Parentalité is a new show about raising kids in France, the French parenting style, and how to balance it while still holding on to our anglophone traditions.
The show is produced by both Message Paris , an association for English speaking parents and caregivers based in Paris and Île-de-France, and World Radio Paris.

Hosted by ARBL Murray, Rachelle Chapman with guest Joelle Benoliel
On this episode of PARENTALITÉ, we meet Joelle Benoliel, an American mom living in the heart of Paris. She is a communications coach and talks with Rachelle Chapman and ARBL Murray about navigating the cultural differences between French and American lifestyles. We talk about old French Christmas traditions, Hanukah, and French holiday cinema.
Episode Notes and Recommendations:
Santa Claus is a Stinker (Le père Noël est une ordure) 1982 AND it’s American remake Mixed Nuts! FOR ADULTS
French Fried Vacation 2: The Bronzes go Skiing (Les Bronzés font du ski) 1979! FOR ADULTS
Santa & Cie (2017) FOR KIDS
Paris Playgrounds for meeting up with parents and other kids –
Jardin Villemin & Jardin Nelson Mandela
In The News:
Anne Hidalgo announced an “urban forest” planting scheme for the Place de l’Hotel de Ville
Paris & IDF Holiday Lists:
Ice Skating at les Grand Palais
Holiday Markets:
Tuileries,. Vincennes, Chantilly

Hosted by Meg Gerner, Rachelle Chapman, and ARBL Murray
This episode is all about HALLOWEEN! We talk about French traditions, the Invasion of American Halloween. We talk about the best spooky French movies. Adam Levy tells a scary ghost story set in the Tuileries Gardens of Paris, and we interview Trick or Treaters at Message Paris’ annual Spooktackular event.
In the past 30 years or so, as more English speaking people settle in France, Late-20th-century Halloween traditions have invaded France and are changing the way the autumn season is typically enjoyed. The French traditionally celebrate All Saint’s Day on November 1st after generally a two week school break- this holiday is known as “Toussaint,” and is a somber observance during which many French families remember their loved ones who have passed on. Some families visit graves. It is a day to remember all saints, both known and unknown.