lived in Paris for a number of years and discovered it firsthand. For Ajiri Aki, the Nigerian-American[...]
- Much like fashion, Paris is a global reference for design. There are the iconic interiors one might imagine when thinking of Paris but then there are the more sceney or concepty places that seem to have big design firms and big investors behind them. In the last 8 or so years, it feels like every[...]
- The music you’ve just been listening to was performed by today’s guest, Bonnie Brown, a concert pianist and piano instructor who works out of her home in Paris. She joins me to talk about her connection to France, working as a musician, and the places she loves most to listen to music in Paris. PS.[...]
- If you were to walk the streets of Paris today, you’d see about 7,000 tons of garbage piling up on sidewalks. The stench after a week of no garbage collection is, you might say, ungodly. Some residents have seen an uptick in rat socialising. And according to reports, this could go on until at least[...]
- If I think about some of the women that have defined Parisian and French history, I instantly think of Marie Antoinette. The long maligned figure of French royalty and one of many unfortunate symbols of the French Revolution, the former queen has rarely been painted in a positive light. But what if that is an[...]
- If you were to scan a Parisian city block, you’ll land on at least one caviste or wine seller. But while there are a lot of them, they’re not all created equal. Alison Eastaway, an Australian who has lived in Paris for 12 years and today’s guest, saw an opportunity to offer something different. She[...]
- I wasn’t going to publish another episode this year but then the World Cup Final happened, and President Macron went cringe and inspired a whole new conversation I simply had to have before the new year. There’s no better person to discuss Macron with than Rym Momtaz, the former France Correspondent for Politico who spent[...]
- Of all the incredible foods in Paris, which do you think gets consumed the most? If your instincts led you to say pizza you’d be correct. By some estimates, the French as a whole are the world’s second biggest consumers of pizza after the United States. As the capital, Paris is understandably swarming with pizza[...]
- It started with gâteau and continues with, well, more cake. And pastry, and Chocolate! For part two of my focus on sweets, I’m joined once again but an old friend of the show whose first book, Sweet Paris, was released earlier this year. My conversation with Frank Adrian Barron took place in my apartment so[...]
- t’s that time of year: gift giving, baking, holiday planning. Which means it couldn’t hurt to draw your attention to France for some inspiration. This will be a two-part episode all about sweets featuring two authors whose books you absolutely should be picking up for yourself or offering as gifts. To start, I’m joined today[...]
- Turn on the nightly news, listen to the radio, or speak with most Europeans these days and the topic on heavy rotation is the energy crisis. This is partly an outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war as Moscow has suspended natural gas supplies in response to economic sanctions imposed by the West. As reported by Fortune[...]
- One of the incredible aspects of living in Europe is the access to rich bread and baking traditions. They may vary between France, Poland, Germany, and Portugal, let’s say, but what they share is the ongoing movement to protect them. It’s also the theme of the new cookbook by my fellow American friend based in[...]
- 2022 will be forever be etched in my mind as the year travel and tourism rebounded from the pandemic in a massive way. Essentially, since June 1 or whenever the remaining travel restrictions lifted, visitors haven’t stopped trickling into the city. I also know this from experiencing a major uptick in requests for my own[...]
- Since the last episode of this show, I can report two positive things: First, I did indeed spend less time doom scrolling and therefore alleviate much of the anxiety and stress I had been feeling for months. And second, I finished a number of excellent books, many of which you can find on my[...]
- There’s no guest for today’s episode. Instead, I wanted to talk about a topic I was recently asked to write about for Elle magazine in France. And that’s the subject of tipping and tip culture. Given that tourism across France is back in a big way and the French themselves are back to traveling beyond[...]
- I was reared on stand up comedians. Growing up, I was exposed to the greats: George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock. My near religious weeknight ritual with my father was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and being permitted to watch The Chapelle Show even though the subject matter[...]
- I’m back after a little break to visit family in the states and return to Paris just in time to get knocked out with covid for a week. I’m sounding more like myself and ready to record new interviews for the remainder of season 5! So thanks for your patience. To kick things back off,[...]
- This episode was recorded April 25, the day after the conclusion of the 2022 French presidential election. That means, the first day of knowing Macron will continue to govern France after his first term officially ends on May 13. To some, this feels like a bandaid on a gaping wound. To others, a sign that[...]
- Understanding life in France and the foundation on which identity is based, requires an understanding of certain words, themes, and ideas. Words like terroir, laïcité, entrepreneur, and travail, among countless others. Grasping their complexity is not only important to cultural integration but to being able to navigate daily life. It’s also the focus of a[...]
- One of the first English-language journalists in Paris covering women’s issues both in France and abroad that I first connected with online was today’s guest, Megan Clement. Her reporting has appeared in The Guardian, Bloomberg, The Sydney Morning Herald, Al Jazeera, The New Humanitarian and many other publications. She is now editing Impact, a bilingual[...]
- One of my goals with The New Parisienne was to highlight the richness of talent coming from women in and around the capital. There’s tremendous creativity, knowledge, innovation, and inspiration and it’s these women and so many others who fuel my own work and thinking. Rahaf Harfoush, one of the women in the book and[...]
- Running a restaurant in Paris is fraught in the best of times but the last several years have presented additional challenges. Some have closed as a result but I’m happy to report that many of the city’s best independently run establishments spanning street food to fine dining have held on and even grown stronger. I[...]
- With less than three months to the French presidential election, 59 days to the first round to be exact, there are a number of worrying discussions taking place online and in the media that risk distracting from the most pressing issues for French citizens but have taken up considerable airtime. In 2020, that was the[...]
- At the very end of 2021, one of the highlights was getting to meet a whole new batch of readers when I did a book signing for The New Parisienne at the home goods store Landline which I discovered during the lowest moments of Covid. This is in the 11th arrondissement which is an area[...]
- If you’ve followed the news out of France in recent weeks, you know a couple of things. One, France has entered campaign season, with the Presidential election awaiting us in April 2022. Two, among the many disconcerting absurdities in said campaign, we have a far right, antisemitic, misogynistic pundit whose message at his first public[...]
- A recent New York Times story had a lot of us Parisians up in arms. It’s mayhem on rue de Rivoli and streets across Paris, we’re told, as bikes take over and the mayor pursues an ambitious goal of making the city a European cycling capital by 2024. The journalist includes comments such as “it’s[...]
- First, some real talk. I know little to nothing about French cinema but I do know that when the actor Jean-Paul Belmondo died in September, it came as a massive loss to a great many French people. As it happens, talking about Belmondo online, and what little I knew about him, connected me to someone[...]
- Which country has the best healthcare system? It’s a question that is regularly tossed around, particularly as America’s healthcare system looks more and more broken with every passing year. The stories of Americans putting off doctor’s visits due to fees and the fear that a costly ailment will be discovered are so common they seem[...]
- I didn’t grow up with much exposure to Vietnamese cooking so it wasn’t until I arrived in France 15 years ago that I actually discovered the nuances in the cuisine. That’s not all that surprising: France is home to the oldest Vietnamese diaspora, which pre-dated the fall of Saigon. The first waves of Vietnamese immigration[...]
- Making sense of your identity when you live abroad can be a fraught endeavour. For third culture kids, identity is even more complex. My friend and fellow creative who goes simply by the name Pushan, understands this especially well. He’s French, Basque, Indian, and American and has lived even further afield for his work as[...]
- Without question, Paris and the arts go hand in hand. The density of public museums and galeries small and large make Paris one of the most enriching artistic capitals to visit. In recent years, that has expanded to include private collections in shiny, multi-million euro spaces that have the potential to change the French art[...]
- When I think of women in the food media, I instantly think of Victoire Loup, a French-born writer and consultant who goes between Paris and Los Angeles. For a time she was the communication director for Le Fooding and has written for a number of international magazines and newspapers. More recently, she has published two[...]
- It’s been a while since I’ve done a France news update but there are so many pressing issues facing the country now besides Covid that it was time to jump back in. And this time, I’m joined by Yasser Louati, a human rights and civil liberties activist, a community organiser, and political analyst. He also[...]
- Talking to strangers is a part of my job. I interview people for work, most of whom I don’t know personally in advance, but is generally arranged. I know what I’m about to do and so does the person I’ll be speaking with. But approaching strangers on the street to learn bits of their story[...]
- Have you ever found yourself endlessly fascinated by something, to the point of obsession? For me, that’s probably coffee and chocolate but for others deeply passionate about food and the way it is made, that might be bread, cheese, or even wine. Those are the three loves explored by my friend Katie Quinn in her[...]
- Mastering a language is a lifelong endeavour, one that can be complicated by the very fluidity and ever-evolving nature of language itself. Slang and idiomatic expressions change with each generation but require an education all the same. Understanding conversational and street French, for example, is a way into understanding who the French are today and[...]
- What does it take to open and run a restaurant in Paris? What about building a brand that not only reaches a wider audience but that that may be protected from the unexpected and very disruptive obstacles, from protests to health crises? Ali Terry and Isabelle Cote have taken Sunday in Soho from a canteen[...]
- If there’s one thing that springs to mind when it comes to French lifestyle, it’s the importance of farmer’s markets. Few places in the world can claim to rival the multitude of marchés that are both destinations and fixtures of everyday life across France. And for many, they are a source of tremendous inspiration. That[...]
- How important is travel in our lifelong education? For Kévi Donat, founder of Le Paris Noir walking tours, it’s a crucial element to understanding a place, a culture, a past, and a present and above all, builds empathy. He chronicles chronicles the city’s connection to Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States, covering critical themes[...]
- "The Paris Library", the New York Times Bestselling book by novelist Janet Skeslien Charles, is based on the true story of the heroic librarians at The American Library in Paris during WWII who not only kept the library alive but continued making books available to soldiers and Jewish members in hiding. The story follows Odile,[...]
- Many of us can recall moments from childhood when there was nothing more appealing than being anywhere but at home. Someplace more dazzling, someplace where every day life takes on a more special sheen; someplace like Paris. That moment is captured perfectly in Paris by Phone, the new rhyming picture book for kids by today’s[...]
- This is the final episode of this train wreck year. But to recap in a way that goes beyond the specifically wrenching horror of Covid, I’m joined by my friends and regular guests Lauren Collins and Aida Alami. We’re going to chat about some of the OTHER big stories that shaped France in 2020. MENTIONED[...]
- For many people around the world, 2020 has contributed to more than just personal upheaval but a professional uprooting as well. Lost jobs, cancelled opportunities, disrupted projects, and in some cases, it’s the realization that now is as good a time as any to bring about changes. To navigate all that, there are experts like[...]
- Of all the conversations I’ve had on and offline since the show Emily in Paris first aired in October, perhaps my favorite (and least heated) has been the one you’re about to hear with Sutanya Dacres, a friend of the show and the host of the podcast Dinner for One. In this episode, we talk[...]
- On April 15, 2019, the world watched in horror as the Notre Dame cathedral became engulfed in a fiery inferno and the city came dangerously close to losing its 850-year-old treasure. Now, a new documentary called "Saving Notre Dame", airing on the PBS science series NOVA, tells the story of the fire and the race[...]
- Some of my favorite reporting assignments have involved spending time in the Champagne region, getting to know its producers and uncovering the stories behind the bottles. Among the most memorable discoveries over the years has been AR Lenoble, a 4th generation family-run and independent operation that is heavily involved in making the industry more inclusive[...]
- Women and Champagne have a long history together. In fact, If Champagne became shorthand for luxury and celebration, it’s entirely thanks to the business acumen of Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, commonly referred to as “La Veuve (widow) Clicquot.” Not only did she invent the riddling table, but she also turned the small, fledgling business she took[...]
- Cocktails in Paris have evolved radically in the last ten years and certainly rival what you can get in any of the big cocktail hubs, such as New York and London. So it’s only natural that from a more sophisticated scene we would see more sophisticated and inventive concepts emerge. Allison Kave is involved in[...]
- There are a million different reasons people move to Paris. In many cases, the move is meant to be temporary and invariably becomes more permanent. Even more often, the person finds themselves in an entirely different line of work or ends up pursuing a passion project once they’ve settled in. Tanisha Townsend had a radically[...]
- This episode is the first in what I hope to be a monthly series picking up apart one news story impacting France. And each time, I’ll be joined by my two friends Lauren Collins and Aida Alami. Lauren is a reporter for The New Yorker and the author of When in French: Love in a[...]
- Cathleen Clarity, a chef, cookbook author, and culinary teacher, has called Greater Paris home for 30 years and has championed both French and American cuisine through her work. Her daughter, Cécilia, has been living away from the French capital for seven years but returned home to reconnect with Paris and family. One day, she’ll return[...]
- There are many different ways to be an advocate and support causes you believe in. For Liz Warner, an American in Paris, her advocacy goes hand in hand with her passion for running. She’s the founder of Run to Reach, a fundraising campaign that involved running marathons around the world to raise money for women’s[...]
- I’ve been doing a lot of reading this summer and was delighted to discover the work of Sanaë Lemoine, a first-time novelist. Her book, “The Margot Affair”, was an editor’s choice by The New York Times shortly after it was released in June for its “lush, lyrical prose that perfectly captures the heightened emotion and[...]
- I met today's guest 3 years ago this month, in Washington DC. I was in town to give a talk about The New Paris for Pineapple DC, a culinary-centric collective for women; women who work in food and beverage, are passionate about it, or have hopes of working in the industry. That’s where I met[...]
- On July 7, my second book, The New Parisienne, was finally released into the world. I’ve been delighted to participate in a number of virtual talks, including the hour with author Thomas Chatterton Williams as part of The American Library in Paris’s author program. That’s the conversation you’ll discover in this episode-- I hope both[...]
- The last several weeks have felt like a sea change for much of the world. The fight for social and racial justice in America has awakened minds across the world, including in France where antiracist activists are being heard in a new way. What happens in Minneapolis, New York City, Atlanta, and towns big and[...]
- France considers itself the birthplace of human rights and yet many of the country's policies when it comes to the disabled population are severely lacking. This is one of the themes discussed with today's guest, Marina Carlos, a 31 year-old French-Portuguese disability rights' advocate. For the last several years, she's been creating French and English[...]
- Pregnancy is an emotional, physically demanding, and life-changing experience in normal times. In a pandemic? Amplify those feelings. There are more questions than answers and a whole new set of protocols that an expectant mother hadn't anticipated. For Ariane Chang, an artist in Paris, the pandemic hit just as she was reaching the end of her pregnancy. When[...]
- If seven weeks in confinement has illustrated anything, it's just how much collateral damage a pandemic leaves in its wake. the fragile become more fragile. The disenfranchised are pushed down even further. But it isn't only human life that takes a hit. Animals, and in this case I'm referring primarily to domestic animals, are also heavily[...]
- At the end of 2019, the pension reform strikes dealt a nasty blow to businesses in Paris. I reported a story for Fortune magazine about the economic impact for a handful of food and wine establishments, including those run by Josh Fontaine. He is the co-owner of Quixotic Projects, the group that created Candelaria, among[...]
- Today's episode is more of a discussion than a one-sided interview. I'm joined by Jacqueline Ngo Mpii, the founder of Little Africa, a cultural and tourism agency in Paris that connects individuals, companies, and organizations with the best of African spirit in Paris (and beyond). She invited me to discuss the impact of the pandemic[...]
- It's week five of confinement in Paris. I have been reporting stories about the virus and how the lockdown has severely impacted businesses and was slowly thinking about recording the podcast from home (vs in a studio). After a number of listeners reached out saying they'd love to know a little bit about how Paris[...]
- In the time I have run this show and published my book, "The New Paris", specialty coffee has become a far less exotic and unfamiliar commodity in the city and across France. The city's leading coffee roasters have helped that along and continue to demonstrate the importance of transparency in the industry. To talk about[...]
- (Recorded March 12, before Covid-19 confinement) One of the earliest travel aficionados I met in Paris was Anne Ditmeyer. Her design work, her blog aptly called Prêt à Voyager, and her leisure time all revolved around travel and the way it expands our minds and teaches us about other cultures and ways of life. As[...]
- In February 2017, a young entrepreneurial Swede living in Paris took her design business to the next level. Deuxième Studios, a shoe label created by Lina Nordin Gee, brought fun fabrics and silhouettes, quality craftsmanship, and artisanal production to the fashion scene where more and more young talents are emerging online. Lina joins the show[...]
- When I think of the contemporary American writers that have marked the canon of documenting the French experience, I instantly think of David Lebovitz. The prolific author and blogger gave us personal stories about navigating life in Paris, about cooking, about buying and renovating an apartment and now he brings us a primer on drinking,[...]
- The tale of how and why Americans come to settle in Paris is generations deep but it doesn’t stop being compelling. I learned about Jay Swanson, and American from the Pacific Northwest who has lived in Paris a number of years, through his video work. For the better part of three years, he was posting[...]
- Given the troubled nature of this beginning to 2020, I thought it would be a nice idea to start the year by talking about love. L’amour and its multitudes. Specifically, I wanted to talk about "Amour: How the French Talk about Love", the new book by Stefania Rousselle, an award-winning French-American photo journalist and filmmaker[...]
- An update about The New Paris podcast and the forthcoming book from the show's host, Lindsey Tramuta.
- Closing out the third season and the year with a look back on some of the major stories that dominated the newsfeed throughout 2019 in Paris , from the Notre Dame fire to Mayor Hidalgo's war on cars and the pension reform strikes that, at the time of publishing this, have continued for four weeks.[...]
- What does it mean to be a citizen of a given place? How do our origins, beliefs, and race compose our identities? Should they be part of understanding our senses of self at all? This is arguably one of the prevailing issues of our time but one that looks very different in the United States[...]
- Six years ago, I entered a new café that was aiming to do something that, at the time, was unique: to bring together good food AND excellent coffee. I had eagerly anticipated it’s opening and was sure it would become my regular hangout. But very quickly, word got out that this place called Hollybelly was[...]
- It’s been nearly a year since the start of the gilets jaunes or yellow vest movement and when I think back on the moments that will forever remain ingrained in my mind, it’s those of intense violence. Violence not only at the hands of the anarchists who latched on to the social demonstrations but violence[...]
- If anything earns near religious devotion in France it’s bread. And in Paris, the marquee name in artisanal bread making has been Poilâne since 1932. Apollonia Poilâne, my guest today, represents the third generation of her family‘s business, one that revolutionized the role of bread in its beginnings and continues to innovate, remaining a beloved[...]
- What defines the Parisian landscape? The mind instantly goes to a city with its tower, with its Haussmannian uniformity and its wide boulevards. But what really makes Paris, it's true lifeblood, is the Seine river, as much a protagonist in the city's story as its streets or landmarks. That's the conceit of a new book[...]
- There's the New Paris and ten there's Another Paris, a book that could and perhaps should be paired automatically with mine when it comes to looking at the transforming landscape of Paris and Greater Paris. I met the author Nicolas le Goff several years ago when his incredibly clever and timely book was first released[...]
- Is France progressive? What are some of the hot-button issues in France in recent months? Will we ever stop talking about the headscarf? I'm joined by journalist and research fellow Karina Piser of the Institute for Current World Affairs to talk about these and other topics along with her important reporting from her time in[...]
- Among the most pervasive stereotypes about Paris is that it is the capital of love. Watch a few movies and you'd assume that romance and passion abound. I never believed those tropes but I was genuinely surprised to have met the man who became my husband only three days after I arrived in the city.[...]
- When you think about camping out on a café terrace with a drink, chances are you don't think of craft beer. This is a wine country after all, right? The history is a bit more complicated than that. According to the Brewers Association of France, beer consumption has grown about 3% annually each of the[...]
- This episode is a recording from the June 12th panel discussion at The American Library in Paris about French feminism -- what defines it, what are its challenges, how does it differ from the American movement, and where it's heading. I was joined by journalists Rokhaya Diallo, Alice Pfeiffer, and Lauren Collins, who moderated the[...]
- If you’ve been reading the news or simply living as a human on earth, you’re aware of our world’s greatest crisis: the climate. The evidence is undeniable, we’re destroying our planet and not acting fast enough, if In the right ways at all, to slow its demise. Joining me to dig into the climate calamity[...]
- For generations, musicians of all stripes have flocked to Paris to pursue their craft and perform for curious and engaged audiences. Today’s guests have been working in music and performing all over the country (and beyond) for over twelve years and together they form Signing Earth Divine, a 100 member gospel-inspired choir. As a part[...]
- What does safety and security mean in the context of the French state? How does it relate to issues of immigration and national identity? Joining me back on the show is Andrew Aguilar (from episode 24), a PhD candidate in political science at Sciences Po and a fellow at the French Migrations Convergence Institute. On this[...]
- How easy is it, really, to move to France and find work if you’re a foreigner? What about if English is your dominant language and French is a very distant second (or third, or fourth)? France24 journalist Charli James moved to Paris nearly two years ago and has talked at length about navigating life in[...]
- In a time when award-winning chefs are giving up their Michelin stars and more and more diners use their everyday tools like Instagram to plan where to eat, what’s the value of the guidebook? Has Le Fooding’s merger with Michelin impact the direction of lists and rankings? I talk about this with guests Lina Caschetto,[...]
- Welcome to season 3! A block from the studio sits the 25Hours Hotel Terminus Nord, a new property that celebrates the real people who shape the day to day life of the wider Gare du Nord neighborhood. It’s also the latest project for today’s guest — Alex Toledano, co-founder of the art consultancy Visto Images.[...]
- The end of season 2 and, perhaps more importantly, the end of 2018, merits a special discussion. Joining me back in the studio for a chat about some of the events that have defined the year in Paris and France is author and staff writer for The New Yorker, Lauren Collins. We talked about France’s[...]
- #Metoo, body shaming, fatphobia, feminism, PMA, representation. These are among the words, movements and themes that have gone from niche or seldom addressed to the forefront of conversation across nearly all social stratums. In season 1, I invited Lauren Bastide of the feminist podcast La Poudre to discuss the outcome of #MeToo in France and[...]
- It’s 5:30 pm on a Monday evening and that means, it’s time for a drink and a nibble or two. That drink in France would be part of the beloved tradition of l’aperitif or apero as we so commonly refer to it. It’s a shared moment before dinner, usually among friends and with a few[...]
- Ah, Gay Paree. It’s an expression firmly anchored into the collective imagination that speaks to the fin-de-siecle period wherein Paris became known as the capital of pleasure. Today, say Gay Paree and it almost certainly refers to and evokes a more modern understanding. Joining me today to talk about gay culture, history and the continuing[...]
- Think it’s only French food that dominates the dining scene in Paris? You’d be mistaken. And some of the best food is cooked by foreign chefs who came to the city to train, learn, handle some of the world’s highest quality products and give back. Some bring their cultures to the dining landscape while other[...]
- I met today’s guest 3 years ago at a café. He was conducting research on French Islam, I was writing my book on Paris. That café was a source of comfort for both of us after the Nov 13th attacks which killed and injured hundreds. These attacks, carried out by French or other European nationals[...]
- Some 23 million travelers from around the world descended on Paris last year. And if they’re like locals, they know there is more than one way to get around the city. But it is by foot that Paris is best experienced. Today’s guest is author and illustrator Jessie Kanelos Weiner, co-creator of the new book[...]
- For Frenchman David Santori, Paris has largely been a place to visit. For nearly 20 years, he has lived in the United States, returning each year to his hometown only to visit family. What changes in Paris are most obvious to him, I wondered? Is « The New Paris » part of a subtle shift or something[...]
- The literary and artistic ties to Paris run deep. From Hemingway to Stein, Davis to Coates, the city’s appeal is everlasting. Today’s guest continues that legacy. Cody Delistraty, named a young writer of the year by British Vogue, is a cultural critic who talks to Lindsey today about working in Paris, the state of art,[...]
- The latest trend in Paris? Leaving Paris! There’s been an influx of Parisians decamping to the countryside or smaller French cities like Montpellier or Bordeaux. Driven by a desire to return to the land, step away from the frenetic urban pace, lower cost of living or simply explore parts unknown, this exodus is on the[...]
- Baron Haussmann, celebrated as one of the greatest urban planners in European history, is credited with having transformed Paris from an overcrowded, dirty and disease-riddled city in the 1840s to a breathable, walkable city with wide, well-lit avenues, cobbled streets, and ashlar buildings with wrought-iron balconies. But there’s more to the Parisian urban landscape than[...]
- Do you know what's in the food you're ordering at restaurants? Where the meat from the supermarket comes from? How the animals you eat were treated on the farms they were reared on? Do you think about the livelihoods of the food artisans producing the goods you regularly consume? These questions are abiding preoccupations today[...]
- The last time we spoke about innovation in Paris was last year in the run up to the presidential election. Now that Emmanuel Macron has been in office for nine months, we revisit the discussion and look at the state of start-up culture, the creative scene and business development in the capital. Bringing their deep[...]
- Artists of all walks of life are a venerated group in Paris and that is especially true for filmmakers. Based in Paris for the last year, American filmmaker, actor and writer, Dan Sickles joins me to kick off season 2 of The New Paris with a discussion on filmmaking in France, following(or not following) the[...]
- For the finale of season 1 of The New Paris, we're joined by journalist and fellow podcaster Oliver Gee (The Earful Tower) to chat about what drew him to Paris nearly three years ago, what he finds inspiring about the city, and what exactly makes this 'New' Paris so special. Mentioned in this episode: The[...]
- How many times a week do you have a glass of wine? How often do you talk about wine? If you're Parisian, probably quite frequently. For me, it wasn't something I indulged with any regularity until I was researching and writing my book and finally discovered what I enjoyed drinking and knew what sorts of[...]
- Following the Harvey Weinstein allegations, stories of sexual harassment and misconduct have been pouring out and saturating our news feeds, and not only in the United States. On this week’s episode, we’ll be tackling the timely subject of systemic harassment, gender equality and feminism in France with Lauren Bastide, the journalist and feminist podcaster behind[...]
- Paris certainly has no shortage of green spaces, from parks to beautiful squares, but it's only recently that a plant life movement has emerged in the city. To talk about this green and floral boom, Lindsey is joined by Elodie Love, creator of the blog Madame Love, and Judith de Graaf, co-author of the popular[...]
- Coffee in Paris has gone from maligned to revered in a relatively short time but the movement is still taking shape. Joining the discussion today are two individuals contributing to shaping and nurturing the Parisian java scene, Mihaela Jordache, head roaster at Belleville Brûlerie, and Daniel Warburton, co-founder of Honor Café and Neighbours. Mentioned in[...]
- How does language shape or challenge our identities? Lauren Collins, staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of "When in French" (now in paperback!) joins us to discuss linguistics, the French language police, and navigating life in Paris as an Anglophone working to master a second language. Mentioned in this episode: "When in[...]
- How much of our image and understanding of Paris is shaped by what we see in the media? Or even more relevant to a younger generation, how much is shaped by social media? Do locals have a responsibility to present all sides of the city? To discuss the old vs new and the cliché vs[...]
- What does the typical French breakfast look like? Coffee, juice, toast with butter or jam, maybe a soft boiled egg or just a simple croissant are customary. There are sweet mainstays at 4pm too when the French take their goûter (their afternoon snack). But there are more options and perspectives on mealtime in Paris today[...]
- Thomas Abramowiscz and Usha Bora run successful businesses in Paris but only after spending much of their careers on a traditional corporate track, a path that's long been considered highly coveted with security in France. But things are changing and career shifts which were once considered too risky are more common with passion as the[...]
- Paris has long held the title as the fashion capital of the world but a landscape dominated by big brands like Dior and Louis Vuitton has made it tougher for emerging brands. In recent years this has all changed thanks to an influx of young talent, like Glenn Martens of Paris-based brand Y-Project who is[...]
- In this episode, we talk about some of the very physical changes happening in the city, namely a flurry of hotel renovations and openings that have seen the Paris hotel scene step up its game in both design and experience. We welcome designer and interior architect Raphael Navot, the man behind one of city’s most[...]
- What makes Parisian sweets, from pastry to chocolate, so singular? In this episode, Lindsey Tramuta speaks with two self-proclaimed gourmands -- Frank Barron aka Cakeboy Paris and Sharon Heinrich of Paris Chez Sharon -- to find out what they're drawn to, why, and how the industry as a whole has changed in recent years. Episode[...]
- Lindsey talks innovation with digital anthropologist and best-selling author Rahaf Harfoush. Canadian-born and based in Paris for the past five years, Rahaf teaches innovation and emerging business models at Sciences Po and also contributed to The New Paris book. Rahaf talks to Lindsey about the tech hub of Silicon Sentier, in which sectors France is[...]
- As a capital of gastronomy, it’s no surprise that a new and dynamic food scene heralded the first wave of change in Paris in recent years. In this episode, Alice and Lindsey pinpoint the names and addresses that have been at the forefront of this movement. Lindsey also sits down with French food writer and[...]
- An introduction to The New Paris podcast, with writer Lindsey Tramuta and co-host and fellow writer Alice Cavanagh. In this episode we delve into the highs and lows of early expat life in Paris and our experiences as impatient outsiders in a city that took it’s sweet time to reveal itself to be (thankfully) more[...]
- This week has been full of reflections as I celebrated my ten year anniversary of moving to Paris. Life has changed dramatically in those ten years and building the Earful Tower has been a major part of that. Little did I know, all those years ago, how much I had to learn about this beautiful,[...]
- IT'S BACK AGAIN! Every year we make a bucket list of things we want to try for the first time in Paris. In this episode, you'll hear Oliver and Lina sharing their top five things they want to do this year in Paris. Why not write your own list and join us? The full list[...]
- Short answer: yes. Paris is worth visiting in the winter months. In this episode, Oliver and Lina explain why, based on their combined 22 winters in Paris. Mentioned in this episode: Ice Skating at the Grand Palais A chat with Chef Tony Xu from Shang Palace (see our video here) The Petit Palais museum At[...]
- It's time for a day trip to Vaux-le-Vicomte! This week, I'll show you how to visit the magnificent chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte with Bertrand d’Aleman from award-winning travel company My Private Paris. We took a private van from Paris, then spent half a day exploring the chateau and its grounds. This was a family-friendly visit (two families[...]
- Paris is home to over 100 museums, from world-renowned art galleries to quirky, hidden gems. In this episode, we highlight 5 underrated museums you won’t want to miss, each offering a unique glimpse into Parisian history and culture. Discover the Bibliothèque Nationale Richelieu, where centuries of knowledge await. This historic library houses treasures like a[...]
- This Week on The Earful Tower: Notre Dame's Grand Reopening In this special episode, we dive into Notre Dame's grand reopening after the fire that shook the world. I speak with Ariel Weil, the mayor of Paris' central arrondissements, about his firsthand experience inside the newly restored cathedral, and what’s next for this iconic[...]
- This week on the podcast we are chatting about gin with Charlotte Buisson Dackow from La Distillerie de l’Arbre Sec. This cool, new micro-distillery is located on a quiet street, with a macabre history, mere steps from the Louvre museum in the 1st arrondissement. We visited their stunning workshop and listened as Charlotte explained the evolution[...]
- It's time for a day trip to Versailles! This week, I'll show you a great way to visit the town of Versailles with the help of Bertrand d’Aleman from award-winning travel company My Private Paris. We took the train from Paris, then spent a day exploring the town, but never stepped foot inside the palace[...]
- This week, Lina and Oliver discuss how to entertain children in Paris. Even if you're not visiting with kids, you'll find some good tips in this episode. As usual, everything is written in full, with links and more details, on the website here. Below is a short version. This season of The Earful Tower is brought[...]
- Here are the main mistakes to avoid if you're visiting Paris, according to this week's guest, writer and social media star Anna Kloots. Anna has lived in Paris for five years - and I've been here for 10 - so this list is based on 15 years of Paris experience. Watch the YouTube version of[...]
- What's a baguette? A long loaf of bread, surely. WRONG! A baguette can be one of 15 different things. Here's how I found out - and a few baguette-related language facts to impress your French friends. Featuring, ever-so-briefly, the voice of Véronique from France with Véro. And here's the full French dictionary listing for 'baguette'.[...]
- Here are our six golden rules for visiting Provence, based on over a decade of visiting the region. In fact, we just got back to Paris after another visit to the sun-soaked region and now it's time to share what we've learned. In this episode, you'll hear Lina and I walking in a quiet and[...]
- Meet Céline Flores-Tavukcuoglu. She is a Texan in Paris who runs Céline Concierge, a private concierge service that specializes in Paris. She shares her five golden rules for if you're thinking to move to Paris (or indeed, France). And even if you're not thinking to make the move, this conversation will shine a light on[...]
- It's time for a day trip to the Champagne region! This week, I'll show you a great way to visit the Champagne region with the help of Bertrand d’Aleman from award-winning travel company My Private Paris. We took the train to Reims, then hired a car to get to the Pommery house, followed by smaller[...]
- Meet Romu Oudeyer, a top private chef in Paris. We talk about cooking for celebrities in Paris, France's relationship with food, and how to find good restaurants in Paris. Follow him on Instagram here and explore his website here. To read the full menu from the home-cooked lunch we discussed, click here. This season of[...]
- What’s the most “fitting” thing to find in each of the 20 Paris districts? Something – a bar, a cafe, a street, a park… something that’s representative of its neighbourhood? For example… the eighth arrondissement is something of a business district that’s affluent and beautiful. What site matches that energy? (Spoiler alert: a private art museum). We[...]
- This week I finally got into the Hotel de Beauvais, the 400-year-old aristocratic mansion in the Marais. Here's how I did it, and how you can too! Address: 68 Rue François Miron, 75004 Paris More info on the Heritage Days: Become a member! For $10 a month you can join the other Patreon members[...]
- A mysterious email from Will asked for the ideal itinerary for a 12-hour layover in Paris. Hosts Oliver and Lina went head-to-head suggesting their own versions of the perfect one-day plan. But who is Will? Could he really be a Wall Street hound with expensive taste? Or a med student who prefers cheap lunches and[...]
- This week on the podcast it's author Scott Carpenter, whose new book is called Paris Lost and Found. To kick off this "Paris if..." season of the show, he shares his thoughts on how to "roll with it" and see Paris like a local. You can find him on Instagram here ( and find his[...]
- Here are my final thoughts on the Paris Olympic Games. In this episode, it's just me, your host Oliver Gee, sharing a few pros and cons of the Olympics. ******* The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon members. From $10 a month you can unlock almost endless extras including bonus podcast episodes,[...]
- Meet Anne Carminati and James Wesolowski, the authors of 111 Museums in Paris You Shouldn't Miss. We chat about the museum scene in Paris, the pros and cons of large and small museums, and a few good ones to find. Their official website: ******* The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon[...]
- Meet Alexandre Durand and Tom Carles - also known as Alex and Tom - but better known as AT Frenchies, a social media duo that has captivated millions with their take on France and the French language. Their official website: Here's the specific clip they were talking about at the end of the episode,[...]
- Here's a chat with Ariel Weil, the mayor of Paris Centre (arrondissements 1-4). He talks about the challenges of hosting the Olympics, especially security hassles that have come with the openening Ceremony on the Seine River. The Opening Ceremony, perhaps the most ambitious part of the whole games, has turned Ariel's districts into what he[...]
- Meet Tanisha Townsend, a Chicago native who became a wine expert in Paris. She gives us a general info to wine and Paris wine bars, plus her take on wine tastings in the French capital. Find more about Tanisha (aka Girl Meets Glass) via her website here and her Instagram page here. And here's the[...]
- This week we're talking about the Latin Quarter. The guest is Earful Tower tour guide Hannah Coyle, discussing one of her favourite neighbourhoods. The discovery tour of the Latin Quarter is our newest walking tour, you can book a private or semi-private walk, and we're rolling it out on Tuesday afternoons to start. Find more[...]
- Did you know there are 8 Statues of Liberty in Paris. Maybe more. And this week, I'll find them all and show you. This episode gives you the facts and the history. Here's the blog link to go with the eight (plus!) statues: And here's the YouTube link for the 4th of July video:[...]
- Vanessa Grall, aka Messy Nessy Chic, is selling the Seine. Or at least, little bottles of it, from her new boutique Messy Nessy's Cabinet, in the fifth arrondissement. She is this week's guest on The Earful Tower, talking about her boutique, her viral idea for selling the Seine, and her wildly popular channel Messy Nessy[...]
- Auctioneer Christophe Lucien is on The Earful Tower, talking about his incredible sales of Paris memorabilia. His current sale (June 17 and 18, 2024) include everything from a Hector Guimard art nouveau bench to an actual bouquiniste stand by the Seine. The main drawcard, as pointed out by Christophe, are the chandeliers in the Grand[...]
- So you've seen all the main Paris sights, and maybe even a few of the offbeat ones. But let's go deeper. Here are 20 truly hidden gems, one from every arrondissement, according to podcast host Oliver Gee. An important note: the secret for the 10th arrondissement has now closed for good! See pictures, and links,[...]
- Our new children's book, The Animal Games in Paris, left us with some unusual questions. Does meter rhyme with cheetah? Apparently not, according to some. And if not, should we keep it in the book? And on that note, should we spell it meter, or metre? Or both? And that's just a few of the[...]
- Meet Morgan Walesh, an American in Paris who specializes in the hidden underbelly of the city. She talks of her love for the catacombs, the "history of the streets", and how she tried to talk her way into an infamous Paris apartment... Find out more about Morgan and her work on "Paris History of our[...]
- Meet Parisian woman Virginie Dubost. In 2018, she became a quadriplegic after a surfing accident. Now, she is an accessibility advocate and has made headlines in Paris for drawing attention to accessibility issues in the city. She joined us in the lovely Square Santiago-du-Chili in the 7th arrondissement to talk about Paris, its low level[...]
- Meet Daniel Christensen, an avid boulderer in Paris. He talks of how the trend of climbing - aka bouldering - is captivating people's attention in Paris, and how the worldwide sport actually started near Paris in Fontainebleau. Even if you're not a climber, this makes for an interesting chat about Paris and how sports/hobbies/pastimes are[...]
- Meet Simon Kuper, a British (and naturalized French) journalist in Paris. He talks of how the changing face of Paris and its suburbs - and his new book Impossible City: Paris in the Twenty-First Century. Find out more about Simon and his work on his Twitter profile here. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to[...]
- If you've been to a Paris cemetery, you might have seen curious collections of unusual objects on certain gravestones (especially celebrities like Jim Morrisson and Oscar Wilde). You can find potatoes, chewing gum, Metro tickets, apples... and much more. In this episode, Ana Gimena from LivTours breaks down some of the main offerings you can find[...]
- Meet Frank Adrian Barron, an American baker in Paris (better know as Cake Boy Paris). He talks of how he made it as a baker in the city, sharing his sweet treats on social media, and his book Sweet Paris. Find out more about Frank and his work via his Instagram page here, his website[...]
- Meet Scott Hillier, an Australian movie director in Paris, who runs the European Independant Film Festival (the ÉCU). He talks of the iconic light in the city of Paris, his film festival, and his exploits around the world as a director and war photographer. Find out more about the annual Film Festival here, 2024 marks[...]
- Meet Allie Goodbun, a Canadian dancer at the iconic Moulin Rouge in Paris. She talks of how she got the job, her life in Montmartre, and her love for the City of Light. Want to join the fun on Allie's social media? You can find her on TikTok here and Instagram here - and here's[...]
- This week it's food critic and cookbook author Patricia Wells. Originally from the US, she moved to Paris in 1980 where she worked as a restaurant critic for the International Herald Tribune and later the French weekly newspaper L’Express. Along the way she has published 15 books and made a home in Paris and Chanteduc,[...]
- This week on the show we make mille-feuilles - the "thousand layer pastry" to celebrate 1,000 reviews of The Earful Tower podcast. Thanks to all who've left reviews over the years. You might know a mille-feuille as a Napoleon, a custard slice, or a vanilla slice. But we all know it as delicious, especially when[...]
- This week on the show we welcome back Diederick de Jongh, the owner of Flora Magnifica, which sells the finest faux flowers in France. He was last on the show in 2021, but since then he has changed locations of his shop to be further north in the Marais by a famous bistro. We chatted[...]
- Is Paris a safe city? The truth is, it's probably about as safe as any other big city. In other words, you need to be smart when you're here. And this week on the podcast, American content creator in Paris Amanda Rollins shares her tips and tricks for being street smart in the City of[...]
- If the words "French Revolution" seem daunting to you, then you're not alone. It would take a whole series of podcast episodes to truly understand it all - and luckily for us - podcaster Mike Duncan has done exactly that. His Revolutions Podcast is world renowned. In this episode of The Earful Tower, he breaks down[...]
- Lina and I discuss how circumstance has led to us raising our nearly three-year-old son in French, Swedish, and English. This episode was brought to you by Cook'n With Class, click here to book a class with them. I did the sauce-making class and LOVED it. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its[...]
- Buying property in Paris (and France, in general) isn't easy. Aside from the dreaded French admin, there is a whole world of traps and tricks to consider. Omissions in the property listing, negotiating prices, and why you shouldn't share a notary with the seller.... This week, lawyer and buyer's agent Christine Bacoup-Tidas explains some of[...]
- There's a lot of talk right now about the iconic booksellers by the Seine, aka the bouquinistes. In recent months, the Paris Town Hall officials threatened to remove the stalls to make way for the Olympic Games, but President Macron overturned the decision this week. The book stalls are here to stay. I figured many Earful[...]
- Chef David Lebovitz is back on the show to talk about the Aligre Market (le marché d'Aligre) in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. Follow David here for his newsletter on Substack. Music in this episode is from Pres Maxson. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon members. From $10 a month you[...]
- Author Samuel Lopez-Barrantes is on the show talking about being a writer in Paris. Perhaps it's not as romantic and lovely as it might sound. Or perhaps it is! Sam has just published his new book, The Requisitions, which you can find here. Follow Sam on Substack here for his page "If Not, Paris" which[...]
- This week, Australian Sam Davies is on the show talking about bars in Paris. He has grown an online following by asking bartenders in Paris (and around the world) to recommend other bars. He talks about the Paris bar scene and how it is evolving, and also lists ten bars worth visiting. In the list[...]
- I love the French language. I feel like I could make an episode like this every year. The ten words and words like I like, that make me smile, or that have some kind of a fun story to them. You can hear me describing them and pronouncing them in greater detail in this week's[...]
- This week I recap my recent three-hour checkup at the Parisian doctors. Whether you've been to the doctor in France a million times or never before, I'm sure you'll learn something from my experiences and observations 🙂 *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon members. From $10 a month you can[...]
- IT'S BACK AGAIN! Every year we make a bucket list of things we want to try for the first time in Paris. In this episode, you'll hear Oliver and Lina sharing their top five things they want to do this year in Paris - and we also share the lists of everyone on the Earful[...]
- The season is over, the year is over. It's time for a little reflection. In this episode I answer 15 audience questions about our epic ABCson. All the questions come from the Patreon members. Join them here. The music in this episode is from Pres Maxson, find his Substack here. Click here for our walking[...]
- Z is for Zinc. In this season finale episode, we tackle the topic of zinc, which is used to make 75 percent of the Paris rooftops. I chat with Constance Allard, who runs the zinc workshop Les toits Parisiens. I also climbed onto a zinc roofing construction site in the 1st arrondissement, and chatted with roofer[...]
- Y is for Yesteryear. In this episode, I chat with two long-time Paris residents about their first impressions of the city. First, you'll hear from American music journalist Valli about life in Paris in the early 1980s. (Valli was first on the Earful Tower in 2019: "Famous in France: Meet American singer Valli") Then it's[...]
- X is for Xmas, obviously. In this episode, we share what happened on our eXciting and eXhausting and eXhilarating Christmas walk around the Pantheon. This is, more specifically, a recap of our 2023 Christmas party, when I took 35 people on an evening stroll, while bumping into five famous characters from the past 1500 years[...]
- W is for Wall. In this episode, I take you for an exciting and historic walk through the Left Bank of Paris to discover hidden vestiges of the Philippe Auguste Wall. This episode marks the end of my wall trilogy. The first part of the trilogy covered the right bank of Paris, the second part[...]
- V is for Vegan. In this episode, we talk to Amanda Bankert, the owner of Boneshaker Donuts, who has just released a book called Voilà Vegan (double V!). In the book, she reveals that this famed donut shop has been secretly vegan for years!! As a vegan herself, Amanda shares her insights into the city's[...]
- U is for Underground. In this episode, we take you below Paris: On the Metro, through the sewers, and into the (illegal) catacombs. Mentioned in this episode: Luke's English podcast Amber's Paname Podcast The Comte de Saint Germain who does audio walks of Paris Do you like this podcast? Become a Patreon member of The[...]
- T is for Tour d'Argent. In this episode, we take you inside the famed Tour d'Argent restaurant on the Left Bank of Paris, and you'll hear from me and my wife Lina Nordin Gee as we dine. We also discuss our thoughts on the renovation job from 2022/2023, which has made for one of the[...]
- S is for Sainte-Chapelle. In this episode, I'll take you inside this ancient royal chapel with its incredible stained glass windows. You'll hear from tour guide and Paris expert Amber Minogue, who gives us some insight into the 13th century chapel. You'll also hear my own thoughts about visiting the Sainte-Chapelle on a VIP tour[...]
- R is for Richelieu. In this episode, we'll take you inside the newly renovated Richelieu Library, and then its incredible upstairs museum. This episode is co-hosted by Lina Nordin Gee. Featured in the episode: Find the library and museum here. Address: 5 Rue Vivienne, 75002 Pariss The app we mentioned is called BNF Richelieu The museum[...]
- Q is for Queer. In this episode, I'll give you an insight into Gay Paris. And by gay I mean LGBTQIA+. Where is the gay quarter... or perhaps a better question.... what's happened to the gay quarter now that gentrifcation has hit the Marais? Also: What's a gay bookshop? What do they sell and to[...]
- P is for Provence. In this episode, you'll hear some thoughts on the lovely southern French region, with the help of some great guests. First, you'll hear from Suzannah and Hugh Cameron from the antique shop Chez Pluie Provence, sharing some practical travel advice. Then it's my own mother, her first time on the pod,[...]
- O is for the Olympic Games. In this episode, you'll hear my first look ahead to the 2024 summer Olympics. Given it is still so far away, this is more of a light intro to the topic, with the help of some great guests. First, you'll hear from the American Ambassador to France, Denise Campbell[...]
- N is for the Notre Dame. In this episode, you'll hear about where we're at with the restoration of the Notre Dame cathedral. Short answer: It will reopen December 2024. Long answer: I chat to one of the carpenters involved in the restoration project, I visit the new Virtual Reality exhibition (which is exceptional), and[...]
- M is for the Marais. In this episode, you'll hear my thoughts on how I'd spend a perfect last day in the Marais district of Paris (in other words, the third and fourth arrondissements). You'll also hear from Paul Barron, co-owner of Le Peloton Cafe and Bike About Tours, and then from tour guide Amber[...]
- A bit of reflection as we reach the halfway point of this AB-Season. As I said in the episode, a big thanks to musician Pres Maxson, photographer Augusta Sagnelli, editor Eddie Gee, and occasional co-host Lina Nordin-Gee.
- L is for Lyon. In this episode, you'll hear about my experiences after spending 48 hours in Lyon with Lovely Lina. There's also some local insights from Caroline Connor, who does wine tastings in Lyon, and runs the website and social media accounts by the name of Wine Dine Caroline. You can find more from[...]
- K is for Kylie the Crocodile in Paris. In this episode, you'll hear a brand new twist in the story of Kylie the Crocodile. This episode was taken from a live show at Spilling the Beans. You can find more from them here. To buy a copy of our childdren's book, Kylie the Crocodile in[...]
- J is for Jewish Paris. In this episode, I take you walking through the Jewish quarter of Paris to try to understand what's going on there. Edith de Belleville, a licensed tour guide, author, and expert on Jewish history, writes me an itinerary of what to find, including: The Shoah Memorial The Museum of Jewish[...]
- I is for Ile Saint-Louis - an island in the Seine. As far as I'm concerned, it features the most beautiful walk in Paris. In this episode, I take you walking along the best bits of the island and share my favourite haunts. I also share my ideal route so you can do the same. [...]
- H is for Haussmann - Baron Haussmann that is. He was the urban planner behind the redesign of Paris under Napoleon III. But what is a Haussmannian building? Who was Haussmann, really, and why was his work so important? Where can you find it in Paris? And what's his legacy? All those questions are answered[...]
- G is for Guimard - Hector Guimard that is. He is the architect behind the iconic Paris Metro entrances, several Art Nouveau buildings in Paris, and some very beautiful furniture and decorations in museum displays around the world. But what is Art Nouveau? Who was Guimard, really, and why was his work so important? Where[...]
- F is for Floods - that is, the floods of the Seine River in Paris. And today we're paying particular attention to the game-changing Great Flood of 1910. Featured is the voice of Jeffrey Jackson, Professor of History at Rhodes College, and the author of "Paris Under Water: How the City of Light Survived the[...]
- E is for the Eiffel Tower, the most iconic landmark in France, probably Europe, and maybe the world. This podcast episode features 10 facts about the tower, but you're going to have to try and guess them first. There are 10 points at stake, good luck. Featured is the voice two people very dear to[...]
- D is for Deauville, a small town north of Paris on the coast of Normandy that has captured the attention of film-buffs, gamblers, beach lovers, and horse racing fans since the 1800s. We visited with the help of the local tourism board for this episode. Featured is the voice of horse-related storyteller and journalist Fanny[...]
- C is for Chateaux - of which there are 45,000 in France. I've always been quite fascinated by French castles, and this episode takes a closer look at how they're financed. We all know they're expensive to buy and to run, so I looked into some exciting modern ways people are making French chateaux work.[...]
- B is for Bievre, the river that once ran through Paris. This episode is about our pilgrimmage to track it, how I walked through it with an immortal count, and a word on the exciting future of the river. Featured is the voice of Lina Nordin Gee and the Comte de Saint Germain, who showed[...]
- A is for Arago, the name of the scientist who helped map out the Paris meridian line (François Arago (1786-1853)). In this episode, I explore the "Rose Line" (as it was called in the Da Vinci Code), seeking out the bronze medallions along the streets of Paris, through the Louvre, and into the Paris Observatory. [...]
- Welcome to the ABCeason... or the AB Season... or the ABC-son. Haven't quite figured the spelling yet, but you get the idea, I hope. Now you know what the next 26 episodes will hold. Support this show on Patreon:
- It's our series finale on the French Riviera. This time, we're looking at art, especially through the lens of cinema (and the Cannes Film Festival) - and via the paintbrush of the impressionists. This episode features author Edward Chisholm (Instagram here) and artist Johan Patricny (Instagram here). Cohosted by Lina Nordin Gee (Instagram video of[...]
- After month in the French Riviera, here is the Earful Tower's tips for places we recommend in the area, from big famous towns to tiny and lovely villages. Mentioned in this episode: Antibes, Juan-Les-Pins, Nice, La Turbie, Monaco, Biot, Cannes, Villa Kerylos, Villefranche-sur-Mer, and Eze. Music by Pres Maxson. Become a member of The Earful[...]
- Author John Baxter is back - this time discussing literature from the French Riviera. We tackle a lot, with a bigger focus on F Scott Fitzgerald and Marina Picasso (and her tell-all book). Book a walking tour with John and find his books here. Support The Earful Tower on Patreon and get the second half[...]
- We've spent a month in the French Riviera. Here is The Earful Tower's introduction to the area via five golden rules for your own visit. Mentioned in this episode: Bigger towns: Cannes, Antibes, Nice Much smaller spots: Villa Kerylos, Biot, La Turbie Book list to come, but Lina talked about Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan. [...]
- Here's a poem I wrote to say goodbye to my little red scooter. Inspired by the great Australian bush poet Banjo Paterson. Farewell, Little Red, thanks for all the memories.
- Welcome to the Earful Tower, the podcast that explores the hidden gems and secret spots of Paris. In this episode, the season finale, the whole team is on a private boat on the Seine River sharing our favourite secrets. The boat: Corto from Le Bateau Francais. Secrets from Earful Tour guide Charlotte Pleasants, Louvre guide[...]
- A quick episode today where Lina and I reveal our new Paris neighbourhood and our first thoughts. Get all the extras on Patreon here: And book an Earful Tower walking tour here:
- Welcome to the Earful Tower, the podcast that explores the hidden gems and secret spots of Paris. In this episode, we're taking a stroll through the bustling marché Beauvau in the 12th arrondissement with our special guest, Joseph Loughney, owner of the Early Bird Cafe. As we walk through the market, Joseph shares his passion[...]
- Join Oliver Gee on The Earful Tower as he explores the world of gin with special guest Quentin de Montgolfier, the founder of Distillerie du Gin. In this episode, you'll learn about the history of gin in France, the process of making gin, and how Quentin's passion for the spirit led him to open his[...]
- Welcome to the latest episode of The Earful Tower podcast. In this episode, we're joined by Marielle Bourat from the artisanal chocolate shop Atelier C, located on Avenue Dausmenil in Paris. Marielle shares her passion for chocolate-making, which has formed over three generations, and she shares the story of Atelier C and its location in[...]
- We revisit a chat with writer John Baxter about Paris and its compendium of history. We especially dig into the Left Bank and its classic restaurants, which are listed below. Le Select Address: 99 Bd du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris Lapérouse Address: 51 Quai des Grands Augustins, 75006 Paris Tour d’Argent Address: 19 Quai de la Tournelle,[...]
- I just found some French antiques in the trash can. A listener tipped me off, I went and grabbed them, then had them appraised. There are lots of twists and turns in this story, enjoy! Remember: upcoming live video stream for Patreon members in the near future. You can get your invite soon by checking[...]
- In this podcast episode, you'll hear me and Lina walking along a stunning Parisian street called rue Cler. But it's a bittersweet walk, as it's the last time we will take the walk as residents If you don't know the street, it's a market street in the seventh arrondissement. We walked from the intersection of[...]
- In this podcast episode, you'll hear me and Veronique Savoye walking along a stunning Parisian street called rue Montorgueil. It's a market street in the first and second arrondissement. We walked from the corner of rue Tiquetonne all the way to the Sentier Metro station (so south to north). We talk about things we see[...]
- Meet Chloe Jantzen, a French antique dealer specialing in canes (as in, walking sticks). You can find her shop at 18 rue de Beaune in the 7th arrondissement. You can find her website here, and follow her on Instagram here. If you want to see more of these canes, check out our Instagram, TikTok, Facebook,[...]
- Meet Sarah Donnelly, an American stand up comedienne in Paris. She joins the show to discuss the comedy of living in Paris, her popular new show, and her infatuation with France's handsome president. You can find her tickets for "The Only American in Paris" here, and follow Sarah on Instagram here or search @sarahdcomedy on[...]
- Susannah and Hugh Cameron are two Australian antique curators based in the sunny fields of Provence. Their initial interest of street brocantes and finding the perfect French decor for their home soon turned into a passionate search for the most exquisite French antiques and the creation of their online boutique, Chez Pluie. You can discover[...]
- So you’re coming to Paris for the third time? How exciting! But what should you do? After we tackled the FIRST and SECOND trips in recent weeks, it's time to get a little more off the beaten path - and in this episode Earful teammate Charlotte Pleasants is on the show too. Good luck with[...]
- So you’re coming to Paris for the second time? How exciting! But what should you do? After we tackled the FIRST trip last week, it's time to get a little off the beaten path - and in this episode Earful teammate Paris Kay is on the show too. Good luck with the trip and keep[...]
- So you’re coming to Paris for the first time? How exciting! But what should you do? Despite doing six years of this Paris podcast, I’ve never focused on a tourist's first Paris trip - so here are my tips, including a checklist of monuments and a smattering of cultural suggestions. Good luck with the trip[...]
- IT'S BACK AGAIN! Today's guest is the reigning champ of The Earful Tower Bucket List, Oliver Gee. That's right, me! I'm joined by the Stockholm Sting aka my wife Lina, who also has her finger firmly on the pulse of things to do in Paris. We share our top five things that we want[...]
- Oliver breaks down the top blogs posts and podcasts episodes of 2022. All this information with helpful links is on this post here. Become a Patreon supporter here.
- Oliver and Lina take a stroll through the Tuileries Christmas Market. They also took a microphone. Here's what they found - from German food to mulled wine, ghost rides to disgruntled employees. Ho ho ho, here we go! Become a member on Patreon here: All music by Pres Maxson, including his newest song: Noel[...]
- Australian author Jayne Tuttle almost died after an elevator accident in Paris. She retells the harrowing story and explains how her excellent memoir series helped her with the recovery process. Her books: Paris Or Die and My Sweet Guillotine. If you enjoy the Earful Tower, become the newest Patreon supporter today:
- Is French difficult to learn? I asked polyglot and YouTube superstar Nathaniel Drew. Find more from him here: @nathanieldrew_ Become a member of The Earful Tower here:
- Meet Alex Freiman, a Parisian jazz musician. In this episode, we discus the vibrant jazz scene in Paris and how Alex is bringing live jazz to Paris (most recently via the Blitz Society - a chess/jazz club). We also talked about how jazz music can lead to life as an outcast, the trouble with how[...]
- This week we shared a picture on social media of a cheese massacre at a Parisian dinner party. The culprit? A newly arrived American in France. The victim? An innocent 18-month-old Comté slice. After the picture went viral in the Earful community, we took a much deeper look at what happened. Here comes an interview[...]
- To celebrate the launch of our new book, Grace the Giraffe in Paris, we've put together a little pub quiz for you all. Ten questions, getting progressively harder. The rules: Answer out loud. If you're right, you get the points. That's it. Good luck. Find our book here: or browse the whole shop here:[...]
- Today on the pod it's Australian author Sarah Turnbull, the woman behind the 2002 smash hit memoir Almost French. But she isn't in Paris anymore, no no! She is in Sydney, which couldn't be more different. So with all these years gone by, what does Sarah miss about Paris? Of course, this is but one[...]
- Edward Chisholm joins The Earful Tower to talk about his new hit book "A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City". He also gives his thoughts on how much to tip a French waiter, the truth behind the service industry, and what goes on behind closed kitchen doors. We recorded the[...]
- Let's explore the Cimetiere du Calvaire, which is the oldest cemetery in Paris and surely the hardest to get inside. How did we get in? Well, today's guest Eric Lejoindre - the Mayor of Montmartre - happens to have a key. Or at least, he knows the man with the key, father Alexandre Denis, who[...]
- Oliver, Lina, and Eddie discuss how three small French words created a tempest of opinions in Earful Tower circles this month... They also discuss communication between cultures and languages, the risks of "dumbing down" a children's book, and their book tour that's CURRENTLY HAPPENING in Australia. Get your copy of Grace the Giraffe here: Find more[...]
- We’ve just made 20 podcast episodes and 20 short videos around Paris, one for every arrondissement. And Pres Maxson made all of the music. He chats with host Oliver Gee about the soundtrack that went with it all, and how he made it (and chose it!) This chat was recorded in front of a[...]
- We’ve just done 20 photo shoots around Paris, one in every arrondissement. Photographer Augusta Sagnelli chats with host Oliver Gee about how the process of taking the photos. They also chat about how the city changes with every neighborhood, how to photograph Paris, and the challenges of capturing the spirit of each district. [...]
- We’ve just filmed 20 short videos around Paris, one in every arrondissement. Videographer Eddie Gee chats with host Oliver Gee about how the process of making the movies. They also chat about how the city changes with every neighborhood, how to film and edit videos about Paris, and the challenges of collaborating on this[...]
- This week we reveal the story of the giraffe that walked to Paris in 1827 and made everyone go bananas. This story, especially the bit about Parisians going berserk for giraffes, is the subject of our new children's book: Grace the Giraffe in Paris. A bit of background: The giraffe walked from Marseille to Paris[...]
- The 1st arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Louvre Museum Jardin des Tuileries Square du Vert-Galant Place Dauphine Place Vendôme Pont Neuf Domaine National du Palais-Royal Samaritaine Costes Bar Restaurant Le Dalí Bonjour Cafe Café le Nemours This[...]
- The 2nd arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Zouzou cafe Boneshaker's donuts and brownies Rue Montorgueil Stohrer Bakery Covered Passages: Grand Cerf, Vivienne, Panoramas The beautiful Starbucks on Boulevard Capucines Tour Jean Sans Peur La Fontaine Gaillon restaurant Le[...]
- The 3rd arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show 46th and 3rd National Archives Fringe Cafe Musée National Picasso Marché des Enfants Rouges Musee Carnavalet Le Mary Celeste Le Progrès The Cambridge Public House This podcast episode includes our final[...]
- The 4th arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Saint Regis Ile Saint Louis Notre dame Le Peloton Cafe Miznon restaurant Philippe Auguste Wall Place des Vosges Victor Hugo museum Carette cafe Centre Pompidou museum Maria Loca rum bar Bofinger[...]
- The 5th arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Le LouLou cafe Musée de Cluny Pantheon Bibliotheque Saint-Genevieve Jardin des plantes Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle Grande Mosquée de Paris Rue Mouffetard Le Contrescarpe Maison de Verlaine Caveau de la huchette[...]
- The 6th arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Breakfast at Cafe Flore Musee Delacroix/Square Furstenburg Buly perfumerie La Palette Cafe Luxembourg Gardens Treize au Jardin cafe Ladurée confectionary store The church: L'abbaye Saint-Germain-des-Prés The bouquiniste bookshops by the Seine[...]
- The 7th arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show Coutume Cafe Park Catherine Labourée Deyrolle taxidermy shop Eiffel Tower Rue Cler Musée Rodin Musée d’Orsay Les Ombres restaurant and bar (with the Eiffel Tower views) Including an interview with Francine[...]
- The 8th arrondissement is this week's focus on the podcast. Here's what we found after spending a full day there. Mentioned in this show, in order of mention Bridge: Pont Alexandre III The Champs-Elysées (Send a postcard to: The Earful Tower 34 Ave des Champs Elysees 75008 Paris, France) Iwi Coffee shop Galeries Lafayette Église[...]
- The 9th arrondissement made for the first time we felt like tourists in Paris, while visiting the breathtaking Opera Garnier. But there's a lot more to it all than that, with the famed department stores, the cool Pigalle neighbourhood, and the famed rue des Martyrs. Here's what we found. The Earful Tower podcast episode This[...]
- So you're coming to Paris and you want to maximise your time and spend your money wisely. But how to do it? Here are some suggestions from your hosts Oliver and Lina, based on our deep explorations of the city as part of our Paris Countdown series (from which we're currently on a two-week intermission).[...]
- The 10th arrondissement feels like the centre of everything. People spill into the streets from the Gare du Nord station, one of the busiest rail terminals in the world, and mingle into a melting pot of old Paris, new Paris, and cultural offerings from around the world. The district also features an intriguing museum of[...]
- The 11th arrondissement is undoubtedly the cool part of town. Some call it the trendiest Paris district. It’s where you might find an eco-friendly garden hotel, a 1920s themed speakeasy bar, and a restaurant that’s so cool you can’t even find its name on the facade. We found all those places, plus took a more[...]
- It's the Paris Countdown! Here comes an-depth guide to the 12th arrondissement of Paris after we spent 24 hours there. The blog post is here with all the pictures. A big thank you to the Patreon supporters, without whom we wouldn't be making this season. Join them here. Music: A Pres Maxson interpretation of Plus Bleu Que Tes Yeux (A[...]
- It's the Paris Countdown! Here comes an-depth guide to the 13th arrondissement of Paris after we spent 24 hours there. The blog post is here with all the pictures. A big thank you to the Patreon supporters, without whom we wouldn't be making this season. Join them here. Music: A Pres Maxson interpretation of La mer, by[...]
- It's the Paris Countdown! Here comes an-depth guide to the 14th arrondissement of Paris after we spent 24 hours there. The blog post is here with all the pictures. A big thank you to the Patreon supporters, without whom we wouldn't be making this season. Join them here. Music: A Pres Maxson interpretation of Le[...]
- It's Season 12 of The Earful Tower, The Paris Countdown: Here comes an-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. This week it's the 15th arrondissement of Paris. The blog post is here with all the pictures. A big thank you to the Patreon supporters, without whom we wouldn't[...]
- It's Season 12 of The Earful Tower, The Paris Countdown: Here comes an-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. This week it's the 16th arrondissement of Paris. The YouTube video that goes with this episode will be here, and the blog post is here with all the pictures. A big[...]
- It's Season 12 of The Earful Tower, The Paris Countdown: Here comes an-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. This week it's the 17th arrondissement of Paris. The YouTube video that goes with this episode will be here, and the blog post will be here with all the pictures. A[...]
- It's Season 12 of The Earful Tower, The Paris Countdown: Here comes an-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. This week it's the 18th arrondissement, with a strong focus on Montmartre. The YouTube video that goes with this episode will be here, and the blog post will be here with all[...]
- It's Season 12 of The Earful Tower, The Paris Countdown: Here comes an-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. This week it's the 19th arrondissement, with a strong focus on the canals that run through the neighbourhood. The YouTube video that goes with this episode will be here,[...]
- Here we are: Season 12, The Paris Countdown. For the next 20 weeks, you'll be hearing an in-depth guide to the Paris arrondissements after we've spent 24 hours in each of them. We're starting at the 20th arrondissement, with a strong focus on Edith Piaf. The YouTube video that goes with this episode is here,[...]
- Next week the new season of The Earful Tower begins. Here's what you can expect 🙂 Become a member here on Patreon.
- Here's the story of how Lina and I got our two childen's books in the gift shop of the Louvre Museum. To become a Patreon member of The Earful Tower, click here. You can find our books all over Paris, or buy them directly from our online shop here.
- Are Parisian men all well-dressed? Or is it a myth? And while we're at it, what should YOU wear on your visit to Paris? All these questions and much more are answered this week by Frenchman Fabien Renault, the managing director France's arm of the luxury fashion company Joseph. And the idiot in this show,[...]
- My father-in-law Jakob is on the show, recounting the tale of how he got VIP treatment at a Paris fashion house in the 1980s. It's part of a bigger theme of 'My First Trip To Paris' that Patreon members have been sharing, join them here. Mentioned in this episode: Charles Aznavour songs: Non je n'ai[...]
- Do you want a peek behind the scenes of artist life on the Left Bank of Paris? Well it's your lucky day! Today on the podcast it's renowned artist Alex Hillkurtz, who shares a little about his method, from inside his Left Bank chambre de bonne studio. I first met Alex when his work was[...]
- IT'S BACK! Today's guest is the reigning champ of The Earful Tower Bucket List, Shelly. She is a Paris art consultant, a personal friend of mine, and has her finger firmly on the pulse of things to do in Paris. We share our top five things to do this year in Paris. Why not write[...]
- My Dad worked on Paris peniche, moored on the Seine, in 1976. I didn't know much about the story, so asked him how it came to be. His tale included hitch-hiking, thievery, a police station in Arles, and finally a boat in Paris. Here it is in full 🙂 This episode, and all the others,[...]
- Oliver looks back at the most popular episodes of 2021 in a countdown of the top five top episodes of the year. Below are links to the episodes that made the cut:
- Lina and Oliver share their stories of how Paris landed on their radars. What's your own version? Leave a comment on social media! Become a Patreon supporter of The Earful Tower here.
- It's cocktail queen Forest Collins from 52 Martinis, sharing ten new speakeasy hidden bars in Paris. Find more from Forest here. Become a Patreon supporter of The Earful Tower here. Find the full list of speakeasies from the show right here.
- To celebrate five years of The Earful Tower podcast and 2 millions downloads, I explain the ten decisions that shaped this show. By my side: The Stockholm Sting aka Lovely Lina. As I say in the episode, this is NOT a good episode if you're new around here, this one is for the fans. To[...]
- Meet Amaury Bouhours, Executive Chef at Le Meurice. We chatted at the chef's table about running a restaurant with two Michelin stars, his cooking background, and French food in general. Halfway through, we stepped into the kitchen to taste some food as it was being cooked! Check out the link for the restaurant here: [...]
- We stayed a night in Le Meurice, the iconic Parisian palace in the centre of town. In this episode, Lina and I explain why we booked it, how we got lucky with an upgrade, and what you could expect if you stayed in their heritage suite. For more on Le Meurice: To see the[...]
- I've always had a lot of questions about France's obsession with dubbing films, so I sat down with Jean-Pierre Michael, who is the French voice of Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves, to find out more. He explains whether he voices each actor differently, if he gets recognized in daily life, and what happens if another[...]
- Happy Halloween everyone! For today's episode, Lina and I tell the story of our recent attempt to solve a Paris murder mystery. But with neither of us speaking perfect French, could we possibly manage to muster up some "interrogative, detective, murder-solving French"? The short answer is no. But we had a lot of fun. The[...]
- Join me on my first ever descent into the illegal part of the Paris catacombs. Do not try this without expert help. Thanks to my guides Codex and the Comte de Saint Germain. Find them on Instagram here: and More on the catacombs: Check out my YouTube channel for the footage from[...]
- Canadian Etheliya Hananova, from the restaurant Comice, talks about how she ended up recommending wine in her family-owned Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris. Find the restaurant at 31 avenue de Versailles, and explore their website here: To become a Patreon member of The Earful Tower, click here:
- Here are ten French words that I really love, right now. This list changes all the time. I guarantee if you use some of these words, French people will be impressed 🙂 They'll at least smile. Get a copy of our new book here: Become a Patreon member here:
- This week I grabbed a rod and followed Fred Miessner out for a fishing adventure from the bridges of the Seine River. Did we catch the big one? The monster catfish in the murky depths? Find Fred by searching French Touch Fishing, or click here to follow him on Instagram:
- Acclaimed restaurant critic Alec Lobrano is back on the show, this time talking about the French food revolution (which is happening now!) The American writer also talked about his new book: "My Place at the Table: A Recipe for a Delicious Life in Paris". We recorded the episode in a suite in the Plaza Athenee[...]
- What's the deal with Paris Fashion Week? And what should you wear on your visit to Paris? And how do Parisian women get their hair to look like that? All these questions and much more are answered this week by Monica de La Villardière. She is a Canadian in Paris, who works as a fashion[...]
- Lina and Oliver are two creatives in Paris. They may hate the word, but you can't deny that there's something creative going on there. In this episode, they talk about their newest venture, a children's book called Roger the Liger in Paris - and how they made it. To get the book, go to this[...]
- Today it's Valerie Nicolas on the podcast, speaking before she leaves France to lead the Alliance Francaise in Australia. Considering she is someone who has lived in many, many countries with this work over the years, I was curious to hear her story, but also to hear about what she misses most from France when[...]
- So you're coming to Paris! Amazing! Now just make sure you don't do these ten things. Special guest: Lina Nordin Gee. Find her on Instagram here: Become a Patreon member here: Buy our books here: Leave the right emoji on my Instagram here:
- There's maybe never been a harder time to open a restaurant, but that's what Justin Kent has just done. He opened Milagro at 85 avenue de Bosquet two months ago and business is booming. I met him to chat about his new restaurant, Parisian waiters, and how his work at the acclaimed Arpege restaurant shaped[...]
- I'm back in Paris and I'm fully vaccinated. In this episode I answer all your questions about daily life in the French capital. To join the conversation, be sure you're following on Facebook, Instagram, and that you're subscribed on the newsletter and Patreon. Here are the links:
- Here are my tips and tricks for improving your level of spoken French. From haircuts, to faking Swedish citizenship, to ignoring your grandma... it's all there (and it'll all make sense as you listen). Enjoy the episode, thanks to the Patrons who contributed their words and wisdom. Join them here: There'll be a blog[...]
- Have you heard of Goussainville? It's an abandoned village right next to the Charles de Gaulle airport and it has quite the unusual back story. I paid a visit with a film crew to find out more. What's actually there and why is it abandoned? Does it live up to the romanticized hype of[...]
- Welcome to season ten! Today I chat with Nico, a French friend of mine who recently became a dad too. We share notes on what it's like to have a baby in Paris, what French men think of the country's new paternity leave system, and how to deal with unsolicited advice from other Parisians. To[...]
- Here's the final chapter of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:
- Here's chapter eight of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:
- Here's chapter seven of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:[...]
- Here's chapter six of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:[...]
- Here's chapter five of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:[...]
- Here's chapter four of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop here:[...]
- Here's chapter three of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop[...]
- Here's chapter two of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop[...]
- Here's chapter one of my 2020 memoir, Paris On Air. Welcome to the audio experience. To go behind the scenes, become a member to unlock the guide to this book, made for Patreon members. Sign up here: Why not buy a paperback copy of this book, or indeed the entire audio experience? Full shop[...]
- For the season finale, my special guest is a very pregnant, and very lovely Lina. We give you the inside scoop on the ins and outs of being pregnant in Paris (in a pandemic). Reflecting on the last nine months and what we learned along the way. For all episodes of The EarfulTower: For[...]
- This week I chat with Gérard Chavaroc, who runs the 1900s pharmacy on avenue de la Bourdonnais. We talk about how get got it, what's inside, and what will happen to it when he soon retires. Find the pharmacy: 54 Avenue de la Bourdonnais For all episodes of The EarfulTower: For all my books[...]
- Molly Wilkinson joins the show to talk about how she's made a business in France as an online baker. Check her out: On Instagram here: Her website here: Her new book here: And to watch Molly and Olly baking together in the near future, become a Patreon member of The Earful Tower[...]
- This week Lina and I drove out of Paris to visit the Château Vaux-Le-Vicomte. Owner Jean Charles de Vogüé took us on a private tour while it was closed to the public. Find the château online here: Become an international friend of the chateau here: For all episodes of The Earful Tower: For[...]
- This week I was joined by Amber Minogue of Paname podcast, and together we visited the Paris Pet Cemetery - aka Le Cimetière des Chiens et Autres Animaux Domestiques. Find Paname, Amber's podcast here: For all episodes of The EarfulTower: For all my books and more: Find me on instagram here: [...]
- Today it's Delphine Briere sharing her tips for the 16th arrondissement, a neighbourhood I once called boring. Find more from our guest here: Become an Earful member on Patreon here:
- We've moved to the seventh arrondissement! Here are my tips (and Lina's tips!) for how best to visit the district. To see the scroll that goes with this episode, become a member here: For the Boston event mentioned in the show:
- In this episode I share five cool secrets from Paris that I've picked up over the years. This was originally performed for the Alliance Francaise in the USA. For all the pictures and links mentioned in the show, go to this link: Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel:
- This week I take you behind the scenes of my recent visit to the mysterious Montmartre Vineyard. To watch the YouTube Video of the visit, click here: To find the Secret Journeys visit, click here: To become a member and unlock the Scroll for this episode, click here: And to get a[...]
- This week I'm joined by best-selling author Pamela Druckerman. You might know her from her newspaper columns or her brilliant book Bringing up Bébé (aka French Children Don't Throw Food). We discussed her work, the beauty of the Place de Vosges and even had the luck to talk our way into another Paris courtyard. Find[...]
- This week is another adventurous episode, recorded from above the streets, sitting on a Paris rooftop. I'm joined by 27-year-old Frenchman Raphael Metivet, a photographer capturing Paris from a new perspective. We discussed our 360 degree view, urban exploration across Paris, and Raphael explains some tips and tricks around how he gets his winning shots.[...]
- An adventure episode. Here's the story of host Oliver Gee tracking the 800-year-old Philippe Auguste Wall on the Left Bank. To see the replay of the live video he made, become a Patreon member here:
- This week's guest came through a chance encounter. I found myself talking with a man called Diederick from the Netherlands outside the Peloton Cafe. It turned out he owned a shop full of silk flowers around the corner on Rue de Turenne … so I went to visit to understand more. This episode covers Paris[...]
- Welcome to The Earful Tower Paris - I'm Oliver Gee. This is something I should have said four years ago. Yes, after 200+ episodes and 1.5 million + downloads, it's time for a proper insight into what's going on here. With the help of my occasional co-host and wife Lina, and my brother and editor[...]
- Almost like a sacred ritual in France, the apéro is much more than just a drink with friends. Véronique Savoye from France With Véro explains more. To become an Earful Tower member click here:
- When the Seine River is flooding in Paris, you can almost certainly find me somewhere along the riverbank watching. I find it extraordinarily fascinating. And it's so close to flooding now that I figured I'd make an episode about it all - including some fun and interesting facts about the Great Flood of 1910. For[...]
- We're heading back to Paris this week... and here's where we'll be living. Featuring special guest Lina aka Lovely Lina. Thanks for making the 1.5 million downloads a reality!!! As always, join the Patreon club here:
- I've travelled around France an awful lot, so here are 30 things I recommend... and 20 that I really want to do. I made this list with the help of a few members of The Earful's distribution team. Find the full list on my website: Here's the bundle discount for Paris On Air and[...]
- I asked about your Paris plans and you sent in hundreds! Here's a chat with three listeners who share their Paris plans, and I talk about the Top 100 List that goes with this episode. Find the full list on my website: Become a Patreon member:
- Hear ye, hear ye: I officially challenge you to join our 2021 Paris Bucket List challenge. The rules are simple: Find five things you've never done before in Paris, rank them in ascending order of difficulty, then do them all before the year ends. This will work even if you are just visiting for a[...]
- It's the top ten episodes from 2020, counting down from number 10 to number one. Which episode was the most downloaded? Which celebrities made the top ten? How many have you heard? All will be answered in this end-of-year episode from your host, Oliver Gee. Thanks for listening in 2020. To get the beautiful scroll[...]
- This week I'm joined, by author, Stephen Clarke. We discussed being a writer in Lockdown, WWII in Paris, and British spies. As well as his brand new book The Spy Who Inspired Me. This interview was held via Zoom to an audience of Patreon members, you can watch the replay on the link below if[...]
- We are leaving Montmartre! It's been a wonderful two years in our little apartment overlooking Paris, but this chapter is now over. To mark the occasion, Lina and I took one last walk around our old neighbourhood, with microphone in hand. If you close your eyes, you can probably imagine that you're walking the cobbled[...]
- Traditions, meals, markets, and music... Camille from French Today explains how the French celebrate Christmas. Find out more about Christmas in France with stories from Camille. The Legend of Saint Nicolas - bilingual story 10 ways to wish Merry Christmas (with audio) French Christmas traditions 100 French Christmas terms with audio Authentic[...]
- Big news: The Earful Tower is now officially a company. Here's a little explainer from me and the company's first lady, Lina. Our book, Kylie The Crocodile, is available here: Thanks to all the Patreon supporters who got me this far. Join them here:
- Montmartre. A hotspot for tourists and Parisians alike. But what happens when such a district goes through two lockdowns in one year? This week I'm joined by Lily Heise, a 17-year resident of Montmartre, to answer that very question. We also discussed her new book There's Only One Paris. Follow the link below to order a[...]
- Meet Anna Kloots, a writer, a créatrice, and a traveller who moved to Paris in 2020. But rather than lament the fact she perhaps picked the worst year of all to move to Paris, she has grabbed the city by the horns and made the most of every minute, sharing her adventures with her hundreds[...]
- Today's episode is Roni Amelan, a man I met recently whilst sipping a flat white outside Le Peloton cafe. Within 2 minutes I invited him onto the pod, and today's bonus episode is the result! We discuss what I've deemed to be The Pearl of Paris, the island in the Seine called the Île Saint-Louis! Roni[...]
- This week, Oliver shares an honest look at the second lockdown in Paris. It began on October 30th and has been scheduled to run for four weeks. Mentioned in this episode: Stohrer Bakery, Le Bombardier pub, Saint-Ètienne-du-Mont church, Boulangerie Vandermeersch for the Kugelhopf, the park called Square Roger-Stéphane, and monsieur Segas for the canes. Here[...]
- A bonus episode! Here's a presentation of my five best Paris secrets. Hidden gardens, speakeasies, secret cafes... they're all here. And more importantly, I've included the fun stories of how I found them all. Enjoy the episode, and if you want the Scroll for free, here's the link to get it: For more content[...]
- With the new lockdown in Paris, we're only allowed to stray one kilometre from home. And luckily for me, they've kept the parks and cemeteries open this time - meaning my daily wanderings can now include the Montmartre Cemetery. Here, you can find dozens of friendly stray cats and hundreds of wonderful gravestones. Here's my[...]
- Bonus episode!! This week I had the honour of speaking as an author at the American Library in Paris. I also had the honour of interviewing myself for the first time! Here's the full chat, which I hope you will even enjoy if you've read the book and heard my story. I slipped in a[...]
- As Paris goes into lockdown again, here's how I spent my last day of freedom. You'll hear a lot of extra voices in this episode, and plenty of locations. Including: Papilles Coffeehouse: 77 Rue de Rochechouart, 75009 Paris Boneshaker Donuts: 77 Rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris Le Peloton Cafe: 17 Rue du Pont Louis-Philippe, 75004 Paris[...]
- This weekend we escaped Paris for a weekend in Burgundy. We stayed at the magnificent Chateau de Missery, which has been in the command of the British Hawkes family for decades. On the way to the chateau, Lina and I discovered the architectural wonder of the Chateau de Guedelon - and also the nearby Colette[...]
- We've made a children's book! We are so proud to finally announce the launch of Kylie The Crocodile in Paris. A project we've been working on behind the scenes for months, Lina did all the illustrations, and I wrote the words. And it's a tale I'm sure you will all recognize! To pre-order a copy[...]
- I scored the phone number to legendary French singer Edith Piaf via a dream and an apparent time portal. Here's what happened when I dialled the number. At the end of the episode, I also chatted with tour guide Edith de Belleville, who you can find here: If you enjoy The Earful Tower, want[...]
- Property consultant Adrian Leeds joins me to discuss daily life in Paris and how it has changed since the pandemic. Recorded in the heart of Montmartre in the Farfelu cafe, we discussed everything from face masks and lockdown to the new Netflix show Emily in Paris. Adrian also answers whether now is a good time[...]
- This week I have friend of the podcast, and world famous author Cara Black back in studio. We talked Hitler in Paris and Cara's new book. Inspired by a mysterious footnote, Cara went down a rabbit hole of dates, times and events - leading her to write Three Hours In Paris. More on Cara and[...]
- This week I'm joined by Boris Petrovic aka Boris the Brain to discuss the history (and future) of walking in Paris. We discussed the Haussmannian origins of Paris's wide streets, tales of man-eating wolves invading the city, pulling teeth on the Pont Neuf, and the plans for the future of the city. Also, a special[...]
- Last week, I pitched a question to the Earful Tower Members; What is the first thing you will do once you can get back to Paris? I had an amazing response and for this episode I've pulled a selection of my favourite answers to discuss with none other then my wife, Lovely Lina. The idea:[...]
- Yes, yes, this is a podcast about Paris and France, but I decided to cast the net wider for this episode and take a closer look at Sweden. Why? Well, today's guest is Swedish, we're both in Sweden right now, and as you might remember, I spent about five years in Sweden before Paris. So[...]
- This week on the show it's Kobus Botha talking about braai, being 2 meters tall, and catering for 6,000 people. Kobus is the BBQ King of France with his enormous touring barbecues, we discuss his work and some of the exciting catering gigs he's had across France Become a Patron of The Earful Tower here[...]
- This week on the show it's Jacqueline Ngo Mpii talking about La Goutte d'Or, a neighborhood beside Montmartre. But while millions and millions of tourists flock to Montmartre next door, few venture to the east to see Little Africa - not least after it was labelled a "no-go zone" in international media. Jacqueline explains how[...]
- Throughout my time in Paris I've come across many an untranslatable word in the French language. I've talked about these before, even discussed them in my memoir, but for this episode I've rounded up my ten favourites. Or the ten best, if you will. The rule to be classed as untranslatable: That it doesn't exist[...]
- Meet Katrina Lawrence a beauty journalist and certified Francophile. She first fell in love with Paris at the age of five, and since then her roads have continually led her back to Paris. We talk about her book Paris Dreaming, which chronicles her love for the French and how the city has inspired her. Find[...]
- The Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire on April 15 2019. So - where are we now? Well, French author Agnes Poirier has just written a book on the topic called "Notre Dame: The Soul of France" so I sat down to chat about the cathedral's past and present. This episode also features the voice of[...]
- Meet Jane Webster, an Australian woman who has just spent lockdown in a 72-room chateau in Normandy. She is the woman behind Chateau de Bosguet, which you can find more about on the links below. We chat about chateau life, Paris, having a one-hectare vegetable garden, and much more! By the way, the covered passage[...]
- I visited the Palace of Versailles to see what it looked like during the pandemic. Hoping for empty rooms, I must admit I was a little disappointed to see the crowds, but it was a grand experience as always. Here's the visit in podcast form, with my wife Lina as a special guest, and with[...]
- With many countries still on the "don't visit list" for France, the city of Paris is strangely empty. Sure, there are a lot of French people about... and quite a few Europeans. But all the main tourist groups have vanished, and it makes for an interesting time in the City of Lights. My wife Lina[...]
- Janet Hulstrand is back on the show! Janet is the editor of my book, Paris On Air, and we discuss what it takes to make a memoir. If you need a book editor, check her out, she is wonderful! Find more from Janet here: Her blog: Some articles mentioned in the episode: Is[...]
- Meet Casey Laulala, a Samoan rugby player turned Paris restauranteur. He talks about how his life in the sports world taught him how to run a Paris restaurant. Find his restaurant Itacoa on Instagram here: Find the restaurant website here: And find Casey on Instagram here: Want more from The Earful Tower?[...]
- "Jazz is a compressed history of the modern world." So says Alex Freiman, a jazz musician from Paris who also works as a bookseller at Shakespeare and Company. We sat down in the Square René Viviani park beside the bookshop, where Alex had just finished a live set in front of a crowd. We talked[...]
- I'm gobsmacked at how impressively this community has flexed its collective muscle. At the time of recording we have raised over $9,000 for an important charity. If you're quick, you can join in too: Links mentioned in this show: YouTube video of "Intro to Black Paris": YouTube video of wine tasting with Tanisha:[...]
- It's a different episode today, a look into Black Lives Matter from a Paris perspective. But it's also an investigation into what I can do as a podcaster to diversify and to amplify black voices. Let's make a change folks, I've already started and you'll notice it in the show going forward. Not just in[...]
- We all know it's important to say "bonjour" no matter where you are in France. That's hardly a secret. But let me tell you, there's no better way to get a conversation going than to ask "ca va?" directly afterwards. French people will disagree with me, but ignore them: this is a foreigner hack that[...]
- You might know the Shakespeare and Company bookshop from popular films like Midnight in Paris or Before Sunset. You might know it from your last visit to Paris... You might have even bought a book here. But what really goes on at the iconic and mysterious Shakespeare and Company? Is it true that they let[...]
- I didn't know the 7th district of Paris very well until this week. Thanks to the mysterious Goddess of Fortune (aka Leah Walker from Paris Perfect rentals), Lina and I have landed in a luxury apartment by the Eiffel Tower for two weeks. Leah, who runs the social media for Paris Perfect, joined me for[...]
- The vast majority of restaurants in Paris are still closed due to the lockdown. Those that have opened their doors are only offering takeaway. So what does an acclaimed restaurant critic like Alec Lobrano do instead? I chatted with the American writer about all things food, his life under lockdown, and how every Paris restaurant[...]
- The lockdown is lifted. We can go out without permission, without a reason, and for as long as we wish. I chatted with Ariel Weil, the mayor of the Marais, about what will happen now. About how the city will change. About what a mayor does in lockdown. And much more. Thanks for listening -[...]
- Today it's an excerpt from the audio experience for my new memoir, Paris On Air. It's Eddie Gee, my little brother, reading his lines with me as we retell the story of our first trip to Paris. If you enjoy it, please buy the full audio experience for just €20. The first five chapters are[...]
- Guy Griffin from Cafe Oberkampf and Cafe Mericourt joins the show to talk about the restaurant industry in Paris and how it'll cope during the lockdown... and then what'll come next. He discusses his rethinking of the hospitality industry, the government's "chômage partiel" for staff members (part-time unemployment), and his plans to reopen. And he[...]
- Paris has been closed down for about six weeks now and everyone's life has changed. Last week I checked in on friends of the show to hear about how the city looks different. This week I'm talking with three Paris influential online personalities to hear how the Paris lockdown has affected their respective businesses. Here[...]
- Paris has been closed down for over a month now. Me, I'm confined to a radius of 1km in peaceful Montmartre... but was wondering what the rest of the city looks like. This episode features chats with five friends of the show, sharing their lockdown observations from their respective corners of Paris. Here are the[...]
- Lina Nordin Gee aka @parisianpostcards on Instagram has been painting a watercolour every day about Paris, France, and famous French faces. She's the guest on today's podcast, sharing the stories behind her paintings, what it's like to have your real job put on hold, and what it's like to host a Paris-themed quiz night every[...]
- When the lockdown hit Paris, all non essential work was forbidden. So a local film crew didn't have time to remove a huge set on rue Androuet in Montmarte. I've been visiting the street since they started building, here's the strange and slightly eerie story, with the help of an American whose home was taken[...]
- Unbelievable. After a strange dream, I found myself with a direct phone number for Ernest Hemingway in 1925. I called the number... here's what happened. Afterwards, I spoke with Sam Lopez-Barrantes who gives Hemingway tours. Here he is on Twitter if you wanna book one of his tours when things get back to normal. Support[...]
- It has been two weeks and we're keeping busy to keep sane. Pub quizzes, puzzles, and daily sketches - here's how we're keeping busy while staying home. Also... The books arrived! Get yours here:
- Italy is about a week ahead of France when it comes to the coronavirus. Italy is the worst affected country in the world with 7,500 deaths as of March 25th. I chatted with an Australian freelance journalist, Josephine McKenna, who has been living in Italy for 12 years, for her take on the scene. While[...]
- A friend of mine, 45-year-old David, has been in quarantine after coming down with the virus that's bringing the world to a standstill. When he told me the news, and told me what he had to do to keep his girlfriend and unborn child safe, I asked if he'd share the story with us all.[...]
- Day four of the lockdown. Police have given out 18,000 fines to people caught outside without their note. Me and my wife Lina are in our 30 sqm apartment in Montmartre (322sq feet) watching life from the balcony. We talk about the guilt in going out for exercise, the Rear Window life, and visits to[...]
- Paul from Le Peloton cafe already had a lot on his plate. He co-runs a cafe in the Marais and a popular bike tour company (Bike About Tours)... not to mention he's a father of three! So as you can imagine, it was a kick in the shins to learn that he had 100 percent[...]
- Paris is on lockdown. We've been told to stay home, only to leave for a very good reason (and with a note to prove it to police). My journalistic instincts have kicked in, so it's time to take a break from the regular show and focus on Paris during this historic time. Expect more regular[...]
- It's chef and blogging superstar David Lebovitz talking about his new book, Drinking French. We also talk about the 11th arrondissement, His book is available now and it's called Drinking French: The Iconic Cocktails, Apéritifs, and Café Traditions of France, with 160 Recipes. Find out more on After David it's tour guide Bertrand from[...]
- What's the latest with the Coronavirus in France and Paris? Should you cancel your trip? How is daily life affected? I asked these questions to Ben McPartland, the editor of The Local, Europe's News in English. The Local Europe, especially The Local France, has loads of practical information and advice about what's going on with[...]
- A chat with Nico, the owner of Holybelly, which is the hippest and most happening cafe restaurant in Paris. Maybe even France. We talk about the secret to success, how Holybelly has gone beyond the hype and turned into an institution, and the time basketball superstar LeBron James came for breakfast. We also talk about[...]
- Today's chat is with model Caroline de Maigret, who has just published a book about ageing called Older But Better, But Older. She's the ultimate Parisienne, if you ask me. If you want to find more from Caroline, check out her Instagram page here. After the chat, it's tour guide Bertrand from My Private Paris[...]
- Today's chat is an on-the-go episode co-hosted by my wife Lina. We visit all kinds of amazing spots, including the Champs-Elysées, the Petit Palais, Ladurée and more. Find the full details and my full guide to Paris by becoming a Patreon member. After the chat, it's tour guide Marie from My Private Paris talking about[...]
- Today's chat is with tour guides Marie and Bertrand from My Private Paris. They share what they consider to be the seven wonders of the district. I'll add all this to a blog post soon, be sure to check it out! My Private Paris is the boutique tour agency sponsoring this podcast season. Find out[...]
- Hello everyone! It's a bonus episode today, co-starring my little brother Eddie. We're talking about your impressions from your first trip to Paris. Me and Eddie went through a wild ordeal ourselves about 13 years ago, and we share that story too. But we mostly focus on the best stories from you listeners. We sifted[...]
- Hello everyone! It's season seven of The Earful Tower, and I'm exploring each of the 20 arrondissements in order. Seeming we're in the sixth week of the year, it's over to the sixth arrondissement. Today's chat is with Laurel and Kaysa from Treize au jardin, a bakery and cafe (and much more) on rue de[...]
- Today it's tour guide Marie from My Private Paris. She claims to know every cobblestone in the fifth, and shares her best tips. We talk about ancient walls, churches to find, the Sorbonne, and some amazing viewpoints. My Private Paris is the boutique tour agency sponsoring this podcast season. Find out more about My Private[...]
- Today it's a stroll along the most romantic river in the world, The Seine, with author Elaine Sciolino. Her book, The Seine, The River That Made Paris has been the book club choice for January. Join the club for free here! After that, it was a new voice, Marie from My Private Paris, the boutique[...]
- Here's a chat with Ariel Weil, the mayor of the fourth arrondissement. We talk about ancient walls, churches in the Marais, and the district in general. After that, it was Bertrand from My Private Paris, the boutique tour agency which is the sponsor of this new podcast season. He spoke about the mysterious pig-related death[...]
- Here's a chat with Emilia Philippot, the curator of the Picasso Museum. We talk about Picasso himself, the museum, and the district in general. After that, it was Bertrand from My Private Paris, the boutique tour agency which is the sponsor of this new podcast season. He spoke about the "Chez ma tante" pawn shop,[...]
- Today it's Amanda from Boneshaker Doughnuts! She's a repeat guest so no need for more introductions, but find her shop at 77 Rue d'Aboukir or here online. After that, it was Bertrand from My Private Paris, the boutique tour agency which is the sponsor of this new podcast season. Find out more about My Private[...]
- Hello everyone! We did it! We've passed the target on the Kickstarter stretch goal and that means I am coming to the US on a book tour. In May, 2020 no less. Australia afterwards. Here are the details of the tour and how you can be part of it. And it's not too late to[...]
- Hello everyone! It's a brand new season of The Earful Tower, where I'll be exploring each of the 20 arrondissements in order. So naturally, we will start in the first and we'll start with a bang! I went for an explore of the Louvre museum when it was closed to the public. With me, Maria[...]
- Hello everyone! To round out 2019 we have a live French lesson with Camille from French Today! In it, we have a little chat, speak French for about six minutes (skip it if you're a total beginner, but I think you might be ok) and then a language lesson or two about some common difficulties[...]
- Hello everyone! It's the end of the year so it's time to escape Paris and head to a chateau in the French countryside. Meet Julie Huh, a well-known Korean author and Instagrammer who lives in the Mayenne department of France. She talks about being the only Asian in her village, how she renovated a chateau,[...]
- Hello everyone! Today I am joined by Aaron Lopez-Barrantes, from local Paris band Slim and the Beast. We're talking about how to create an audio experience for my upcoming memoir. Now, I'm not just going to read out the book. I'm going to have ambient sound, background music, and some kind of original score. Aaron[...]
- Hello everyone! Today I am joined by guest Mike Duncan, titan of the history podcasting world and host of Revolutions Podcast. Mike explained the French Revolution to me in the simplest terms possible to demystify this major historical event. You can find Mike on Twitter @mikeduncan Be sure to support the kickstarter for my new[...]
- Hello everyone! On Wednesday I launched my Kickstarter campaign to fund the initial print run of my Paris memoir, Paris on Air. I sat down with friend and podcaster, John Clarke to talk about the highs and lows of the night as well the Kickstarter itself. You can find the kickstarter here Be sure to[...]
- Hello everyone! Something a little different today - I'm the guest on my own podcast. Yes, lovely Lina takes the reins to interview me about my new memoir, Paris On Air. In this episode I answer a lot of questions from you guys, but also explain what I've written and how you can secure your[...]
- Hello everyone! It's a bonus podcast episode from The Earful Extra podcast! Starring Lovely Lina and introducing my friend Shelly Bittler, this is a discussion about a new project I've been working on: The Paris Burn List. What's that? Well, when the Notre Dame burned I was disappointed I never climbed to the top because[...]
- Hello everyone! In April 2019, the world watched in horror as the Notre Dame burned. But that was seven months ago - where are we now? I met with the Mayor of the Marais, Ariel Weil to discuss where he was on the night of the fire and the progress of the restoration. A few[...]
- Hello everyone! Today it's an episode with Camille from French Today and we're talking about the whole idea of asking French people to "correct you" when you're speaking French with them. Apparently, it's not always a good idea, says Camille. Click here for the discount on French Today audiobooks. Read more about this topic from[...]
- Forest Collins describes a hidden cocktail bar hidden in a taqueria on Season 3 Episode 10 The former Mayor of 4th Christophe Girard reveals a secret passage in the Marais on Season 2 Episode 14 Supermodel and ultimate Parisienne Caroline de Maigret shares her secrets about how to be Parisian on Season 5 Episode 23 Author[...]
- Hello everyone! Today is a bonus episode of The Earful Tower. In this show, you'll hear snippets from past episodes sharing top tips and stories related to sweet spots in Paris for food! The guests: -April Pett, who talks about macarons from Pierre Herme -David Lebovitz talks about his favourite food market in Paris -Michael[...]
- Hello everyone! Today is a very special episode of the Earful Tower–it's the season 6 finale! This episode is the first ever LIVE talk show I have done, recorded at the Australian Ambassador's Residence in Paris. In this show, we celebrate Australians making their mark in Paris. Guests: His Excellency Brendan Berne, presenter Ruby Boukabou,[...]
- Hello everyone! We’ve all heard the mysteries about the Parisian woman, but what about the Parisian man? Today’s episode features guest Greg Pouy, host of the popular French podcast Vlan. Greg and I chatted about the Parisian man, Vlan and the podcast scene in France, his upcoming book, why he loves the 15th arrondissement, and[...]
- Hello everyone! Sometimes the most frustrating thing when learning French is when local shopkeepers and waiters to respond to you in English! In this episode with Camille from French Today we talk all it, why French people do it, and how you can respond to it. Get the discount on French Today: Read a whole[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is Claudine Hemingway, a relative of famed American writer Ernest Hemingway. Claudine and I met at Bar Hemingway at the Ritz Hotel where we chatted about the bar, Hemingway’s life in Paris, and Claudine’s "Paris with Hemingway" tours. More info on Claudine and her tours via her official website and Instagram:[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is Michael Kennedy from Paname Brewing Company, a brewery and tap house in the 19th arrondissement. Michael shares his stories about starting bars in Paris, what makes Paname Brewing Company's beer special, his thoughts on the up and coming neighborhood of Pantin, and more. More info on Paname Brewing Company via[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest Geoffrey Finch from Paris Wine Walks shares the history of wine in the French capital and his tips on how find the hidden vineyards. More info on Paris Wine Walks via his official site and social media here: @pariswinewalks (Instagram) Get the discount on French Today: Support The Earful[...]
- Hello everyone! Today special guest Lina Nordin Gee, head of Deuxieme Studios, shares her top tips for where to shop in Paris, from the Grands Magasins, vintage shops, flea markets, and more. More info on Deuxieme Studios via her official site and social media here: @deuxiemestudios @parisianpostcards Get the discount on French Today:[...]
- Hello everyone! This week it's a chat with distinguished author David Downie. I met him in Jardin des Rosiers in the Marais, in the shade of a fig tree. More info on David's work via his official site here: Buy Paris, Paris here: Support The Earful on Patreon here:
- Hello everyone! The two most important French words, as far as I'm concerned, are tu and vous (which both mean "you"). In this episode with Camille from French Today we talk all about these words, how to use them, when to use them, and how to make the switch to the less formal version. This[...]
- Hello everyone! This week it's a chat with distinguished author John Baxter. I met him in his apartment on the Left Bank. We talked about his tips for the Latin Quarter, why it's called the Latin Quarter, and of course about his books. Thanks for having me John! More info on John's work via his[...]
- The red light district of Paris, Pigalle, has been undergoing a pretty serious facelift. And Nico, the guy behind the popular cafe KB, has been watching it happen for the last ten years. Here's his take on the changing face of Pigalle, plus cafe culture, Place des Vosges, and more. My list of best coffee[...]
- Hello everyone! This week it's a chat with the Mayor of the 18th arrondissement, Eric Lejoindre. I met him in his office at the Town Hall at Jules Joffrin, a stunning building in itself. We talked about his tips for Montmartre, the "no-go zones" around the district, and how tourists and locals mingle in the[...]
- Meet David Smith, a British man who claims to know all the streets of Paris. His job? A delivery man, a courier, who gets from A to B by bike. He doesn't have a book to sell or a blog to promote, but he sure has a different life to most expats in France. He[...]
- Hello everyone! Here are addresses mentioned in the show, in order. 1. Terrass Hotel: Address: 12-14 Rue Joseph de Maistre, 75018 Paris 2. Tour Saint Jacques: Address: Square de la Tour Saint-Jacques, 75004 Paris 3. Perruche: Address: Printemps de l'Homme, 2 Rue du Havre, 75008 Paris 4. Le Perchoir: Address: 14 Rue Crespin du Gast, 75011 Paris 5. Cafe Oz: Address: 34 Quai d'Austerlitz, 75013[...]
- Hello everyone! Today it's Ann Mah, author of the new bestseller The Lost Vintage. We chat about her book, food in France, and Julia Child (plus much, more). This episode was brought to you by Fat Tire Tours. Book the same tour on the Eiffel Tower that I did, here. This show is also brought[...]
- Hello everyone! It's time for your monthly dose of French chat with French Today, except this time it's with Camille's husband Olivier. Olivier speaks four languages and talks about his own upbringing, and how he raised an bilingual daughter in the US and France. Get the discount on French Today: Support The Earful Tower[...]
- Paris is a beautiful city, that much is for sure. But how on earth are you supposed to capture it? Adele, from the hit Facebook page Paris Adele, has done a great job of capturing the city through photos and stories and she is in the studio to talk about it. Find her Facebook page[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is Anne Ditmeyer - the woman behind Pret-a-Voyager. We're chatting about Paris in August Find out more about Anne and her work with these links that we mentioned in the show: What living in France has taught me about burnout: Closed signs in Paris for the holidays:[...]
- Hello everyone, This week I went out to Versailles and was blown away by the hamlet of Marie Antoinette. Here's an episode with some of my thoughts. To book the same tour I did, here's the link: Remember, 10 percent off if you mention the word earful at the checkout! Support The Earful Tower on[...]
- Hello everyone! Today it's a walk down the beautiful Rue des Abbesses in the 18th district of Montmartre. Co-host is Lovely Lina aka @parisianpodcards on Instagram. Support the Earful Tower on Patreon here. Get the discount on French Today:
- So you come to Paris and you realize that you're not in Kansas anymore. Or not in Virginia anymore, as the case is for today's guest. Yes, it's psychologist John Clarke, who is still in his first year in Paris and who has a razor sharp eye for those little culture shocks that still leave him[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is YouTube superstar Jay Swanson. We share some tips for what you should never do in Paris. As promised here are the links mentioned in the episode: The guy who jumped over the Tour de France: Jay’s YouTube channel: Jay’s video about the Louvre: Jay’s guide to Paris:[...]
- Hello everyone! This week it's Penelope Fletcher, who runs The Red Wheelbarrow Bookshop in Paris. If you want to find the shop, it's at 9 Rue de Médicis, 75006. Here are all the books that Penelope mentioned, in order: Books for adults Stories from the Magic Canoe of Wa'xaid, by Cecil Paul. A Moveable Feast, by[...]
- Hello everyone! It's time for your monthly dose of French chat with Camille from French Today. As always, use this link if you want that additional ten percent off the audiobooks.
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is French theatre actress Audrey Mikondo. She talks about theatre in Paris, Shakespeare in English, and when French and expat worlds mix. Find tickets to their performance of Twelfth Night here, performed at the Arena de Montmartre, where I filmed this live walk show on Facebook. Support the Earful on Patreon[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's guest is podcaster Oliver Gee who runs The Earful Tower. He shares his 12 tips for how to enjoy Paris "like a local", whatever that means. Support the Earful on Patreon here. And to get that additional ten percent off from French Today, go via this link.
- Hello everyone What do the Bastille, the Moulin Rouge, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Paris Zoo all have in common? Yes, that's right! They all have amazing elephant stories that you probably never heard about before. In this jumbo episode of The Earful Tower you'll hear all about them. Thanks to my cohost Lina,[...]
- Hello everyone! Today's episode is a chat with Australian expat Sam Davies who recently took the plunge and became a French citizen. It's pretty fascinating to hear just how tricky the journey is for some people, including tough quizzes, endless paperwork, and surprising twists. This recording is from the Jardin Villemin, a park in the[...]
- Hello everyone! Ever been to Versailles? I headed out to the chateau to explore the gardens on bike, to walk through the castle on a semi-private visit, and stayed around for the fireworks show. Check it out! The episode was brought to you by Fat Tire Tours. Book the same trip I did right here,[...]
- Hello! After a listener emailed in wanting more information about the iconic "bouquinistes" of Paris, I decided to go and find out more. I stumbled upon Sydney Zekley, who hails from Los Angeles, but spends her days selling books along the Seine River. Here is our chat, plus a lot more about the bouquinistes of[...]
- Hello everyone! Here comes Amanda, who runs Boneshaker Doughnuts, the first donut joint in Paris. We chatted about how Amanda studied pastry and ended up making donuts, about how she had to convince Parisians that donuts and pastry aren't so different after all, and about how a lot of us expats in Paris have complicated[...]
- Hello everyone! It's time for your monthly dose of French chat with Camille from French Today. As always, use this link if you want that additional ten percent off the audiobooks.
- Hello everyone! This episode is all about Paris and its antiques. Listen as Christophe Lucien walks us through how to buy them, what to look out for, and where to find the treasures. Find out more about his work here at Lucien Paris. The video that we did earlier this year can be found here[...]
- Hello everyone! Meet George Eddy, a man who has been the voice of basketball in France for 34 years. He's only really known in France. Back home in the States, he can walk the streets uninterrupted. Fancy that! I met him on the outskirts of Paris to discuss basketball, smiling in Paris, and how he[...]
- Hello everyone! I've just been to Giverny, where the famed Impressionist Claude Monet had his house and gardens. With my wife, Lina, by my side, I went to check out these gardens and I took my recorder with me. This episode is the whole day summed up in 30 minutes. There's picnics, cheese shops, walking,[...]
- Hello everyone! Meet Valli, a woman who sang in France's first ever rap song in 1982. The song - Chacun fait (c'qui lui plaît) - went on to sell 2.5 million copies and made Valli so popular that she still gets stopped on the street to this day. But she's only really known in France.[...]
- Hello everyone! Today we have Emma Jacobs in the studio talking about her brand new book "The Little(r) Museums in Paris". She lists six smaller museums you should check out in this city, while also discussing her lovely illustrated book. Now, I'll write all this up in a blog post very soon, but if you're[...]
- Hi everyone! France has a fascinating history and there aren't many people who appreciate it as much as today's guest, Diana from The Land of Desire Podcast. She shares some of her favourite stories, tips, and hidden Paris treasures that she has picked up while making her amazing show. And, as promised, here's a link[...]
- This week's episode features Janet Hulstrand, an American in France who has just written a book called Demystifying the French. Of course, we talk about a lot more than just rudeness, but it kinda all boils down to one big question: Are the French rude - or is it the Americans? Have a listen and[...]
- Bonus episode! It's Camille from French Today talking about how to learn French quickly and efficiently. One of the big takeaways is that everyone is different: Some want to learn French simply to pass an exam, others want to move to France, while some are just learning for the pleasure of being able to read[...]
- Hello! This week it's Cara Black, author of the Murder in Paris series - 19 books about fictional detective Aimee Leduc. Her newest one is out June 4th, Murder in Bel Air, and her first one, Murder in the Marais has been the subject of the Book Club this month. Here we chat about her[...]
- Hello! This week I was off gallivanting around Stockholm and I was very intrigued to see some serious links between France and Sweden. Whether it's the French general who became a Swedish king, the Swedish count who was perhaps the lover of Marie Antoinette, or the ways the Vikings changed the scope of the French[...]
- This week’s podcast guest is American Matt Kepnes from the hit travel website Nomadic Matt. And believe it or not, he’s recently moved to Paris. I invited him into the studio to discuss some of the things he has struggled with in his first few months in the French capital. We discuss the difficulties of[...]
- Hello everyone, It's an episode with Camille, the voice behind French Today, and we're talking about the different registers people use when speaking French. A register is a level of formality - you don't speak the same way in a job interview and a barbecue with friends, do you? In English, the register you use[...]
- The Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire on Monday and one week on continues to make international headlines. So what now? Today's guest Philippe Hertzberg runs a tour company called Secret Journeys that does very close work with the cathedral. In fact, he was at the cathedral when it caught fire. Philippe talks about the fire,[...]
- This week's guest is Rebecca Plotnick from the hit website Everyday Parisian. We chat all about how to capture the beautiful city of Paris on your camera (or indeed your smartphone). We also talk about life in Paris (and abroad), the mysterious blue hour, where to position yourself to get the best shot of the[...]
- Hello everyone! Meet Felix and Joris, two young Frenchmen who've created what I think is the most fun immersive experience in Paris. These two guys spent two years writing the creepiest detective story they could imagine, then they turned it into a two-hour immersive experience in the north of Paris. It's called Live Thriller and[...]
- Hello everyone! This week it's Caroline de Maigret, the author of How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are, the model, the music producer - and the ultimate Parisienne, if you ask me. I saw her walking down the street in central Paris and I stopped her to ask if she would like to be on[...]
- Hello everyone, What is it about Paris that makes it so synonymous with a good walk? A historian might suggest that the city was built for walking – ever since the Pont Neuf rolled out some of Europe’s first pedestrian sidewalks 400 years ago. A resident might say that walking is more practical than the[...]
- Hello everyone, It's a bonus episode from Camille, the voice behind French Today, answering the age old question: How should I learn French? More specifically, I asked her about the order to do it in, how to be efficient in learning the language, and what the other teachers are doing incorrectly. I share some tales[...]
- We've come full circle! The very first guests on this podcast, two years ago, were the Paris band Slim & the Beast. They're the guys who wrote the original jingle, the honeymoon theme, and they've done several live videos with me before. Now, they're back in the studio and they're armed with a few new[...]
- Paris offers the creme-de-la-creme when it comes to museums but it can be quite daunting to decide which ones to see. It’s even daunting for Parisians. I’ve lived here for years now and I still don’t know where to go. But the city offers what it calls “The Museum Pass” where you buy a ticket[...]
- This week's guest is podcasting titan Annie Sargent from the popular Join us in France show. She explains why, of course, there is a lot more to France than just Paris. And who better to showcase the country than the woman who's released over 200 podcast episodes promoting it? Check out Annie's show here. Join me[...]
- This week’s guest is Annabel Simms, a British woman who has explored the surrounds of Paris perhaps more than anyone! She has written two books on the subject: An Hour From Paris and Half an Hour From Paris, both of which you can find on her site here. We also discuss the trail sign posts[...]
- This week it's Antoine Litaise from Voulez Vous Diner, a French company that's kind of like Airbnb but for dinner. You find a chef online, book a dinner at their home, then go and eat it. These guys are in 120 countries, but it started in France, so the head of the company, an avid[...]
- This week it's my favourite language teacher, Camille from French Today. And seeming it's Valentine's Day we took the opportunity to discuss all the French language you'll need to impress someone when it comes to matters of love. We cover: Love nicknames, how to tell someone you love them (and how to get it wrong),[...]
- “Paris is a city made for spending money, there’s temptation around every corner.” That’s a quote from Leah Walker, this week’s guest, a luxury travel writer who knows Paris inside out. She joins me in the studio to explain how to have an extravagant trip in Paris. But, even if you’re not in a position[...]
- This week’s guest is Bryan Pirolli, an author, marathon runner, and a tour guide around Gay Paris. He explains a little about the city's gay history, its present and its future. He also shares his thoughts on just how gay friendly the city is. And of course, we have a good old chat about Paris[...]
- This week it’s off to the Moulin Rouge - the number one cabaret show in the universe (and one of the top attractions in Paris). Luckily for me, I got to go backstage after the show to meet one of the lead dancers, Amanda Chapman, who has been a staple feature of the show for[...]
- So you're coming to France. Statistically, you're probably coming to Paris. And you don't know much beyond bonjour and merci. This bonus episode is Camille from French Today explaining the mistakes you're probably making and teaching us how to get it right. There's a lot of extra stuff in there too - like how you[...]
- Meet Boris from Paris in Person. He is a tour guide who knows Paris inside out. He shares the most interesting thing that you can find in every one of Paris's 20 arrondissements. In case you're unsure of the spelling from his list, I've added the places to the notes below. See all the pictures[...]
- This week's guest is Beckett Graham of The History Chicks podcast. It's her first time in Paris and I was curious to know what a history buff like her seeks out in a city like this. For addresses and more info, simply scroll down, or check the site here for even more information. Lay a[...]
- This week's guest is Carin Olsson, the Swede behind the hit website Paris in Four Months. Almost a million people follow her on Instagram - so she sure knows what she's doing. We talk about what it's like to be an "influencer", the man who walks his pig on the Ile Saint Louis, and the[...]
- Hello everyone and Happy new year! As I prepare for an enormous and exciting 2019, I thought we could do a flashback episode to the number one most downloaded episode of 2018. Which one was it? Well have a listen and find out 🙂 Don't like surprises? Well here's the link for all the information[...]
- It's Christmas in Paris. Well, it's Christmas elsewhere too, but today we're keeping it France-related. So how do the French celebrate Christmas? And what should you go and see if you find yourself in Paris during the festive season? Where are the best Christmas lights? All these questions and more are answered in this episode. You'll[...]
- This week it’s Rosie McCarthy from the hit YouTube channel Not Even French She shares a few observations about the French people that she has picked up over the past five years in Paris. What's the deal with how they shower, how they dress the bed, and how they give you the bill in a[...]
- This week it’s the 100th episode of The Earful Tower! To celebrate, here’s a chat with celebrity chef and author David Lebovitz, who has just written a new book called L’Appart. We chat about Christmas in Paris, the lack of a future tense in Sicily, and the blog he has been running since 2009. We[...]
- Why do all the tour guides focus on the men in French history? What about the women?! This is a question that haunted Heidi Evans - so much so that she launched a company called Women of Paris that specifically focuses on revealing the neglected gender in France's historical pages. She talks about her company,[...]
- Finding a rental property in Paris can be like finding a needle in a haystack. But imagine there are hundreds of other people looking for that needle too. And now imagine that when you find the needle, the needle's owner is very likely to ask you for a large amount of money and documents before[...]
- Choosing between the Left and Right Banks of Paris is like picking a favourite child. Tough, but often necessary. But of course, there's no real answer. There's no scientific equation, no data mining, no possible way to find the "best". Or is there? I've spent this week talking to experts, surveying Earful Tower followers, and churning[...]
- So what should you pack for a trip to Paris? Paris-based shoe designer Lina Nordin Gee, co-star of The Honeymoon Season, shares her top tips for if you really want to blend in with the locals. Here are the tips in brief in case you need a cheat sheet. 1. Pack smaller accessories 2. Bring a big(ish)[...]
- Hello listeners! France is a massive country with wildly diverse landscapes and breathtaking monuments. There's A LOT more to see than just Paris and Provence. With this in mind, I've come up with ten things you should absolutely visit on your next trip, all taken from our recent honeymoon trip around the country. This list[...]
- This week we’re talking all about a memoir, A Year in Provence, a book that may not have changed the face of the French village of Ménerbes, but apparently changed the rest. It sold 6 million + copies over the past 30 years and was translated into 40 languages, sending tourists from all over the[...]
- It's the honeymoon season finale, more or less, as we've made it back to Paris. Yep, 4,000 kilometres (2,500 miles) at 45 km an hour (30 miles) on one little red scooter. Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions from you listeners, we share the ups and downs, and give a few tips[...]
- In 218 BC, war general Hannibal famously crossed the French Alps with 37 elephants. In 2018 AD, we crossed the same Alps on a little red scooter. Here's our story, plus some info on what we absolutely consider to be the most beautiful town in France, Annecy. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support[...]
- Imagine you had seven days to spend in Provence but didn't know what to see. Never fear, we've done the research for you. We just scooted through the region and can recommend the following. The Roman arena in Arles. The Camargues national Park The cathedral overlooking Marseille Getting lost in the old town of Aix[...]
- Hello from Carcassonne in south western France, a town that’s easily the most interesting that I’ve seen in France. This episode will explain why - and will introduce you to my new hero - Eugene Viollet Le Duc - the man who changed the face of France. Read a whole lot more about my thoughts[...]
- Imagine your own child is more French than you are. Well that's a reality for Catherine, an American in Carcassonne, who's today's guest on The Earful Tower podcast. Catherine, who writes the Taste of France blog, talks about bringing up a bilingual child, the differences between French and American schooling, and the difficulties of parenting[...]
- Hi guys, It was such a busy week on the road that I decided to just share it all. Here are ten tales, a mix of anecdotes, tourist tips, and marvels to find - all in the space of 35 minutes. Mentioned in this episode: The Cognac Tour of Otard. The Cité du Vin museum[...]
- This time it's a chat with Mike Foster, who runs Le Map Bordeaux, a city guide to one of France's most famous cities. His tips are in the form of things you should do, and things you shouldn't -- aka the Bordeauxs and Bordeauxn'ts. It makes sense when you hear it... sort of. Anyway, enjoy the[...]
- Hi guys from a chateau in cosy Cognac This is episode seven of the Earful Tower Honeymoon season today it's: Three tips for life in a small French village A mad weekend of vintage cars in the city of comic books, Angouleme And why you need to visit Cognac - and it’s not just because[...]
- This week I met with Kev Hay, a Brit who moved to the French countryside ten years ago for his retirement. What's retired life like in rural France? Was it difficult to do? What are the obstacles? Listen to Kev as he walks us through his journey. And as usual, there's a lot more on[...]
- This episode of the Earful Tower's honeymoon season has three segments: First, it's our look at the beautiful town of La Rochelle and the stunning island Ile de Ré. Second, we tell the tale of how the scooter broke down and how we were rescued by two kindly French farmers. Third, we tell the story[...]
- This episode has three segments: First, it's our look at five interesting habits of the Bretons. Second, we review the stunning town of Vannes, Brittany. Third, we tell the story of getting chased by what may have been a wolf through a small Breton village. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its[...]
- Hello, we’re two weeks into the honeymoon season of The Earful Tower and my wife and I are currently in the small village of Plédran in Brittany. We’ve driven 800 kilometres on the scooter and we’ve seen more than we can remember. Since the last episode, we've stayed near Deauville, on Normandy farms, and near D-Day beaches,[...]
- Hello, we’re one week into the honeymoon season of The Earful Tower and my wife and I are currently in the small coastal village of Courcelles-sur-Mer in Normandy. We’ve driven 400 kilometres on the scooter and we’ve seen a lot, staying in Chantilly, Pacy-sur-Eure, Bernay, and Saint Hymer before arriving on these northern beaches. Here’s[...]
- It's Monday, it's (still) Paris, and the honeymoon is about to begin! Welcome to season four of The Earful Tower, here's an episode laying it all out, playing brand new music from Slim and the Beast (written specifically for this honeymoon trip), and explaining the exciting details for the first leg of the trip. [...]
- Hi guys, it's the off-season here and I'm off getting ready to be married, so I'm looking back to the most popular episode ever from The Earful Tower. You'll hear the voice of myself and my old co-host James as we tackle the best of the best French words with the help of 24 guests![...]
- It’s the season three finale so I figured we’d get a little introspective. So, I’ve brought back the star of last season's Finding Mary episode - Eddie Gee my little brother. He co-hosts our chat about the past, present, and the future of this very podcast, and there’s a surprise guest at the end. Who[...]
- This week it's comedian Sebastian Marx, discussing the French language, performing comedy in French (even though he's an American), and of course, Paris. Join us for the 30-minute chat, and consider signing up as a flaneur on Patreon to see our 50-minute Walk Show on the Grands Boulevards of Paris (where we ended up on[...]
- Hello! This week it's Michael Huffman in the studio talking about chocolate. He's the brains and the tastebuds behind the Paris Chocolate Guru, a group that does chocolate walking and tasting tours in Paris. We discuss where to find the best chocolate in Paris, what kind of chocolate to bring to a French dinner party, and[...]
- The list of the top ten things to see in Paris, according to the city’s Official Visitors Bureau, is fantastic…. but it’s a bit obvious. The Louvre, the Opera Garnier etc etc. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, it’s an iconic list of things to see. But for your second trip to Paris (or maybe your third), here are some real pearls that[...]
- Hi guys, Today’s episode is an interview with The Reverend Michelle Wahila, a New Yorker who has called Paris home for six years. Perhaps better known by the moniker Ruffled By Grace, she whips around Paris in lace and Converse sneakers giving blessings to people who want to live out their dreams of a wedding[...]
- Did you know Paris is home to a massive cemetery called Pere Lachaise, where all kinds of famous and interesting people are buried? Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Oscar Wilde… and about a million more. And it's the most visited cemetery in the world with 3.5 million people checking it out annually. Anyway, today’s guest, Joe[...]
- This week, I'm going to take you on a journey around my newest obsession in Paris - The Philippe Auguste Wall. This wall circled the city 800 years ago, and was gradually torn down, built over, and swallowed up by Paris as the city expanded upwards and outwards - with the wall never to be[...]
- This week’s podcast episode is with YouTube superstar Geraldine from Comme Une Francaise. We discuss over 30 minutes the following five points, not to mention a little about where she lives in Grenoble, why she calls her channel Comme Une Francaise, and I retell the story about how I accidentally called all the French guys[...]
- This week it’s award-winning author Cara Black, best known for her “Murder in…” Paris series. There's Murder in the Marais, Murder in Belleville… and murders in all but two of the other arrondissements. Anyway, in this podcast episode we spoke about everything from how Cara meets with cops in Paris for research, to why paying[...]
- Hi guys, It's quite the episode today - we've got Stefanie Kouatchet from the city hunt company Paris in Action revealing some of her favourite stories about Paris. Each of these places are linked to a place in Paris you may have walked past a million times without ever knowing the stories behind them. Featuring: The[...]
- This week we have Ben and Adeline, the brains behind a new French-learning company called Ilini, and they share some truly interesting things about the French language. This is an episode for you language lovers and language learners out there. Oh yes, and Ilini is a website that helps you learn real life French via[...]
- This week we’re talking all about music and the guest is Bonnie Brown, an Australian concert pianist based in Paris. We talk about everything from life with a piano in your Paris apartment, to how French pupils study classical music in France. We also take about Bonnie’s upcoming (free!) concert at the Australian embassy on[...]
- What is France’s place in Europe? This week I’ve got fellow podcasters Katy and Dominic from The Europeans Podcast and we’re talking about France’s place in Europe. So how does the rest of Europe look at France? How important is France? And what have we got to look forward to in France? We also, of[...]
- Imagine travelling around the entire country of France on the back of a scooter for your honeymoon. Crazy, huh? That's what today's guests plan to do in August this year - to ride around France in a big love-heart shape to celebrate their honeymoon. Oh yes, and the guests are me, your host, and my[...]
- Hi guys, Here's the first ever LIVE podcast episode for The Earful Tower. Here's what you missed if you didn't tune in on Facebook or the radio station for the actual live event. And here are all the links you need below for more info on the guests. The guests: Amber and Sarah on raising[...]
- Hi guys! Let's get something straight. I have no idea why you'd want to annoy a French person. I wouldn't. I love French people. But perhaps you want to know how to avoid annoying them. In that case, here are a few of the things you shouldn't say if you meet a French person, according[...]
- Earful Tower listeners! Thanks for a record-breaking month in March - why not celebrate with a cocktail or ten? Here are the ten best speakeasies in Paris according to cocktail queen and return guest Forest Collins. If you're only here for info and no discussion, skip straight to the nine-minute mark, or just check the[...]
- This week we've got Guy Griffin in the studio talking about hipsters, coffee, and Paris. He's the man behind Cafe Oberkampf and Cafe Mericourt in the trendy 11th arrondissement. Check those coffee shops out right now. Some may say Guy is a hipster himself, so who better to discuss hipsters and how they're changing Paris?[...]
- If you've not heard of His Excellence the Australian Ambassador Brendan Berne (or 'Bernie' to his mates), you missed him going viral in December. Yes, his proposal to his partner was the talk of the town and made headlines around the world (watch it here). Now, three months on, The Earful Tower heads to the[...]
- How well do you speak French? If you're anything like me, you could probably use some improvement. This week’s guest is Camille Chevalier-Karfis, the founder of the French Today website, which teaches both traditional and modern French. She talks about some simple tricks for how to improve your French speaking. In fact, she gives five[...]
- We have the empress of Paris real estate - Adrian Leeds - in the studio today talking about property in Paris. You might recognize her from the hit TV show House Hunters International. She suggests good places in Paris to buy an apartment, she discusses the difficulties of buying a place as a foreigner, and[...]
- Paris is home to some of the most famed classical art in the history of the world. The Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Rodin's sculpture of The Thinker. Monet's game-changing forays into Impressionism. But there's one Paris art movement that's getting a lot of people very excited - and it's right beneath our noses, by[...]
- Today's episode is a top-20 bonanza! I had tour guide extraordinaire April Pett in the studio to take me on a virtual walk through Paris. She gives her favourite street in each of the 20 Paris arrondissements. I like her list because it's not just streets, there are bridges, alleyways, elevated walkways and more, and[...]
- So what's the big difference between France and Paris? Are they the same? Or are they wildly different? We have Janine Marsh - the woman behind The Good Life France website - in the studio to chat about it all, and also her new book My Good Life in France. Find out more here. Referenced[...]
- The best way to understand a country is to understand the person running it. That's my theory at least. And with that in mind, we've got Adam Plowright in the studio. Now, Adam may not be the person running France, but he is the man who wrote the first book in English about France's President[...]
- We're back! Season three already! We're starting off with a bang, talking to Clotilde Dusoulier, the brains behind the hit website Chocolate & Zucchini. In case you don't know her, she was the first ever French food blogger - and she does it in English! She explains how to tackle French food markets, how to[...]
- Merry Christmas Earful Tower listeners... here's a little hello from me and Corey Frye, plus a bit of news about the show. PS: The wolf wall we talked about is at the corner of Rue de la Fontaine au Roi and Rue Saint Maur in the 11th arrondissement. Happy holidays *********** The Earful Tower exists[...]
- Earful Tower listeners - here's the season 2 finale. I'm purposely going to go light on the details here, but recommend you get comfortable for this story - I can guarantee it's one you've never heard before. Thanks to Josh Vardey who stepped in for the editing on this one. This episode was performed live[...]
- It's a very different episode of The Earful Tower this time around. Meet Eddie Gee, my little brother, who has just been in Paris trying to help me solve a ten-year-old mystery. In short, we're tracking down Mary, a woman who saved both of our skins on our first trip to Paris a decade ago.[...]
- Forget the studio this week, we're heading into the Metro system. Yes, I'm joined by podcaster Luke Thompson from Luke's English Podcast to take Line 2 around town while recording an episode about the subway system itself. And did we time it right so Corey Frye gets on the train as Luke gets off? Listen in[...]
- Meet Jennifer Greco, better known online as the woman behind the Chez LouLou blog, and a cheese and wine tour guide extraordinaire. And we're talking cheese. Specifically, the mistake people make while eating it! Here are some of the points so you can remember, but please listen below (and hang around for a story at[...]
- Today I've got a Frenchwoman who teaches French at French Today to teach me French pronunciation today. Still following? Good. Here comes Camille Chevalier-Karfis, who runs the French Today website, and she sets me straight on how to pronounce the following ten words. (Plus we have a good old chat, with me in the studio[...]
- Yep, this time we have Julie Collard in the studio to talk about her one-woman stand-up show “Oh My God she is a Parisienne”. But what IS a Parisian woman, and are any of the myths actually true? Apparently they’re all myths, at least according to Julie. Hang around at the end of the episode[...]
- This week we head to the American Library in Paris to talk to Grant Rosenberg all about books, Paris, and working by the Eiffel Tower. And Corey Frye, tour guide extraordinaire, somehow ties it all together at the end with a Paris story related to libraries too!
- Did you know there's a sewer museum in Paris? In case you're put off by the thought of even stepping foot inside it - don't worry, I've done it for you. Yes, I teamed up with past guest Amber Minogue (hear her last appearance here) and we went underground to check out the Musée des[...]
- For those of you who couldn't make it to our live show on November 15th - don't fret - it was recorded. Here's what it sounds like to do an episode to a sell-out crowd. The episode itself was recorded just like a normal one, featuring the inimitable author John Baxter, a story from tour[...]
- Here come Elin and Charles, a Swedish/French couple taking a new look at Paris via the medium of embroidery. We talked about their workshops, their embroidery, and a new language I invented. Check out their work at Le Kadre via this link, and scroll down for a quick look. And hang around at the end of[...]
- "It's fully part of France, but it's completely detached". That's how this week's guest describes her island home Guadeloupe, which is 100 percent French even though it's in the Caribbean. Yes, here comes Laura K Lawless, an American teacher of the French language who lives 6,750km from Paris in what's known as a DomTom. We[...]
- Here comes Tal Spiegel, the man with over 200 pairs of colourful shoes to go with his colourful pastry. If you've never heard of him, check out Desserted in Paris on Instagram and inject some serious colour into your life. Here's our chat, followed by a story from Corey, as usual. *********** The Earful Tower[...]
- The Left Bank, or, as the French say, the Rive Gauche. What is it? Where is it? Or who is it? And what's the live event we're doing on November 15th? All these questions are answered with the help of author John Baxter, Set in Paris's Abigail de Bruyne, Coutume's Tom Clark, tour guide Corey[...]
- It's Halloween, so here's a spooky story from the Paris Whisperer, Corey Frye. Happy Halloweening. *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon members. From $10 a month you can unlock almost endless extras including bonus podcast episodes, live video replays, special event invites, and our annually updated PDF guide to Paris. [...]
- I got an amazing gift for my birthday - a Paris guide book from 1911. So, I decided to get the Paris whisperer, Corey Frye, to come in and look through it with me. Of course, he had no idea what he was in for until the last second. Here's our chat about it. ***********[...]
- I meet with Jim, a 71-year-old Brit who has been in Paris since 1965. This isn’t a typical episode - it’s a little more laid back, (but we still did a quick-fire round), and it's a little more conversational. We talk about the advantages of being a foreigner in France, the differences between French and[...]
- This week it's American journalist, Heidi Moore, who LOVES Paris. While she doesn't live here, she's probably visited more than most tourists ever will, so we had her into the studio to talk about the city. Specifically, she explains how NOT to be an American in Paris. If you're not American, you can still learn[...]
- Amber Minogue, the woman behind the Paname podcast, comes into the studio and clears up how Paris got its nickname. She also talks about her Paris podcast, the cafe that charges five euros for a cup of milk, and how to spot a movie set in Paris. And hang around for Corey’s Story at the[...]
- This week we have the one of the cofounders of HolyBelly, the hippest breakfast place in Paris. The team has opened a second location, just down the road from the first one, so I headed down to check it out. Nico talks about the restaurant, how he is coming to terms with the word brunch[...]
- Here's how to live in Paris on the cheap. Everything mentioned on the show is written out, with addresses, on our website here. Happy saving! *********** The Earful Tower exists thanks to support from its Patreon members. From $10 a month you can unlock almost endless extras including bonus podcast episodes, live video replays, special[...]
- This week we're joined by Adam Roberts from the Invisible Paris blog. It's thanks to Adam that I learned about chasses roues (pictured below), which I blogged about before here. He's also the guy who inspired me to head out to the "human zoo" at the eastern edge of Paris. More on this over the[...]
- This week we're joined in the studio by Paris guru Lindsey Tramuta - the woman behind The New Paris and the Lost in Cheeseland blog. She recommends the top restaurant experiences in every arrondissement of the right bank of Paris. Plus we talk about everything from her new podcast to Scarlett Johansson's popcorn shop in[...]
- This time, you're gonna hear how an American fan of our show suggested a guest and an episode topic for us - and the next thing he knew, he was in the studio, co-hosting a show and meeting his favourite Paris author. Yes, we had Colby Fox (whose pictures we just published) in the studio[...]